%%greeks%%= proposed atoms are made of earth
%%jj thomson%%= worked with cathode ray
%%chadwick%%= discovered the neutron
%%rutherford%%= discovered the nucleus
%%jj thomson%%= identified the electron
%%protons%%= positive charge, 1+ g (amu), inside the nucleus
%%neutrons%%= neutral charge, 0g (amu), inside the nucleus
%%electrons%%= negative charge, 1-g(amu), outside the nucleus
%%mass number%%= protons + neutrons
%%net force%%= protons + electrons
%%atoms%%= individusl building blocks of matter; pieces of elements from the table
%%molecules%%= anything made up of at least 2 non-metal atoms; can either be the same element
%%Protons and neutrons%%- the particles found in the nucleus
%%Protons%%- the particles that determine the identity of an element