Gases and Solutions

One mole of any gas occupies 24dm3 at 20c

  • At the same temperature and pressure, equal number of moles of any gas will occupy the same volume

    • At room temperature and pressure one mole of any gas will occupy 24dm3

    • You can use this formula to find the volume of a known mass of any gas

      • Volume of gas = mass of gas / Mr of gas x 24

You can calculate volumes of gases in reactions

  • For reactions between gases,you can use the volume of one gas to find the volume of another

Concentration is a measure of how crowded things are

  • Lots of reactions in chemistry take place between substances that are dissolved in a a solution

  • The amount of a substance in a certain volume of a solution is called its concentration

  • The more solute there is in a given volume, the more concentrated the solution

  • One way to measure the concentration of a solution is by calculating the mass of a substance in a given volume of solution

  • The units will be units of mass/units of volume

    • Concentration = mass of solute / volume of solvent

    • Concentration = number of moles of solute / volume of solvent
