What are vitamins and why do we need them?
Vitamins are molecules that help regulate chemical reactions in our bodies and help us use energy from macronutrients
How much of each vitamin do we need?
It depends on your body and your specific needs
The water-soluble vitamins
The Fat-soluble vitamins - Don’t need to consume fat-soluble vitamins as often because they are stored in the fat in our bodies
Vitamin A
Found in dark green, yellow, and orange fruits and vegetables
Maintaining healthy skin and eyesight
Vitamin D
Found in Milk, egg yolks, cereal, salmon, sunlight
It helps maintain healthy bones and teeth and helps calcium absorb in body
Vitamin E
Found in leafy green veggies, avocado, vegetable oils
protects red blood cells and other cells from damage
Vitamin K
Found in spinach, lettuce, meat, dairy
Helps blood clot and proteins form
Can a high dose of Vitamins be fatal
Vitamin Deficiencies
What happens if you did not consume enough Vitamin A?
Lose vision ( go blind ), skin not as healthy
What would happen if you didn’t consume enough Vitamin B?
The body will not be able to get energy from the foods you eat
What would happen if you didn’t consume enough Vitamin C?
Wounds would not heal. Infections and bleeding. Scurvy
What would happen if you did not consume enough Vitamin D?
Weak/brittle teeth and bones ( osteoporosis )
What would happen if you didn’t consume enough Vitamin E?
Red blood cells would be damaged, other vitamins would not function
Other problems would arise
What would happen if you didn’t consume enough Vitamin B?
Blood would not clot ( can’t stop bleeding )
Can’t make proteins