Social Penetration theory
Self-disclosure is a major concept within Irwin Altman and Dalmas Taylor’s social penetration theory on how relationships develop.
It is the gradual process of revealing your inner self to someone else, of giving away your deepest thoughts and feelings. In romantic relationships, it involv4es the reciprocal exchange of information between intimate partners. When one partner reveals some personal information, they display trust
To go further, the other partner must also reveal sensitive information. As they increasingly disclose more and more info to each other, romantic partners ‘penetrate’ more deeply into each others lives, and gain a greater understanding of each other.
It is a basic feature of romantic relationships. After all it’s difficult to ‘bear one’s soul’ to a relative stranger. Doing so means that a relationship has reached a certain stage where such self-disclosure will be welcomed and hopefully reciprocated
Reciprocity and self disclosure
Reis and Shaver (1988) point out for a relationship to develop, as well as an increase in breadth and depth, there needs to be a reciprocal element to disclosure.
Once you have decided to disclose something that reveals your true self, hopefully your partner will respond in a way that is rewarding, with understanding, empathy and also their own intimate thoughts and feelings
So there is a balance of self disclosure between both partners in a successful romantic relationship, which increases feelings of intimacy and deepens the relationship.