psych 100 9-13 quiz answers

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Riley grows up with strict parents and is limited on the activities she can engage with with her friends and at school. She is fearful of getting punished if she disobeys her parents and does not partake in dangerous, risky, and many social activities that some of her peers do. As a result, she has personality traits such as being cautious, responsible, withdrawn, and quiet. When she moves away for college and her limitations from her parents are removed she decides to try activities that she was not allowed to previously. In her college environment, Riley is known as having personality traits such as impulsiveness, sociability, and recklessness. Riley's change in personality follows which theory of personality?

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Riley grows up with strict parents and is limited on the activities she can engage with with her friends and at school. She is fearful of getting punished if she disobeys her parents and does not partake in dangerous, risky, and many social activities that some of her peers do. As a result, she has personality traits such as being cautious, responsible, withdrawn, and quiet. When she moves away for college and her limitations from her parents are removed she decides to try activities that she was not allowed to previously. In her college environment, Riley is known as having personality traits such as impulsiveness, sociability, and recklessness. Riley's change in personality follows which theory of personality?

The Behavioral Perspective

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An advantage of using a projective test for personality assessment is that

It is less vulnerable to the self-report bias

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David lost the track race and explained that he finished in last place because of bad luck. David’s reasoning shows

The external locus of control

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_______ approach develops personality instruments based on the constructs relevant to the culture being studied.


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Under Freud's psychodynamic personality theory, the ego

balances the id and superego's desires, it is thought of as the rational part of personality

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The marshmallow test (shown in class) where preschoolers were asked to wait for an indefinite amount of time to not eat the marshmallow in front on them in order to receive another marshmallow tested their


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The theory of personality that focused on the unconscious mind and pleasure seeking urges in various stages of childhood is

Freud’s Psychodynamic perspective and psychosexual stages

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The Social-Cognitive perspective of personality proposes the concept of  ____________, that cognitive processes, behavior, and context all interact.

reciprocal determinism

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Alicia gets into an argument with her friend and watches her favorite television program from childhood to comfort herself. Alicia is engaging in the defense mechanism of


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A preference such as Nick likes to sleep on the left side of the bed is an example of a

Secondary trait

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Jaime was part of a large group that witnessed a robbery. She did not call the police because she assumed someone else in the group already called. This is an example of

Diffusion of responsibility

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Which of the following is NOT an influential factor in forming relationships?

Style of planning

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Under the elaboration likelihood model, the _______ route results in _______

Peripheral; less permanent attitude change

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_________ is a negative action towards an individual based on their membership in a specific group.


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Mark was smiling and being very energetic when he came home from his friend’s house. Sally concludes that he is a positive, happy person. Lisa concludes that he is in a positive mood because his favorite team won the game. Sally’s explanation to explain Mark’s behavior is in line with _________ and Lisa’s explanation is in line with  __________

Dispositionism; Situationism

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Johnny received a high grade on his test and attributed this to his hours of studying and intelligence. When Johnny received a failing grade, he explained that the teaching style of the class was confusing and his friend’s distracted him during the test. This is an example of the

Self-serving bias

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Stanley Milgram’s experiment revealed people’s tendency to engage in


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Jane’s roommate, Iris, has been quiet and isolated all day. Jane concludes that she is simply in a bad mood and tends to be a reserved person. However, Iris just received news that she did not get into a graduate program. Jane has committed the

Fundamental attribution error

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Sarah states that she is an architect, mother, daughter, wife, and dancer. She has just listed her

Social roles

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Allen believes that eating red meat is very bad for health. For the past few weeks, he has eaten red meat for dinner. Allen will likely experience __________

Cognitive dissonance

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_________ is a good kind of stress associated with positive feelings, optimal health, and performance, while _______ is an excessive and debilitating amount of stress.

Eustress; distress

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Which of the following is NOT a reason that immune system functioning and stress are connected?

The cardiovascular system is central to the fight or flight response

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The field of positive psychology focuses on

People’s strengths and promoting qualities that lead to happy, contended lives 

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Cortisol is

stress hormone

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Social support is connected to

Positive health outcomes such as boosted immune system and reduced blood pressure

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In the three stages of the general adaption syndrome, the ____________ , is when the initial shock of alarm has worn off and the body has adapted to the stressor, but the body still remains on alert.

Stage of resistance

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stressor that involve events or situations that require us to make changes to our lives and require time to adjust to this change are

Life changes

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The process whereby an individual perceives and responds to events that they appraise as overwhelming or threatening to their well-being is defined as


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The anger and hostility found in Type A behavior is

Linked to the development of heart disease

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If a person has more control over the situation, they are more likely to use ______ style of coping


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What is a psychological disorder?

A syndrome characterized by clinically significant disturbance in an individual’s cognition, emotion regulation, or behavior that is associated with distress in social, occupational, and/ or daily functioning

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People who experienced several stressful life events were significantly more likely to experience Major Depressive Disorder if they carried one or two short versions of the gene that regulates serotonin. This integration of biological and psychosocial factors to predict the likelihood that someone will develop Major Depressive Disorder falls under the

Diathesis-Stress Model of Psychology Disorders

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Jennifer has a persistent fear of enclosed spaces that has been impacting her ability to ride the elevator at work and get to her office on the 30th As a result, she has been consistently missing work and is afraid she may get fired. Jennifer would likely be diagnosed with

Specific phobia

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Gabbie experiences intrusive thoughts about her loved ones passing away and feels the need to tap the wall five times in order to relieve these intrusive thoughts. She knows these thoughts and urges are irrational but has difficulty being able to stop carrying out these repetitive behaviors. Gabbie is likely experiencing

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

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Jim recently was a victim of a robbery and physical assault. He has been having nightmares of the event, avoids the city where the robbery took place, feels consistently irritable towards people around him, and started screaming at his coworker unprovoked. Jim may be experiencing

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

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The biological basis of depressive disorders is associated with

Elevated amygdala activity when presented with negative emotional stimuli and imbalances in norepinephrine and serotonin

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Which of the following is NOT a precursor or predictor of suicidal behavior

Behaving cautious towards surroundings

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Which of the following is NOT thought to be a cause of a person developing schizophrenia?

The person has reduced ventricles

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When a person has Dissociative identity disorder, they

Exhibit two or more separate personalities and tend to have a history of childhood trauma

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When a person has antisocial personality disorder, they may

engage in illegal acts, lying or conning others, reckless behavior, and aggressiveness towards others

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What is confidentiality?

The therapist cannot disclose confidential communications to any third party unless mandated or permitted by law to do so.

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Therapists must be able to understand and address issues of race, culture, and ethnicity. This is called

Cultural competence 

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Jake decides to go to therapy to overcome his fear of spiders. Jake and his therapist create a hierarchy of anxiety, listing the least anxiety provoking to most anxiety provoking events related to his fear such as looking at a photo of a spider to touching a spider. By slowly presenting Jake with these situations, his therapist theorizes that he will eventually desensitize his fear reaction to spiders. This type of treatment is called

Exposure therapy

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_______ therapy involves two people in an intimate relationship trying to resolve difficulties.


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Cognitive-behavioral therapy

Attempts to make individuals aware of their irrational thoughts and replace them with new ways of thinking and teaches people how to engage in more positive and healthy behaviors

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The goal of psychoanalysis is to

Uncover buried, repressed feelings from the unconscious that cause psychological problems

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Psychotropic medications

Treat the psychological disorder by altering levels or effect of neurotransmitters

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What is NOT an important aspect of humanistic therapy?

Aims to change cognitive distortions

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In the past, people that experienced mental illness

Were greatly misunderstood, treated cruelly, and were often placed in asylums

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Which of the following is NOT a barrier to treatment discussed in your textbook and lecture?

High socioeconomic status

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