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source program
what is a program written in assembly language
Details of the hardware
what does the operating system hide from the user
embedded systems
Computers that are placed within other types of devices to control their operation
microwaves, thermostats, airplanes
examples of embedded systems
a start or end point
what does an oval represent in a flow chart
purchase process
example of oval
a relationship between representative shapes
what does an arrow represent
going from approving purchase requisition form to cash/credit card
example of arrow
input or output
what does a parallelogram represent
example of parallelogram
a process
what does a rectangle represent
filling out CCPR
example of rectangle
a decision
what does a rhombus represent
cash or credit card
example of rhombus
bus cycle
what is a single transaction between the system memory and the CPU
the users and the hardware
what does system software act as an intermediary between
important information that is easy to understand
what does the system software present to the user
unimportant details of Von Neumann architecture
what does the system software hide from the user
the resources of a computer
what does the system software manage
operating system
the main piece of system software that helps to run and manage a computer system
user interface, scheduler, utilities
what are some of the software packages that the operating system activates?
user interface management
operating system - receptionist
control of access to system and data files
operating system - security guard
program scheduling and activation
operating system - dispatcher
efficient resource allocation
operating system - efficiency expert
deadlock detection and error detection
operating system - traffic officer
language services
programs that allow you to write programs in a high-level, user-oriented language rather than machine language and to execute these programs easily and efficiently
assemblers, compilers, interpreters
examples of language services
what generation is assembly language
advantages of assembly language
Use of symbolic operation codes rather than numeric (binary) ones
Use of symbolic memory addresses rather than numeric (binary) ones
Pseudo-operations that provide useful user-oriented services such as data generation
Op Code Mnemonic
The symbolic names of op codes.
examples of op code mnemonics
high-level programming languages
A programming language that uses both natural language constructs and mathematical notation.
C++, Java, Python
examples of high-level programming languages
machine language
what does assembly language convert to
algorithmic problem solving cycle
one of the central themes of computer science
op code table
Alphabetized list of all legal assembly language op codes and their binary equivalents.
Static RAM
a type of RAM chip that uses flip flops and doesn't need to be constantly refreshed
Dynamic RAM
A type of RAM that constantly needs refreshing, even with the power on, so the data is not lost.
Static requires a lot more space, more expensive
difference between Static RAM and Dynamic RAM
built-in program which initializes computer hardware and launches the operating system when the computer starts
Basic input/output system
what does BIOS stand for
op code table
what converts symbolic op codes into binary
Privileged Operation Codes
Operation code whose use is restricted to the operating system or other system software.
what instruction became a privileged operation code
An assembly language command that does not actually produce a machine-language instruction but performs a service on behalf of the user
what precedes a pseudo-op to indicate its type
allows only numeric memory addresses. Can't name an instruction and refer to it by its name
program libraries
A collection of software utilities provided for the user
I/O systems
these software packages allow you to easily and efficiently use the many different types of input and output devices that exist on a modern computer system
I/O controller
type of I/O systems
a powerful GUI
what do all modern operating systems provide
virtual machine
Set of services and resources created by the software and seen by the user.
completely error free
what must a program be when executing it properly
cloud computing
a computing system in which the user can be completely unaware of where data is stored and where services are being provided
command language
The language used to enter system commands; today, its more commonly a set of actions, such as mouse clicks or finger taps
The operating system prevent programs or users from attempting operations that cause the computer system to enter a state where it's incapable of doing any further work (frozen state where all useful work comes to a grinding halt)
operating system controls access to the computer and its resources. It must prevent unauthorized users from accessing the system and prevent authorized users from doing unauthorized things.
most common operations in any algorithm
evaluation of arithmetic expressions
testing and comparing values
Direct Memory Access
a method that allows an I/O device to send or receive data directly to or from the main memory, bypassing the CPU to speed up memory operations
4 types of system resources
I/O addresses
Memory addresses
Interrupt request numbers
DMA channels
op code
the portion of a machine language instruction that specifies the operation to be performed
translates assembly language into machine language
translates high-level language into machine language
object programs
programs in machine language form
high-level programming languages
what's easy for programmers to understand
low-level programming languages
what's easy for computers to understand
machine or assembly language
examples of low-level programming languages
source code
a group of instructions a programmer writes using computer programming languages.
low-level programming languages
what kind of languages are written in binary
high-level programming language
what kind of languges are wriitten in english wrods