Sophmore Swim

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3 Basic Objectives

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3 Basic Objectives


  • Fitness-How to use swimming to improve fitness

  • Fun-Having fun while improving your swim stroke and becoming more efficient in the water.

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Pool Rules

  • No running

  • No hanging on the lane lines

  • No food gum or drink

  • No shoes on deck

  • Proper bathing attire only (1 piece suits and no cotton t shirts)

  • No diving in the shallow water

  • Never any phones on deck- never!

  • No touching the basketball hoop, rim, net.

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Apply Levers to swimming

The farther your arms are forward the longer your lever is. Often compared to a teeter totter as a way to see the balance we are looking for in the water. A balanced swimmer swims on the surface of the water. 

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Front Crawl/ Freestyle

  1. Head down so you see the bottom of pool, breathe to side

  2. Balanced body position- finding the center of buoyancy. Often compared to teeter totter or a first class lever as a way to see the balance we are looking for in the water. A balanced swimmer swims on the surface of the water. 

  3. Arms, always one arm out in front, arms recover and get ready for the next workload, out of the water. 

  4. Flutter kick on the surface of the water with mostly straight legs.

  5. Full length of pool

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What is a Shepards Crook?

a required piece of equipment for all publicly attended facilities and is the easiest most effective device for making an “extension assist” How to rescue a drowning victim using a reaching assist or a shepherd's  crook – Mary Donahue

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How to use a shepards crook

  1. Lower the rounded end into the water

  2. Push/press it into the victim’s gut

  3. Put weight on back foot

  4. Pull victim in slowly, hand over hand

  5. Safety while practicing and testing.

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How to use a ring bouy (required for all public facilities)

  1. Step on the float end of the rope with your non-dominant foot out front.

  2. Have excess looped rope in an open non-dominant hand.

  3. Throw a buoy underhand, like horseshoes for accuracy.

  4. Throw a buoy past the victim.

  5. Use rope to pull the victim to the side, slowly, hand over hand. 

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How to do backstroke  (a competition Stroke)

  1. Balanced body position- finding the center of buoyancy. Often compared to teeter totter or a first class lever as a way to see the balance we are looking for in the water. A balanced swimmer swims on the surface of the water. 

  2. Chin up, ears in water

  3. Arms, hand enters pinky in, thumb out 

  4. Kicking the water out of the pool, upward motion is the propulsion of the kick

  5. Full length of pool

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Elementary Backstroke (least amount of “work” needed, recovery stroke)

  1. Balanced body position- finding the center of buoyancy. Often compared to teeter totter or a first class lever as a way to see the balance we are looking for in the water. A balanced swimmer swims on the surface of the water. 

  2. Arms- in water recovery for this stroke

  3. Kick-knees together, heals back, turn out toes, snap heals around and back together in a snapping motion

  4. Glide-minimum of 5 second glide insures proper timing of pull and kick

  5. Full length of pool

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Red Cross 5 Skills to Save Your Life in Water

1. Step or jump into the water over your head. 

2. Return to the surface and float or tread water for one minute. 

3. Turn around in a full circle and find an exit. 

4. Swim 25 yards to the exit without stopping. 

5. Exit from the water. If in a pool, be able to exit without using the ladder.

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Progressive Overload

 is the gradual increase of stress placed upon the body during exercise training.

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Rule of Progression

Gradually adding more stress in one of the 3 areas of time, frequency, or intensity.

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