Focus on how each of the habits relates back to the terms described. That is the best way to study for this portion.
How the habits start from being primarily about you, then branch out to being about improving your relationships with other people.
Character & Personality Ethic
Character Ethic…
Being a counterpart to Personality Ethic, it is comprised of your personal/deepest values.
Ex: integrity, humility, courage, etc.
Personality Ethic…
Personality Ethic is comprised of your outside/surface appearance. In other words, how people view you.
Ex: public image, attitudes and behaviors, skills and techniques, etc.
What is a paradigm?
The way you “see,” interpret, or understand the world.
What is a habit?
The intersection of knowledge, skill, & desire. Something that you do repeatedly.
What is interdependence?
Is the paradigm of “WE”
We can do it; we can cooperate; we can combine our talents and abilities to create something greater together.
A dependance on one another to create something greater than what would have been created otherwise without interdependence.
What are the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People?
Be Proactive
Begin with the End in Mind
Put First Things First
Think Win-Win
Seek first to understand, then to be understood
Sharpen the Saw
Being proactive when beginning with the end in mind causes me to put things first and think win-win. Seeking first to understand, then to be understood, has me synergizing in a hood. Lasty, sharpen the saw.
What is Determinism? (Habit 1)
How things are determined.
Genetic Determinism - Something you inherited from your family.
Psychic Determinism - Your parents and upbringing caused it.
Enviromental Determinism - The people and situations that surround you and influenced it.
What does it mean to be proactive & reactive? (Habit 1)
Proactive - To act in anticipation of.
Reactive - To react after the fact.
Circle of Influence & Concern (Habit 1)
Circle of Influence…
Engulfs your circle of concern.
Circle of Concern…
Is within your circle of influence.
What is Leadership? (Habit 2)
Character development, ambition, positivity, or dedication.
Mission Management & Statement (Habit 2)
Mission Management…
The ability to carry things out with self-discipline.
Mission Statement…
Philosophy (who you want to be, what you want to do, what achievements)
Visualization & Affirmation (Habit 2)
Visualization - An affirmation that helps with congruency with deeper values in life.
Affirmation - A good affirmation is personal, positive, present, emotional.
All 4 Quadrants (Habit 3)
Q1: Necessity
Important and urgent.
Ex: Emergency meetings, last minute deadlines, etc.
Q2: Effectiveness
Important but not urgent.
Ex: Important goals, proactive work, creative thinking, etc.
Q3: Distraction
Urgent but not important.
Ex: Needless interruption, phone calls, status posts, etc.
Q4: Waste
Not urgent and not important.
Ex: Trivial work, avoidance activities, excessive relaxation, etc.
Emotional Bank Account (Habit 4)
The amount of trust/safeness within a relationship.
All winning or losing situations (Habit 4)
Win / Lose - One person walks away happy with what they got, the other walks away disappointed.
Lose / Lose - Both parties lose and walk away disappointed.
Win / win / No deal - Both parties walk away happy or just skip the deal entirely.
What are consequences?
Sacrifices made towards improving.
Empathetic Listening
Listening to what others say while relating your experiences.
Working on a team of diverse experience/skill.
4 Types of Dimensions
Physical Dimension
Keeping your body in good physical condition shape - exercise, sleep, etc.
Spiritual Dimension
Practicing religion or exercising the soul.
Mental Dimension
Keeping your mind sharp.
Social-Emotional Dimension
Exercising relationships and socializing.
What are the 4 Atomic Habits?
Make it obvious.
Make it attractive.
Make it easy.
Make it satisfying.