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What are the symptoms of angina?

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What are the symptoms of angina?

  • SOB

  • chest pain

  • tachycardia

  • diaphoresis (excessive sweating)

  • nausea

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What are the characteristics of chest pain?

Mnemonic: “PQRST”

P- precipitating factors

Q- quality of pain

R- region/radiation of pain

S- severity of pain

T- timing/ temporal pattern

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What are the MODIFIABLE risk factors for Ischemic Heart disease?

  • Inactivity

  • Obesity

  • HTN

  • diabetes

  • dyslipidemia

  • smoking

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What are the NON-MODIFIABLE risk factors for Ischemic Heart disease?

  • Age

  • Gender

    • in males more common

  • family history

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How do nitrates effect myocardial oxygen supply and demand?

Supply- increase

demand- decrease

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How do beta-blockers effect myocardial oxygen supply and demand?

supply- no effect

demand- decrease

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How do Non-DHP CCBs effect myocardial oxygen supply and demand?

Supply- increase

demand- decrease

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How do DHP CCBs effect myocardial oxygen supply and demand?

Supply- increase

demand- decrease

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What are the 3 determinants of oxygen demand?

  1. HR

  2. Contractility

  3. ventricular wall pressure

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What layer of the coronary artery allows for relaxation and prevention of blood clots and plaque build up?

endothelial layer

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How does a Heart attack present in women versus men?

Women- atypical, epigastric

Men- typical

  • sub-sternal, left side, radiates down left arm

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What type of diagnostic test for CAD is invasive and involves injecting dyes into the coronary vessels to identify the extent/location of the disease?

coronary angiography

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What are the general ways we can treat angina?

  • lifestyle

  • pharm therapy

  • Revascularization

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Revascularization is for ____________ CAD. What are some of the different revascularization techniques?

Revascularization is for obstructive CAD

  • different techniques:

    • PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention)

      • PTCA (percutaneous transluminal coronary angiography)

    • CABG (coronary artery bypass graft)

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What is the dosing for sublingual nitroglycerin?

0.3 or 0.4 mg SL x 1 dose

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What is the brand name for:

  • isosorbide mononitrate ER

  • isosorbide dinitrate

  • isosorbide mononitrate ER- Imdur

  • isosorbide dinitrate- Isordil

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What is the starting and max dose of Imdur?

Starting: 30-60 mg PO daily

Max: 240 mg

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What is the starting and maintenance dose of Isordil?

Starting: 5-20 mg q6 hrs

Maintenance: 40-80 mg

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Nitrates are contraindicated with what class of drugs?

PDE5 Inhibitors (-afil)

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What are the ADRs of nitrates?

  • flushing

  • orthostatic hypotension

  • reflex tachycardia

  • dizzy

  • HA

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To avoid tolerance, you MUST have a nitrate free period of ___-___ hours.

8-14 hours

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Beta-blockers are used in ALL patients with what?

Left Ventricular dysfunction (LVEF <40%) and prior MI

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What are the contraindications of non-DHPs?

  • HF

  • bradycardia

  • SA node dysfunction

  • AV block

  • hypotension

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What are the contraindications of DHPs?


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When is Ranolazine used in treatment for angina?

  • CHRONIC angina

  • used last line if other meds don’t work

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What is a benefit of Ranolazine?

Doesn’t effect HR or BP

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What is the initiation and titrated dose of Ranolazine?

Iniital: 500 mg PO BID

Titrate: to 1000mg PO BID

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All patients with CAD should continue ________________ indefinitely.


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What is the dosing of aspirin?

81 mg PO daily

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What is the dosing of clopidogrel?

75 mg PO daily

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Clopidogrel is only used if…

aspirin is contraindicated

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For Prinzmetal or variant angina, what is our drug of choice in acute settings?

sublingual Nitroglycerin

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For Prinzmetal or variant angina, what is our drug of choice for prevention?



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What is our BP goal to reduce CV events?


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To manage lipids to reduce CV events, what drugs can we use?

1st line- high intensity statin

2nd- add Ezetimibe

3rd- add PSCK9 inhibitor

4th- consider icosapent ethyl

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What is our A1c goal in pts. with Diabetes mellitus to reduce CV events?

< 7%

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In diabetics, what 2 medication classes can be considered for reduction in MACE?

GLP-1 receptor agonists or SGLT2 inhibitors

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What is the recommended alcohol intake per day to reduce cardiovascular and all-cause death?

Women: ≤1

Men: ≤2

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What are the exercise recommendations to reduce CV mortality?

Exercise ≥ 150 minutes / week of moderate-intensity aerobic activities
75 minutes/week of higher-intensity aerobic activities

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In general, should nonpresciption or dietary supplements be used to reduce CV risk?


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