King of the gods
zeus symbols
lightning bolt, eagle, throne, sceptre
God of the sea, earthquakes, storms
poseidon signs
horses, dolphins, trident
God of the underworld
Goddess of marriage, women, childbirth, family
hera symbols
peacock, diadem, sceptre
goddess of the harvest, grain, summer
demeter symbols
wheat, grain, flowers, diadem
godess of hearth, fire, vestal virgins
hestia symbols
veiled head, fire, plant
god of metalwork, fire, craftsmen
hephaestus symbols
hammer, tongs, anvil
goddess of love and beauty
aphrodite symbols
usually naked, swan, emerging from sea shell
hades symbol
cornucopia, scepter
Goddess of wisdom and war
athena symbols
owl, olives, helmet, spear, shield
goddess of the hunt and the moon
artemis symbols
bow and arrow, wild animals
god of music, the arts, medicine, prophecies
apollo symbols
lyre, bow and arrow, young
Messenger of the gods
hermes symbol
winged sandals, caduceus, travellers cap
God of war
ares symbol
God of wine and theatre
dionysus symbols
vines, wine, grapes, meanads, satyrs
city dionysia date
took place in spring
why does the city dionysia happen
the athenians rejected the eleutheraeans gift of a statue of dionysus, a plague then spread which affected mens genitals, so the athenians accepted dionysus into the city through the festival
city dionysia length
5 days
city dionysia officials
eponymous archon, choregos
eponymous archon
elected official who selected the playwrights
chorus director who was the financial banker
dithyramb competition
tribal dance in honour of dionysus
city dionysia day 1
pompe, dithyrambic contests, komos
procession/carnival, statue of dionysus was accompanied from the city gates to the sancturary
men only party
city dionysia day 2
opening ceremony, 5 comedies
themes in greek comedies
war, politics, social life
cost to enter theatre contests
2 abols, however the state would pay if someones couldnt afford it
city dionysia day 3/4
3 tragedies, 1 satyr play
city dionysia day 5
3 tragedies, 1 satyr play, judging, prize giving
city dionysia prize
a garland of ivy
city dionysia judging method
judges wrote order of preference, archon drew 5 out of the 10 lists and whoever had the most votes won
the great panathenaia origins
celebration of athenas birthday
great panathenaia sacrifice
up to 100 oxen, took place on altar of athena polias, only athenians could attend
great panathenaia programme
rhapsodic/musical contest, youth atheltics, mens atheltics, equestrian events, tribal contests, all night celebration, procession, sacrifice, apobates and boat race, prize giving
great panathenaia length
8 days
great panathenaia prize
jug filled with olive oil, decorated with athena and event won
great panathenaia gift to athena
great panathenaia participants
athenians and resident foreigners
great panthenaia occurs in..
every four years, end of july
lupercalia honoured
lupercalia occurs in
15 february
lupercalia officials
priests called luperci
lupercalia programme
sacrifice, race around foot of palatine hill
lupercalia sacrifice
mola salsa sprinkled, animals bowed head, throat slit,knife dipper in animals blood, dripped onto forehead, wool soaked in milk used to wipe off blood, participants laugh, haruspex examines entrails, animal skins used to make loincloths and strips for race
saturnalia god
saturn, god of seed
saturnalia length
5 days, in winter
saturnalia officials
priests of the temple of saturn
saturnalia programme
sacrifice, public feast, private feast, gift giving
saturnalia private feast
slave and masters were seen as equal
saturnalia participants
everyone in all of society took part
a holy area which contained a temple and altar to a god
greek temple function
seen as a house for the god, to show of the citys wealth, honour the god
room which housed the gods statue
raised base which the temple is built on
treasure room
ionic frieze
continuous, singular story
doric frieze
story divided into different metopes
typical greek sacrifice
participants wear clean clothes, animal dressed in ribbons, procession to altar, fire lit at altar, participants wash hands, victim nod head as sprinkled with water, sacrificer cut hairs from victims head, victim throat cut, women cry, blood collected and stains the altar, victim skinned and butchered
role of a greek priest
assist upkeep of temple, undertake and oversee rituals
read flights of birds
parthenon location
acropolis in athens
parthenon purpose
keep treasury, honour athena, show off athens wealth
parthenon east pediment
birth of athena
parthenon west pediment
battle for patron saint of athens
parthenon north metopes
trojan war
parthenon south metopes
parthenon east metopes
parthenon west metopes
greeks vs athenians
statue of athena material
chryselephantine (gold and ivory)
temple of zeus location
Sanctuary of Olympia, Altis
temple of zeus altar
7m high, was there before the temple
temple of zeus west pediment
centaurs vs lapiths
temple of zeus east pediment
Chariot race between Pelops and Oinomaos
temple of zeus metopes
labours of hercules
temple of zeus special structure
double collonade
Pontifex Maximus
chief priest
vestal virgins
college of priestesses who represent vesta and keep the fire of vesta going
privileges of a vestal virgin
could vote, best seats at games, could own property, make their own will
priest who saw the future by watching how the animal fell to the ground after being killed, examine the smoke and read its entrails
roman animal sacrifice kill
animal struck on head by a popa to stun it and then have its throat slit
temple of portunus location
forum boarium