Biology (ICSE IX) - Skin: The Jack of All Trades

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Define skin.

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34 Terms


Define skin.

largest organ of the body; almost impermeable barrier

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What is another name for the skin?


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List the seven functions of the skin.

protection, sensory perception, temperature regulation, food storage, excretion, synthesis of vitamin D, grip

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The skin proper is composed of the outer layer, the __________, and the inner layer, the __________.

epidermis; dermis

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Define epidermis. What type of tissue is it comprised of? Name its three sublayers in sequence descending with depth.

outer thinner layer of skin; stratified epithelium; cornified, granular, malphigian

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What constitutes the cornified layer? What three dangers does it offer resistance to?

flattened dead cells made of keratin which are continually shed and replaced; resistant to mechanical damage, bacterial infection, water loss by evaporation

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What is the main function of the granular layer?

it contains flattened cells which gradually replace the cornified layer

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What is the main function of the malpighian layer?

cells divide and reproduce, pushing outward to replace the cornified layer

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Melanin acts like an ___________ to protect the body from harmful UV rays.


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Describe leukoderma/vitiligo.

melanin is lost in patches at different regions of the body; cause unknown

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Define albinism.

complete loss of melanin including hair, brows, lashes, irides; skin appears pinkish; caused due to inheritance (recessive trait)

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Define pappilae.

outer region of dermis; contains blood capillaries, nerve endings, and sense receptors

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What are the five parts of a hair?

shaft root, bulb (containing pappila), follicle

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What is the function of the hair bulb and follicle?

hair growth

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Why does hair turn white or gray with age?

minute air spaces form in the hair in place of lost melanin

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What is the technical name for "goosebumps"? What is its causative and where is it located?

piloerection; erector muscle; between hair follicle and outer part of dermis

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What is the nail composed of? What are the three parts of the nail?

hard keratin plates; plate, bed, matrix

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What are the two main functions of sebum?

keeps skin supple and prevents loss of water by evaporation

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What are blackheads? What makes them black?

enlarged sebaceous glands; oxidation of melanin and sebum

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What are sweat pores/ducts? Why are they more numerous on the palms?

the excretory part of sweat glands; surface tension for grip

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List the constituents of sweat and their respective percentages of presence.

water (99%), salt/NaCl (0.2%), urea (0.8%)

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What are mammary glands?

modified sweat glands

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What are meibomian glands? What is its function?

modified sebaceous glands; lubricates eyes and prevents overflow of tears

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What are ceruminous glands and what doe they produce?

modified sebaceous glands; cerumen/earwax

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hibernate : winter sleep :: __________ : summer sleep


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Mention two synonyms for cold-blooded and warm-blooded organisms.

ectothermal, poikilothermal; endothermal, homeothermal

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What is the average human body temperature?

37 degrees C in the mouth, 38 at rectum, 36 in armpits

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What is the optimum temperature for the human body?

35-40 degrees C

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The speed of the functioning of __________ is inversely proportional to body temperature.


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Give three sources of body heat production.

cellular chemical reactions, muscle activity, ingestion of hot food and beverages

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Give four sources of body heat loss.

sweat, exhalation, urination/defecation, ingestion of cold food and beverages

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Heat regulation is conducted in the __________, hence earning it the title of the body's "__________".

hypothalamus; thermostat

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Define vasoconstriction. What is its function?

narrowing of blood vessels due to low external temperatures; body heat conservation

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Define vasodilation.

dilation of blood vessels due to high external temperatures; loss of body heat

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