IB SL Physics Option B

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Conservation of energy

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Engineering Physics: Rotational Dynamics and Thermodynamics

49 Terms


Conservation of energy

Energy can not be created or destroyed, it just changes form

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Angular displacement

a change in angle

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Angular velocity

Alt 1: rate of change of angular displacement

Alt 2: change in angular displacement per unit time

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Angular acceleration

Alt 1: rate of change of angular velocity

Alt 2: change in angular velocity per unit time

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Angular momentum

product of moment of inertia and angular velocity

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Conservation of angular momentum

Alt 1: if the net external force acting on a system is zero, the momentum of the system remains constant

Alt 2: for a closed system, the momentum remains constant

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Centre of gravity

• point where weight/gravitational force of object

• may be considered / appears to act

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Moment of inertia

Alt 1: an object’s ability to resist a change in rotational motion

Alt 2: equivalent of mass in rotational equations

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the ability of an object to resist linear acceleration

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Rotational equilibrium

sum of the torques/moments of the forces is zero

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• sum of forces acting on the object is zero

• sum of torques on the object is zero

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equal to force per unit area

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extension of an object from its original length

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Torque (Moment)

• ability of a force to produce rotation

• equal to the product of the magnitude of a force and the perpendicular distance to the axis of rotation

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Torque of a couple

• a couple is pair of equal parallel forces that act in opposite directions

• torque of a couple is equal to product of magnitude of a force and perpendicular distance between forces;

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Work (for rotational dynamics)

equal to the product of torque and angular displacement parallel to/in the direction of the force

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Newton’s first law (for rotational dynamics)

A body remains at rest or at a constant angular velocity unless acted on by a net external torque

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Newton’s second law (for rotational dynamics)

• net torque is equal to the product of moment of inertia and angular acceleration

• the rate of change of angular momentum of a body is equal to the net torque acting on the body

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Newton’s third law

when two bodies A and B interact, the force that A exerts on B is equal and opposite to the force that B exerts on A

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Ideal gas

1: a gas that obeys the universal gas law/ideal gas law at all pressures, volumes and temperatures

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Ideal gas assumptions

• large number of identical particles

• particles move in random motion at high speeds

• no intermolecular forces

• all collisions are elastic

• duration of collisions much less than time between collisions

• volume of molecules is negligible to volume of container

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Internal energy

sum of random kinetic energy and intermolecular potential energy in the particles of a substance

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Alt 1: proportional to a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles of a substance

Alt 2: macroscopic measure of average kinetic energy of particles of a substance

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Thermal energy

the non-mechanical transfer of energy between two different bodies as a result of a temperature difference between them

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Thermal equilibrium

rate of energy absorption is equal to the rate of energy emission

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complete set of objects that are under consideration

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everything that is not part of a system

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Open system

a system in which mass can enter and leave

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Closed system

a system in which mass cannot enter and leave

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Isolated system

a system in which energy cannot enter or leave

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Monatomic gas

a gas that consists of particles that have single atoms

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a system is at a particular state if all the parameters defining the system are given (temperature, pressure, volume)

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Thermodynamic process

any process that changes the state of the system

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Adiabatic process

• a change in the pressure, volume and temperature of the system

• in which no thermal energy transferred between the system and the surroundings

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Isobaric process

a process that takes place at constant pressure

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Isochoric (isovolumetric) process

a process that takes place at constant volume

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Isothermal process

a process in which temperature remains constant

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First law of thermodynamics

• the energy transferred between a system and its surroundings

• is equal to the work done on the system plus the change in internal energy of the system

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Second law of thermodynamics

Alt 1: the total entropy of an isolated system never decreases

Alt 2: the total entropy of the universe is always increasing

Alt 3 (Clausius): work is required to be supplied in order for thermal energy to flow from a cold to a hot object

Alt 4 (Kelvin): In a cyclic process, it is impossible to completely convert heat into mechanical energy

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Cyclic process

a process in which the initial and final state are the same

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the measure of disorder in a system

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Heat engine

a device that converts thermal energy into mechanical work

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Carnot engine

• consists of two isothermal and two adiabatic thermodynamic processes

• no engine can be more efficient than a Carnot engine operating between the same temperatures

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Outline how an approximate adiabatic change can be achieved.

• adiabatic means no transfer of heat in or out of the system;

• should be fast;

• can be slow if the system is insulated;

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State a reason why a Carnot cycle is of little use for a practical heat engine.

the isothermal processes would have to be conducted very slowly

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Some nuclear reactors have a heat exchanger that uses a gas that is kept at constant volume.

Describe how the first and second laws of thermodynamics apply in the operation of the heat exchanger

• no change in volume therefore W = 0;

• When heat is transferred from reactor to gas, internal energy of gas increases;

• When heat is transferred from gas to surroundings, internal energy of gas decreases;

• entropy of the gas increases as energy is transferred from the reactor;

• entropy of the surroundings increases as energy is transferred from the gas;

• entropy of gas decreases on cooling;

• overall the entropy of the total system increases;

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State, by reference to energy exchanges, the difference between a heat pump and a heat engine.

• heat pump uses work to transfer thermal energy from a cold to a hot reservoir;

• heat engine transfers thermal energy into work;

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When a chicken develops inside an egg, the entropy of the egg and its contents decreases. Explain how this observation is consistent with the second law of thermodynamics.

• the process gives off thermal energy;

• therefore entropy of surroundings increases by a greater factor;

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State what happens to the entropy of water as it freezes. Outline how this change in entropy is consistent with the second law of thermodynamics.

• the entropy of water decreases;

• when water freezes it releases energy;

• therefore KE of surrounding air molecules increases;

• therefore, the surroundings are in a more disordered state;

• and entropy of the universe increases;

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