The Fourth Commandment
Fourth Commandment: Honor thy father and mother.
Includes the duties of children to love and obey their parents and authority figures, and the duties of authority figures to properly lead and care for others
The family finds its identity in God in the love held between the Blessed Trinity
The family also finds its mission, abilities, and obligations in God
The Christian family is a domestic church
Family: A man and a woman who are united in marriage, together with their children. This institution is prior to any recognition by public authority, which has an obligation to recognize it
What a family is cannot change - the human family is natural and directed by and towards God
The family is the original cell of social life
Love and stability in families translates to freedom, fraternity, and security in society
Virtues and morals are taught first in the home
The value of others in the home supports democracy
The decline in the permanence of family life is intrinsically bound up with the decline in democracy
The family is a community of love
We carry God’s Divine Image, so we are inclined to love others and seek goodness
The closer the relationship, the greater the duty to love
Spouses should share a close bond that extends to their children
Children should honour, obey, respect, and love their parents, whose love, in cooperation with God, resulted in their children
This love should extend to all kinsmen
It is best to take care of extended family in need within the family home
We have a commandment of charity to care for all of our family
The family is the first institution and social structure established by God
Duties of parents to children
Fairness and Understanding - children ought to be treated with the respect owed to children of God
Discipline - discipline paves the way for virtuous action
Instruction in the Faith - parents have a serious obligation to form and educate their children in the Catholic faith
Duties of children to parents
Respect - filial piety derives from gratitude
Obedience, as long as their demands obey the moral law
Civic obligations of citizens
Authority has a divine origin, so Christians must obey and respect authority
God wills that society is well-governed by a ruler
Unjust laws that violate the moral law must not be obeyed
Just punishment may be applied when civil law is disregarded
Authority may impose taxes if it is in the interest of the common good
Governmental obligations to citizens
The authority must serve the community
Authority must guarantee conditions that respect the fundamental rights of humans
Subsidiarity: The idea that a higher authority must not interfere with a lower authority without necessity
The Fifth Commandment
Fifth Commandment: You shall not kill
The human person is made in the image of likeness of God, and thus, has a dignity that transcends the value of material creation
Humans are someone, not something
Humans are called by grace to be with their loving God
The life of the human should be sacred because of this dignity
Human life begins at fertilization (affirmed by 96% of scientists)
From the first moment of his existence, a human being is recognized as having the rights of a person
Society has become a “culture of death”
Sins Against the Fifth Commandment
Abusive Language, Resentment, Omission of Service, Racism, Revenge, Vindictiveness, Poor Treatment of Oppressors, Unjust Wars, Substance Abuse, Violence, Anger, Hatred
Abortion: The destruction of a child after conception but before birth
At conception, a human being is created. It is wrong to kill an innocent human being
Even if we did not know when life begins in the womb, you would not know if you are killing a human or not; therefore, abortion poses the risk of murder
At conception, a new human genome, separate from the mother’s womb, is created
Abortion has been used to eliminate girls, those with disabilities, and certain races/ethnicities
There are some cases in which abortion seems preferable, but it still remains a grave violation of human dignity
Rape and incest - the guilty party is the rapist, not the unborn child
Life of the mother - there are no medically necessary abortions
Tubal Pregnancy: When the baby develops in the fallopian tube, and the principle of double effect can be used to justify a salpingectomy
Preterm Deliveries: Babies delivered prior to term due to a serious condition of the mother
St. Gianna decided to prioritize the life of her child, rather than herself
Prenatal diagnosis of abnormalities - humans should have dignity based on their existence, not their features or abilities
Euthanasia: The decision by doctors, family members, or public officials to end the life of a person who has a slim chance or recovery or whose quality of life is deemed poor
Implemented in Nazi Germany, and comes from euthanatos (sweet death)
In Vitro Fertilization: The medical technique used to fertilize a human embryo in a test tube or petri dish, and then implant it into a woman’s uterus. Often, many fertilized embryos are created to later be frozen or discarded
Embryonic Stem-Cell Research: The termination of an embryo to harvest its stem cells for scientific research
Sterilization: The destruction of fertility and fruitfulness using surgical or chemical procedures, rendering humans incapable of producing offspring
Human Cloning: The process of developing a human from one somatic cell of its parent to be genetically identical
Mutilation: The action of disfiguring a part of the body, sometimes rendering it useless or wounded
Suicide: The act of taking one’s own life; self-murder
Assisted Suicide: The suffering person requests help from others to end their own life (self administered)
Cult of the Body: Extreme and obsessive efforts to alter one’s body in a way that does not honour human dignity, such as excessive tattooing, piercing, bodybuilding, and cosmetic surgeries
Gluttony: Eating to an excess beyond the purpose of proper nourishment
Murder: The sinful killing of a human being with malice aforethought
Capital Punishment: An act by the legitimate authority of a state or nation to put a criminal to death
The Sixth and Ninth Commandments
Sixth Commandment: You shall not commit adultery
Ninth Commandment: You shall not covet you neighbour’s wife
Marriage was created by God because He is a mystery of personal loving communion, and He inscribed in humans the vocation of love and communion
What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder
Christ elevates marital love to its intended status
Truths of Marriage found in Genesis
God created man and woman in His image and likeness
Spouses are companions equal in dignity and in a permanent and exclusive union of love
To be equal does not mean the same - there is a profound difference and complementarity between men and women
Spouses are destined to form a new social unit
Marriage is a unity so intimate that they become “one flesh”
Marriage has a unitive and procreative purpose blessed by God
Spouses willingly and intelligently cooperate in God’s creative act
Marriage is indissoluble and exclusive in its total self-giving and permanent stability - a total self-gift cannot be taken back
Free - without coercion, wholeheartedly
Total - all the days of life on earth
Faithful - love and honour each other
Fruitful - be prepared to accept children
Marriage is in many aspects of the Catholic Faith
Adam and Eve, God and Israel, Christ and the Church in Revelation, The Song of Solomon, the Holy Family
Christ gave Himself totally to us, just as spouses do in marriage
Theology of the Body
God made this world on purpose and out of love
God created human beings in His image and likeness
Human beings are body-soul composites
You are your body
What you do with your body matters
God is love
The deepest identity of a human being is that they are made for love
Jesus came to repair that brokenness that happened in the fall; “this is my body for you”
Lying with our bodies
Our body has a language, and can tell truths or lies
When we use another person, we tell a lie with our body
People are not objects for use - treating them as such would violate their truth
Committing adultery is a lie against marriage
Chastity: A virtue of temperance which allows us to see the whole person. It cultivates a right understanding of human sexuality.
Human sexuality is not merely instinct, but also subject to intellect and will
A truthful exercise of sexuality should involve a loving self-giving between spouses in total dedication
Sex is a unitive and procreative act
Unitive - joining together spouses in fidelity and unity
Procreative - an openness to the possibility of new life in cooperation with God’s creative act
Telos: The end, aim, or goal
Sins Against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments
Adultery: Sexual relations with someone other than one’s spouse
This is a grave injustice against one’s spouse and children
Polygamy: Having more than one spouse
Negates the exclusivity of marriage
Incest: Intimate relations between relatives
Divorce - Civil dissolution of marriage; an attempt to break the lifelong commitment of fidelity and spousal love required by marriage
Breaks the freely made contract between spouses to stay together until death
Cohabitation - A man and a woman living together unmarried and having sexual relations
“Playing house” when the intimacy of romantic relations should be reserved for spouses
Contraception: The deliberate intervention by use of mechanical, chemical, or other medical procedures, with the intention to prevent new life that may form through sexual intercourse
Birth control has roots in eugenics, which aimed to build the “perfect race” of humans
Natural Family Planning: The use of a woman’s naturally infertile periods to space children according to a couple’s careful discernment
This is licit, as it does not prevent the conception of children and maintains the dignity of marital love
Direct Sterilization: Permanent form of contraception which involves surgical procedures performed on the man or woman, rendering future conception biologically impossible
Pornography: Exposing the human body and removing the sexual act from the intimacy of spouses, usually in video or images, for the purpose of lustful gratification
Objectifies humans and diminishes the dignity of both parties
It reduces the victim to a means of sexual gratification, and it hinders the reason and will of the viewer
Specifically a sin against chastity
These sins arise due to the four prophecies from the Humanae Vitae
Infidelity and moral decline - the desire for pleasure without the responsibility of marriage or family
Loss of respect for women - objectification
Abuse of power by the state
Unlimited dominion over the body - changing our nature in a way that violates our dignity and the moral law
The Seventh and Tenth Commandments
Seventh Commandment: You shall not steal
Tenth Commandment: You shall not covet your neighbour’s goods
Groups of people, as nations, communities, and organizations, are obliged to obey the moral law
Catholic social teaching is a set of principles that can be used to analyze any issue
Life and dignity of the human person
Call to family, community, and participation (subsidiarity)
Protection of human rights and responsibilities
Preferential option for the poor and vulnerable
The dignity of work and the right of workers
Solidarity and work towards the common good
Care for God’s creation - stewardship
Justice: To take up our responsibilities, and to give others their due
Right to Own Property: The ownership of private goods will not conflict with the common good as long as there is a fair distribution of goods in creation
The Universal Destination of Goods: All humans have the right to access what they need to live a dignified life, as God entrusted the goods of creation to all mankind
It is a duty to give to the poor once our own needs are met
Eminent Domain: The government can claim private property, with an appropriate payment to the owner, because of a legitimate or overriding public concern
No one should suffer in squalor while others are able to live comfortably
A globalized economy allows wealthy nations to help or exploit poorer nations
Sins Against the Seventh and Tenth Commandments
Theft: Unjustly taking another person’s possessions against his reasonable will
There is not theft if consent can be presumed or if refusal is contrary to reason and the universal destination of goods
Includes vandalism, excessive expenses, wasting time at work, tax evasion, and cheating on exams
Greed: The desire for earthly goods that are not truly needed for a Christian life
Avarice: The inordinate desire of acquiring and hoarding wealth
Causes hard-heartedness and injustice
Envy: Wrongful desire for things possessed by another or unhappiness at another’s good fortune
Restitution: Repairing damage unjustly done or repaying the owner a fair price for his stolen or damaged goods
A remedy for an offence against the Seventh Commandment
The Eighth Commandment
Eighth Commandment: You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour
Lying is the most direct offense against the truth
Lying: To speak or act against the truth in order to lead someone into error
Mischievous Lie: A lie with the intent to injure another
Jocose Lie: A lie directed towards the good of pleasure
Officious Lie: A lie directed towards the good of helping or protecting another person
A lie may become mortal if it directly causes grave injury to justice and charity
Truth in speech expresses what the individual perceives to be corresponding to reality
To deliberately articulate a falsehood contradicts human dignity
Lies detract from sincerity, credibility, and breed mistrust in relationships
The gravity of a lie is measured against the nature of the truth it deforms, the circumstances, the intentions of the one who lies, and the harm suffered by its victims
Every Christian has a vocation to witness and communicate the truth
All Christians must be ready to be a consistent witness to Christ, even at the cost of suffering
One can love the difficulties of this world for the sake of eternal rewards
Sins Against the Eighth Commandment
Calumny (Slander): A lie that falsely accuses another of wrongdoing or a vice; by virtue of their dignity, every person has the right to a good name
Detraction: Hurting someone’s good name through the disclosure of an incriminating truth when not necessary for the common good
Rash Judgement: A judgement that questions someone’s character or concludes a moral defect without sufficient evidence
Insincere Flattery: Attributes qualities that may not exist or which are exaggerated, usually for personal gain or favour