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Somatic nervous system

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Somatic nervous system

Carries sensory information and controls movement of the skeletal muscles

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Autonomic nervous system

Automatically regulates glands

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Part of the hindbrain that controls heartbeat

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Somatosensory cortex

Area of cortex at the front of the parietal lobes responsible for processing information from the skin and internal body receptors for touch

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Part of the forebrain that relays information from sensory organs to the cerebral cortex.

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Cingulate Cortex

Primary cortical component of the limbic system

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Part of the forebrain that regulates the amount of fear

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Influences our motivation

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Plays a role in our learning

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A person’s awareness of everything that is going on around him or her at any given time

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Suprachiasmatic Nucleus

Internal clock of people that tells them to wake up or sleep.

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Beta waves

Smaller and faster brain waves

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Alpha waves

Brain waves that indicate a state of relaxation or light sleep.

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Theta waves

Brain waves indicating the early stages of sleep.

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Delta waves


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Activation-Synthesis Hypothesis

A premise that states that dreams are created by the higher centers of the cortex to explain the activation by the brain stem of cortical cells during REM sleep periods.

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Activation-Information-Mode Model (AIM)

A revised version of the activation-synthesis explanation of dreams in which information that is accessed during waking hours can have an influence on the synthesis of dreams.

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Hypnosis can: Create amnesia for whatever happens during the hypnotic session

at least for a brief time; Relieve pain by allowing a person to remove conscious attention from the pain; Alter sensory perceptions such as smell

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Hypnosis cannot: Give people superhuman strength under hypnosis

does not actually enhance their strength beyond their normal capabilities; While hypnosis may enhance memory

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Classical Conditioning: A type of learning where an organism associates a neutral stimulus with a meaningful stimulus to elicit a response; Example

Pavlov's dogs salivating at the sound of a bell because they were conditioned to associate the bell with food.

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Operant Conditioning: A type of learning where behavior is strengthened or weakened by the consequences that follow it; Example

A rat pressing a lever to receive a food reward

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Stimulus Generalization

The tendency to respond to a stimulus that is only similar to the original conditioned stimulus with the conditioned response.

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Stimulus Discrimination

The tendency to stop making a generalized response to a stimulus that is similar to the original conditioned stimulus because the similar stimulus is never paired with the unconditioned stimulus.

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The disappearance or weakening of a learned response following the removal or absence of the unconditioned stimulus (in classical conditioning) or the removal of a reinforcer (in operant conditioning).

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Spontaneous Recovery

The reappearance of a learned response after extinction has occurred.

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The reinforcement of simple steps in behavior through successive approximations that lead to a desired

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Law of Effect

Law stating that if an action is followed by a pleasurable consequence

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Positive Reinforcement

Adds something good so action is repeated.

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Negative Reinforcement

Removes something bad so something is repeated.

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Positive Punishment

Adds something bad so the action is not done again.

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Negative Punishment

Removes something good so action is not done again.

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Albert Bandura’s Bobo Doll: Albert Bandura's Bobo Doll experiment was conducted in 1961; The study aimed to investigate the role of observational learning and aggression in children; Children were exposed to a video of an adult model behaving aggressively towards a Bobo doll; Children who witnessed the aggressive behavior were more likely to imitate it; The study provided evidence for the social learning theory and emphasized the importance of observational learning in shaping behavior.

Albert Bondura

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Retrograde Amnesia: Inability to recall past memories or events that occurred before the onset of amnesia; Temporal Aspect

Typically affects memories formed before the brain injury or trauma; Selective Impact

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Anterograde Amnesia: Difficulty forming new memories or retaining information after the onset of amnesia; Temporal Aspect

Primarily impacts the ability to create and store new memories; Impaired Learning

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Memory is an active system that receives information from the senses

puts that information into a usable form

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is the set of mental operations that people perform on sensory information to convert it into a form usable in the brain's storage systems.

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refers to holding on to information for some period of time.

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is the process of getting information that is in storage into a form that can be used.

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Information-processing model

is a model of memory that assumes the processing of information for memory storage is similar to the way a computer processes memory in a series of three stages.

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Parallel Distributed Processing (PDP) Model

A model of memory in which memory processes are proposed to take place at the same time over a large network of neural connections.

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Levels-of-Processing Model

Model of memory that assumes information that is more “deeply processed

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Maintenance Rehearsal

Practice of saying some information to be remembered over and over in one’s head in order to maintain it in short-term memory.

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Elaborative Rehearsal

A way of increasing the number of retrieval cues for information by connecting new information with something that is already well known.

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Nondeclarative (Implicit) Memory

Type of long-term memory

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