Flashcards from class
The urinary system consists of two kidneys that filter the
The kidneys are positioned
renal pelvis
The major and minor calyces are located in the
renal sinus
The blood vessels, nerves, lymphatic vessels, and the ureter enter the kidney at the on medial
The functional units of the kidney are the
renal cortex
The outer region of the kidney is the
renal medulla
The inner region of the kidney is the
The kidneys help control the rate of red blood cell formation by secreting
The kidneys help regulate blood pressure by secreting
abdominal aorta
What vessel gives rise to renal arteries leading to the kidneys
inferior vena cava
Venous blood is returned through a series of vessels that join what major vessel leading back to the heart
renal corpuscle
What is the filtering portion of the nephron called?
collecting duct
The distal convoluted tubles join to become a
juxtaglomerular apparatus
The macula densa together with the juxtaglomerular cells make up the
glomerular filtration
When the fluid portion of the blood (plasma) is filter this is called
hydrostatic pressure
The main force responsible for moving substances by filtration through the glomerular capillary wall is
When the afferent arteriole constricts in response to sympathetic stimulation, filtration pressure and filtration rate will increase or decrease?
When the efferent arteriole constricts, filtration pressure increases, does the rate of filtration increase or decrease?
The renin-angiotensin system, which regulates what type of excretion
tubular reabsorption
When solutes are moved from the fluid back to the blood is called
tubular secretion
Transporting certain substances from the plasma into the renal tubule is called
Urine is made up of how much water?
What muscle will prevent the bladder from emptying until the pressure is increased to a certain level?
micturation reflex
Urine leaves the bladder by a
What conveys urine from the bladder to outside the body?