Public opinion – opinions held by priv persons which gov finds prudent to heed
What is “public” – collection of priv persons; ppl not in public capacity
National public opinion = mass public (group of ppl in society)
What “opinion” – view or position on a question
Public opinion = aggregation of individual opinions
On topics that affect gov/future
So ppl can critic gov and gov listens – 1st amendment
Right to assembly = ppl voice opinion on politics and public policy
Interest groups try to change public opinion for them
Use public opinion against officials
Public officials could lose seat if they go against public
Starts at home and local community during childhood
Values – core principles abt how political world should be
Influenced by childhood enviro
ex) balance rewards rather than giving according to performance → internalize and become values
Values are foundation where specific political opinions are formed
Framework for decisions
Ideology – structured set of political attitudes that help person make sense of world
Ideological first principles – core ideas of how the world works
ex) higher taxes for more gov services bc gov solves problems
Two main ideologies: Liberalism and Conservatism
Larger gov in variety of forms – more services, regulation, tax
Restrict individual choices for more fairness and equity
Progressive on social causes
Foreign policy – less aggressive for more agreements, diplomacy
Less gov services in regulation → less taxes
Freedom of choice even if it leads to inequality
Traditional, less progressive
Foreign policy – aggressive, military, no allies
Partisanship – feelings of closeness to political party, identifying with party
Benefits of being a member: community, ppl to know/idolize, know who to root for
Party identification:
Helps identify ppl who share same views
Useful guide in voting (less research needed)
Independents’ party identification:
When pollster (person conducting survey) asks indep if they feel closer to one party, many say they do → leaners
Leaners – lean to one party tho they’re indep
New evidence showing partisanship leads to ideological and policy preferences
Thought it would be other way around, but no
Using interviews – picking specific ppl who have a lot to share and having in-depth convo with them
What opinions and why
Limitations: time intensive = expensive, had to analyze results
Can’t do a lot of deep interviews necessary to get broad set of ppl matching country’s diversity
Focus groups – small group discussion with moderator who asks questions and facilitates discussion to better understand ppl’s answers
Researchers can see how opinions play out in group dynamic
Other’s opinions might change other members’ minds
Method criticized for being subject to domination and unintentional manipulation by questioner or v vocal participants
Leading technique for measuring public opinion → scientific polling
Questioning a lot of ppl
Usually questions are straightforward with a few multiple choice
Polls provide info to public officials abt what ppl think
Poll asks a sample – subset / portion of the population
Want to know large overall group aka population
Sampling error – some level of uncertainty that exists in all polls
Sample could be diff from overall population bc of random chance too
Can’t completely say that estimation is representative of all population
random sample of abt 1000 ppl gives good estimate for entire population 95% of time
Error = 3.16%
1000 respondents bc big enough to decrease margin of error, also not too expensive
Be careful of margin of error bc …
ex) if candidate is leading by small amt with margin 3%, they might not be leading
When comparing 2 things in same poll, margin of error is x2 large
Standard poll with error of 3%, error comparing 2 candidates is actually 6%
ex) Literary Digest poll bombed bc…
Polled rich subscribers who tend to favor Repub Landon over Dem FDR
Non-response bias – if ppl who can’t be reached or refuse to participate differ systematically compared to those who do answer = results of poll are wrong
Random digit dialing – computer randomly dials numbers in acres code until it reaches someone
Pollster asks respondents
Method to random samples
Use weighting methods to make sample match what electorate looks like
ex) if Black Americans 6% of poll but make up 12% of vote, upweight x2
Poll aggregation – combining and averaging results of lots of polls
Average of polls → good predictor of election results
Helps us make sense of polling on other topics where diff polls give diff results
Filter out bias of individual polling companies
Wording can affect response
Visual design (online polls), order of questions → bias
Non-response bias and bad weighting – inaccurate polls for recent elections
Trump supporters less likely to answer phone, Dems more likely → overestimate dems
Less accurate polls = les trust in polls = less ppl who answer polls
Politicians try to change opinions of voters to get them to support particular position
So do interest groups, academics…
Public not v good at making public policy
Instead of making policy, listen to political leaders and adopt that perspective
Most Americans uninformed about politics
Media is major source of info
Before internet: media = TV, radio, newspapers, magazines
Only 3 TV networks → tried to be neutral as possible to appeal to wider audience
After internet and cable:
Specialized channels; catering to specific audiences got more profit
Echo chamber – ppl only consume media that reflects their pov, no other side
Ppl share political news that align with them, ppl connect on social media tend ot have similar povs
Media can influence public thru agenda setting and framing:
Agenda setting – media tells ppl what issues are important
Sets agenda for what country thinks abt
No news coverage = ppl don’t know that there is an issue
Can focus or re-focus on issues
Framing – context of issue
BLM movement – protest against racial injustices
Public demonstrations show passion not demonstrated in other forms of political participation
Marches v likely to make local news, raise awareness
Protests show commitment, amt of ppl who support
Peaceful demonstrations protected by First Amendment rights
Violent ones not = police can arrest on “public disorder”