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1 count, "I wonder if the lion be to speak"
No wonder, my lord. One lion may when many asses do
2 counts, "would you desire life and hair to speak better?"
It is the wittiest partition I ever heard discourse, my lord
17 counts, "Now is the mural down between the two neighbors"
No remedy, my lord, when walls are so willful to hear without warning
6 counts, "A very gentle beast, of a good conscience"
A very best at a beast, my lord, that e'er I saw
2 counts, "True. And a goose for his discretion"
Not so, my lord. For his valor cannot carry his discretion, and the fox carries the goose
2 counts, "...this lantern doth the horned moon present"
He should have worn the horns on his head
3 counts, "...how is it else the "man i'th' moon"?
He dares not come there for the candle. For you see, it is already in snuff
3 counts, "..and this dog, my dog"
Why, all these should be in the Lanthorn, for all these are in the moon. —But silence! Here comes Thisbe
2 counts, "(roaring) Oh!"
Well roared, lion!
3 counts, "well moused, lion!"
And then came Pyramus
5 counts, "die!(5x)"
No die, but an ace for him, for he is but one
5 counts, "I hope she will be brief"
A note will turn the balance, which Pyramus, which Thisbe, is better. He for a man, god warrent us, she for a woman, god bless us.
1 counts, "she hath spied him already with those sweet eyes"
And this she means, videlicet