helps conserve natural environments like coral reefs mountainous areas and rainforests Sepilok Orang-utan rehab centre in Sabah Msia relies on visitor entrance fees to pay staff that take care of the animals
example for conservation
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vandalism, littering and pollution, destruction of habitats, carbon footprint, increased congestion
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bricks of visted by 10 millions great wall of china are covered by graffiti
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many islands in the Caribbean have limited space on land to treat waste from ships, solid and liquid waste is then dumped into the sea from ships
littering and pollution
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Egypts Red sea is a popular destination for diving ad snorkelling for 1.2 million annually, but some tourists may collect shells and coral destroying wildlife. hotels and restaurants also dump sewage waste into the sea, further destroying the habitat
destruction of habitats
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footprint of a oneway economy class flight from SG to KL msia is 30kg of CO2 per passenger
carbon footprint
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in Rome Italy, the older walkways and narrow alleys are congested with tourists. huge inflow of buses and cars from tourists visiting further congest vehicular traffic and cause air pollution