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Stage 1: Trust V. Mistrust.
1 is a bun. birth-1 year. if needs of dependency are met, babies develop basic trust.
Stage 2: autonomy vs. shame and doubt
1-2 years. toddlers learn to control will and do things for themselves
Stage 3: initiative vs. Guilt
3-5 years. preschoolers learn to initiate tasks and carry them out, or they feel guilty about efforts to be independent. 3 is a tree with shia lebouf and a quilt
Stage 4: industry vs. Inferiority
6-12 years. elementary school age children develop a sense of insudtry or competence and learn productive skills their culture requires; if not, they feel inferior. 4 is a dinosaur who is dusty
Stage 5: Identity vs. role confusion
12-20 years. adolescents develop a coherent sense of self and their role in society or they face identity/role confusion. 5 is a confusing skydive
Stage 6: intimacy vs. isolation
20-30 years. young adults form intimate connections with others, if not, they may experience feelings of isolation. 6 is sticks who are intimate
Stage 7: generativity vs. stagnation
30-65 years. middle-aged develop concern for establishing guiding and influencing the next generation; if not, they face stagnation (lifelessness). 7 is heaven with a dead generator and a stag who is sad it is dead
Stage 8: Ego integrity vs. Dispair
65+ years. older people enter a period of reflection and life review. 8 is a plate with grits and dis pear