Migration to move from one country, region or place to another
Migration = Movement
Emigration to leave one country or region to settle in another
Emigration = Exit
Immigration- to come to a country of which one is not a natice
usually for permanent residence
Immigration = In
Push Factors - Negative things that make people want to leave a country
Poor service = social
Lack of Education = social
Poor Medical Care = social
Unemployment = economic
Poor pay = economic
Hazardous working conditions = economic
Persecution/targeted = political
War = political
Pull Factors - Positive factors that make people want to go to a country
Plenty of Food = social
Available services = social
Lots of doctors = social
Job Opportunities = economic
Better quality of life = economic
Good pay = economic
Democracy = political
Freedom = political
Illegal Immigrant -
Someone who is in the country illegally, either illegally or overstaying their visa.
Asylum seeker -
A person who has left their country and is seeking protection from persecution and serious human rights violations in another country, but who hasn’t yet been legally recognized as a refugee and is waiting to receive a refugee status.
Refugee -
A person who has fled their own country because they are at risk of serious human rights violations and persecution there. Refugees have a right to international protection.
Net Migration Rate -
The rate of migration rate is the difference between the number of immigrants and the number of emigrants throughout the year. It is expressed as the net number of migrants per 1000 population.
A negative net migration rate means that there are more people leaving the country than entering it.
A positive net migration rate means that there are more people entering the country than leaving it.
Push and Pull Examples -
It is hard to make a living
Collapse of the sugar industry
Made workers move out to find jobs in cities
⅔ of the population are now in cities
Cities are overcrowded and urban unemployment rates are high
Forced to travel to nearby island
In the 1990’s, the tourist industry increased on the island
The demand of workers pulled many people from the large or growing tourist industry
Political conflict in Cuba and Haiti pushed people to migrate to United States
Remittance -
Most migrants who find jobs send the money to their families using remittances
Remittance = money sent from a person from another place
This has become a stable for the economy in the Caribbeans
The amount of money can vary from 79 million to 564 million
These are sent from sibling from other countries, like United States, Canada, and France