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I think therefore I am
All knowledge comes from practical experience and experimentation
Edited by Diderot, it was a compilation of all the available knowledge - historical, scientific, technical, religious and moral
Femme Savants
Learned women. Wealthy, ambitious and clever hostesses competed to attract the cleverest and accomplished persons to their salons where artifice reigned supreme and wittiness was a supreme social virtue.
Fete Galante
An amorous festival painting-usually outdoors
French Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture
Set the standard for the classical style permitted in France. Its aim was the glorification of the monarchy.
Grand Manner Portraiture
Elevated the sitter by conveying refinement and elegance
Grand Tour
A pilgrimage of aristocrats, wealthy and diplomatic persons to tour the important area of Europe to obtain the knowledge and classical culture.
Town houses in Paris
A concept of historical 'consciousness' in which people reject established ideas and conventions and encourage momentous change. It implies a distinction between past and present.
Natural Man
People living a primitive state without the arts, sciences, society and civilization, which had corrupted them.
Was inspired by the classical motifs, subjects, and decorations. Its virtues were morality, idealism patriotism and civic virtue. Its inspiration came from the excavation of Pompeii and Herculaneum.
An English philosopher and mathematician who discovered the laws of gravity and motion and is responsible for the mechanistic view of the universe.
Changed to heroism bestowed by the virtues of courage and resolution, patriotism, and self sacrifice rather than aristocratic birth.
Advanced thinkers in France who shared the conviction that the ills of humanity could be remedied by applying reason and common sense to human problems.
Quaint, charming
A style primarily of interior design which appeared in France around 1700. These interiors featured lavish decoration, fine furniture, wall paintings and reliefs. Rococo means shell or pebble.
Said 'Man is by nature good...he is depraved and perverted by society.' 'Man is born free, but is everywhere in chains.'
Center of 17th century social life. These were dominated by women.
A work which holds up human vices and follies to ridicule and scorn.
Sweet, sincere, sympathetic, and tender emotions so called 'natural.'
The Age of Reason (Enlightenment)
1750-1850 doctrine which was predicated on a belief that there was a universal order in the universe.
Italian for 'scenic view.'