France has stood up for Liberty democracy and fraternity
at home it remained monarchy
rich people were richer and poor people were more poor than before.
France was in crisis
1789 luois the 16 rulled france
The queen was a big money spender
bad harvest, so bread was bad…
marie antoinette wanted to make a “meat cake”
which doesn’t have meat
church had to pay atleast some taxes
louis the 16 was forced to make estates general such as…
the Clergy (first estate)
Aristocracy (second estate)
and ordinary people (third estate)
discontempt was rising, while she roleplayed walking through a feild
1789 third estate disagreed and declared a national estate which was on a tenis court
swore in the so called “tenis court oath”
country side pesants destroyed and took over buildings
a month later there was a decliration that protects property and insurance because of what the third estate was doing.
octover 5th women did a march (like a protest)
queens best friend was violated, killed, just because of this.
the asembal;ly did a constitution of the clergy to confensate man property
1791 queen trried to flee but were caught
war broke out
republic got shame so they did a political center
From the way the French arranged themselves based on their political beliefs, we get the modern concept of people being left, center, or right along the political spectrum.
politics had certain rules
women were creating rightful ways as citizens
then a women did a constitution
women went into political clubs, womens equality with men. (power within family)
also larger % of herances
1792 perasian masses took extreem action (royal army)
invaded king and forced them to do the national convention
then recalled for every other kingdom to do the same
once declared a republic, louis was executed
soon became a bloodbath
reign of virtue
new national calendar, clothing, etc
40,000 people were executed for the committee of public safety to preserve the republic.
spies and trators were reported everywhere
women were especially targeted during the Terror, including feminist author Olympe de Gouges and (former) Queen Marie Antoinette