ap euro midterm that idk


  • civic humanism - idea that education should prepare leaders to achieve in civic affairs
  • Francis Petrarch - father of humanism
  • humanism - emphasized human beings, achievements, interests, capabilities
  • individualism - personality, uniqueness, genius, full development of capabilities
    • Renaissance = individuals wanted success + showcase their talents
  • Florence - ruled by medici family
    • got rich off trade (basically a mafia)
    • banking empire that were even popes
  • Italy run by different oligarchies
    • group of wealthy people that lead the gov
  • cottage industry - textile (cloth) work done by peasants in their homes
  • inner city warfare in Italy - no city wanted any other city getting too strong
  • linear perspective and geometry used in art


Protestant / Catholic Reformation

  • john Wycliffe - stressed bible was sole authority and personal connection
  • Luther posted 95 thesis criticizing church reforms especially Tetzel’s selling indulgences
  • pope excommunicated Luther after publishing theology of reform
  • Diet of worms
    • Charles V demands Luther apologize → Luther refused
    • Edict of Worm - Luther is outlawed
    • Luther is protected by Frederick III of Saxony
  • Luther appealed to social classes:
    • all classes could be believers, independence from catholic emperor and indulgences, access to the vernacular bible, economic reform supported by Luther’s message
  • German Peasant Wars
    • peasants blamed lords for land seizure and taxes
    • found biblical support for their demands and Luther supported the peasants at first
    • Luther then proceeded to turn against the peasants saying that they were acting evil
  • Calvinism
    • strong focus on being able to fight for your beliefs
    • France = Huguenot, England = puritan
    • predestination - God already decided who is saved/damned
    • going to heaven is not based on good works at all (it doesn’t really matter what you do)
  • Pease of Augsburg - religion determined by local ruler
    • choice between lutheran or catholic
  • Bloody Mary (daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine)
    • forced everyone in England to be catholic even though England is protestant
  • Mary dies and her sister, Elizabeth, takes the English crown
    • she’s protestant but allows everyone to practice their own religion PRIVATELY
    • Mary’s ex husband is like no no no, so he sends the Spanish Armada to go and make England Catholic again
  • French Religious Wars:
    • religious reason - France is religiously divided (nobles want to be huguenots)
    • political reason - nobles don’t want to submit to monarchy so they adopt calvinism to resist
    • Henry of Navarre (protestant) marries king’s sister (catholic)
    • in the civil war he is defeated and becomes Henry IV of France
    • Politique = leader willing to compromise major issues for country’s benefit
    • henry IV = politique because he became Catholic to fix the religious mess in France
    • passed Edict of Nantes - religious toleration in England
    • Richelieu = politique because he grew a mercantilist economy
  • The Thirty Years War
    • forever settles the issue of Religion as a cause of War
    • causes: religious division of HRE + Hasburgs too powerful
    • Phase 1:
    • Civil war in Bohemia - Catholic leader but Protestant majority
    • Defenestration of Prague - Catholic leaders thrown out window into manuer by Protestants
    • Phase 2:
    • Protestant Denmark goes against Catholic HRE
    • A mercenary helps to kick Protestant Catholic’s ass
    • Edict of Restitution - all catholic land lost to Protestant was restored
    • Phase 3 :
    • Swedish king invades HRE in support of Protestants
    • Sweden is being financially supported by France because France wants to weaken Habsburgs (EVEN THO FRANCE IS CATHOLIC!!!!!)
    • Swedish Swords, French Funds SSFF
    • Phase 4:
    • bloodiest and most continental
    • Richelieu (France) declares war on Spanish Habsburgs
    • France won
    • Peace of Westphalia
    • Relgiious wars over in Europe (reformation ended)
    • French Power increased, Habsburg power decreased
    • calvinism legally practiced


Age of Early European Exploration

  • causes: renaissance, missionaries, monarchs seeking new revenue, technology advances
  • new technology: caravel, lateen sail (sail with or against the wind), wheel lock
  • Fernando Cortez conquered Aztecs
  • Francisco Pizzaro conquered Incas
  • Colonial Administration for Spain:
    • House of Trade - control economic matters in colonies
    • Viceroyalties - states controlled by Viceroys
    • Viceroys - appointed by monarch + controlled military and civil authority
    • Encomienda system - basically said people can do whatever they want to natives (slavery)
  • The treaty of Tordesillas - pope gives Portugal slave trade and Spain control of South America
  • Impact of Expansion = Price Revolution
    • influx of bullion (silver) caused extremely high inflation
  • Mercantilism :
    • set trade taxes and laws against trading with competitors
    • form trade companies with monopoly over industries


The Rise of Absolutism & Constitutionalism

  • Cause: French Religious Wars, thirty years war, inflation
  • common obstacles: bad roads (infrastructure), lack of census info to tax, competition for power with monarchs clergy and nobles
  • eastern absolutism:
  • serfdom reestablished
  • nobles maintained most of power
  • authority of monarchs weaker in comparison to west
  • western absolutism:
    • serfdom abolished
    • nobles lost all power
    • authority of monarchs stronger in comparison to east
  • Louis XIV:
    • replaced nobles with loyal intendants
    • Declaration of Clergy of France - limited the Pope’s power
    • noble shad their own military so Louis built a centralized military loyal to only him
    • appointed new finance minister - Colbert
    • Colbert practiced mercantilism and made France RICHHH
    • Code Louis - centralized uniform code of law
    • Franco-Dutch war - expanded french territory to Netherlands
  • ottoman empire:
    • janissaries - army composed of slaves (devshirme)
    • government and military jobs based on merit not family name
    • devshirme - christian slaves
    • millet system - religious community granted autonomy for taxes
  • How did Eastern Landlords return peasants to serfdom
    • restricted movement
    • took land and increased labor obligations of peasants
    • nobles controlled legal and political system
  • Austrian (Habsburgs):
    • 30 years war set the stage for Austrian state building
    • Habsburgs turned inward and eastward to strengthen the Austrian state
    • reestablished control over Bohemia and serfdom
    • Habsburgs take power from protestants and give it back to Catholics
    • Catholics become new nobility
    • Pragmatic sanction - Habsburgs possession can never be divided, must be passed to one heir
  • Prussia (northern Germany):
    • Frederick William “The great Elector” - strengthened central authority
    • made deal with nobles (very different from western absolutism)
    • Frederick William I “The Soldier King” - strengthened royal authority and created greatest army through draft
  • Russia:
    • Ivan III “Ivan the Great” - continued mongol policies but did not recognize mongols as Russia’s leaders
    • Ivan IV “Ivan the Terrible” - 1st to take title of “tsar” and controlled boyars (nobles)
    • peasants flee and form independent outlawed group called the Cossacks
    • Peter the Great - modernization and westernization of Russia
    • military service requirements for nobles and commoners (YOU SERVE FOR LIFE)
    • Table of Ranks - merit based military system
    • imported western technology
    • souls tax - every person had to pay a tax
    • (higher class) education away from home for 5 years = mandatory
  • English constitutional monarchy:
    • magna carta - king must ask for popular consent to tax from Parliament
    • Elizabeth bargain: parliament and king have cooperative “alliance” before civil war
    • James I - wanted absolute power, alienated puritans, and taxed without parliament’s consent
    • gunpowder plot - people tried to blow him up
    • Charles I - very catholic, needed money from parliament to pay for wars
    • appointed William Laud who persecuted Puritans
    • Ship tax - since parliament wont give money he creates a new tax on inland people
    • Petition of Rights - parliament says they will give money if Charles promises to not tax without consent, no imprisonment without due cause, etc
    • Charles doesn’t call parliament in many years so the Trennial Act is passed (parliament must be called every 3 years)
    • Chalres doesn’t like that things aren’t going his own way and forms an army to fight parliament (royalist)
    • Civil war - royalist vs parliamentarians
    • Oliver Cromwell leads army that defeats royalist
    • Battle of Naseby - name drop
    • Interregnum (time between kings)
    • Prides purge - Cromwell kills anyone in House of Commons that supports king and creates a “Rump” Parliament
    • Charles I is beheaded
    • The Puritan Commonwealth - creates new constitution but is not recognized as a proper form of government
    • The Protectorate - Cromwell dismisses Rump Parliament, gives relgiious toleration to Jews, Cromwell becomes a dictator and people HATE HIM (but he dies soon)
    • Charles II - willing to play the parliament game but was secretly sympathetic to Catholics
    • James II - VERY Catholic and absolutist so he’s gotten rid of immediately and sent to live with Louis XIV in France
    • The Glorious Revolution: 1688 - William and Mary become king and queen of England
    • English Bill of Rights - settled all major issues between king + parliament
    • monarch must work with parliament
    • king cannot interfere with ordinary cause of justice
    • Parliament must be called frequently
  • Dutch Constitutional Monarchy -
    • republic
    • calvinist and radical
    • Dutch society was independent and had higher salaries
    • steady economy - not much inflation
    • masters of the carrying trade - would ship goods everywhere
    • Dutch East India Co - stock/investment system
    • separated religion from education - students allowed to experiment on humans
    • laws done on local level
    • Dutch decline resulted from costly wars w/ England and France:
    • England broke off Dutch trade: 1651 Navigation Act req’d goods to be transported on English ships which weekend Dutch economy


Age of Reason Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment

  • causes of scientific Rev = medieval universities, Renaissance, sea exploration, technology
  • Aristotelian universe - included Heaven, used perfect crystal fifth element to explain world
  • Empiricism - sense based thinking (Bacon)
  • Inductive Reasoning - observe → generalize → find patterns (Bacon)
  • Deductive Reasoning - experiment → predict → theorize (Descartes)
  • Descartes - dualism (Mind and matter), deductive thinking, doubt everything
  • Medicine:
    • Galen - illness comes from imbalance of 4 humors
    • Vesalius - human anatomy
    • Harvey - circulatory system
  • Voltaire - freedom of speech and religion
  • Diderot - complied Encyclopedia
  • Beccaria - argued against “cruel and unusual” punishments including the death penalty
  • Frederick II The Great of Prussia
    • The war of Austrian Succession - Maria Theresa took Austrian Throne and Frederick the Great wanted part of Austrian territory (Silesia) so he fought for it and won
    • Seven Years War - Europe wanted to lower Prussia’s power so an alliance was formed between France, Russia, Sweden, and Austria
    • England joined Prussia to oppose France
    • reforms = torture outlawed, fair courts, new agriculture
  • Catherine the Great of Russia
    • reforms - further westernized, supported the studying of philosophy, tried to educate and improve local gov
  • Maria Theresa / Joseph II
    • Maria reform: limited power of papacy fixed bureaucracy, weakened nobles
    • Joseph reform: outlawed serfdom


French Revolution

  • problems in third estate:
    • Bourgeoisie want: abolition of mercantilism, fair distribution of taxes, great voice in gov + REVOLT
    • Peasants want: freedom from serfdom and high taxes + REVOLT
  • political causes of French rev =major debt and ineffective rulers
  • religious causes: church corruption and tithes (tax)
  • technological causes: guillotine and printing press
  • economic causes: Seven years war, War of Louis XIV, Versailles, American rev, ineffective tax system, problems with parliament, rising cost of bread
  • Jacques Necker - argued that the government should give free food
  • The Moderate stage:
    • Estates general called by Louis XVI to resolve the financial crisis in France
    • first time meeting in 175 years
    • voting system is established - each estate has one vote
    • National assembly - 3rd estate declares itself the National assembly
    • Tennis court Oath - vows not to disband until a constitution if formed
    • Louis XVI orders the National assembly to disband and they refuse
    • as a compromise he orders first two estates to join the national assembly
    • Moderate middle class and liberal nobility are officially in control instead of monarchy
    • Storming of Bastille - people storm it looking for gunpowder
    • city now has an armed force
    • tri color flag emerges
    • power shifts from king to national assembly
    • The Great Fear = time period where multitudes of rumors spread
    • peasants ruthlessly kill nobles and destroy serfdom papers because of a rumor
    • Declaration of the rights of men - national assembly clearly states what reforms they want
    • liberty, security, prosperity
    • ended feudal rights of nobles over peasants
    • Declaration of the Rights of Women - de Gouges argued for financial independency for women
    • The Civil Constitution of the clergy - bishop and priests are now elected by popular vote instead of nepotism
    • national assembly confiscates land from RCC and abolishes tithes
    • Constitution of 1791 - redefined the French Gov
    • three branches = national assembly, king, and judicial branch
    • abolished estate system
    • tax paying male citizens have the rights to vote
  • The Radical stage:
    • causes: threats from foreign nations, counterrevolutionaries, attempted fleeing of king, bad economy (inflation)
    • Jacobins - radical debating society
    • National convention - basically the national assembly with a new name
    • new election, new constitution, radicals take charge
    • demand right to vote for ALL men not just tax paying
    • vote to KILL the king
    • Committee of public safety - decides who lives and dies in trials
    • goal = crush the enemies of the revolution
    • drafted anyone 18-25 years old
    • consequences of red terror
    • overthrow of monarchy
    • weakened power and wealth of nobility
    • secularization of the state
    • more equality for men before the law
    • reorganization of the military
  • The Conservative phase:
    • Thermidorian reaction: closed the Jacobins club, reopened churches, lifted economic restrictions, formed new constitution
    • Directory:
    • people involved in the Reign of Terror are killed = white terror
    • ruled by bourgeoisie liberals
    • electors can only be males over 21 that owned or rented property
    • political instability in directory - inflation, revolts, Communist revolts
  • The Napoleonic stage:
    • established new gov called consulate
    • his names: first consul → consul for life → emperor
    • Domestic reforms & policies:
    • agreements with catholic church - he controlled cc from the shadows while the cc became the official religion of France
    • Napoleonic code - legal equality of all male citizens, women lost almost all rights previously gained
    • strengthened the bureaucracy - former revolutionaries put in government positions, rich people invited back and given jobs, new imperial nobility made of catholics
    • financial reforms - everyone pays taxes now, established public loans, Bank of France
    • public school system - aimed to prepare students for gov jobs, admission not merit based
    • spy system - eyes and ears everywhere to hear when people talk bad about Napoleon
    • Continental system - Napoleon tried to weaken Great Britain by stopping continental trade
    • Fall from power:
    • Napoleon’s invasion of Russia drastically fails
    • Napoleon abdicates and is sent to Elba (he soon escapes)
    • raises an army to fight Europe for sending him to Elba and is now sent to another island
