Unit 5 The Periodic Table >

5.1 Parts of the Periodic Table

An easy way to remember Metalloids is to know that they go in a zig-zag line from Boron to SiliconMetals:



Transition Metals:

The Groups and Periods are labeled with their numbers as you go down the columns and rows (See at the top and left)

Periods vs. Groups

there are 7 periods (rows)

there are 18 groups (columns)

Group 1 elements (hydrogen omitted): Alkali metals

✩They are soft metals that quickly become coated with a black coating when exposed to air

✩These elements are kept in oil to prevent corrosion/oxidation with air

✩All of these metals react in water aggressively and oxidize to air

✩When going down the line, these metals seem to corrode more quickly and explode more aggressively in water

✩Soft, silver metals

Group 2 elements: Alkaline earth metals

✩Each has two valence electrons and shares different properties

✩These metals, except for magnesium, are stored in oil

✩Melting and boiling points decrease down the line, and the metals get softer

✩Magnesium will only react with steam, not cold water

✩The reaction of each metal with water becomes more vigorous as it goes down the line

✩Reactive but not as reactive as Alkali metals

✩Soft, silver metals

Group 18 elements: Noble Gases (Lazy gases)

✩Most stable or inactive non-metals

Group 17: Halogens (Only the first four compared)

✩Most reactive nonmetals

✩Halogen elements consist of diatomic molecules

✩Very soluble in water

✩React with aluminum
