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Electromagnetic System
The opposite range of different wavelengths that compose Electromagnetic radiation.
Radio Waves
Longest wavelengths
Lowest frequencies
Use on earth: transmits radio/Tv signals
Scientific use: to study the composition, structure, and motion of celestial objects
2nd longest wavelengths
Low frequencies
Use on earth: Microwave ovens, cell phones, wifi, and bluetooth
Scientific use: to learn about the galaxies and stars that are behind clouds of dust
Means “below red”
Lower frequency/ longer wavelength than visible red
2 types:
Heat from Sun; used in toaster ovens/grills
Used in remote controls
Scientific use: to map out dust between stars
Visible Light
Only part in spectrum we can see
Radiated as white light but can be separated into different colors
Scientific use: to study the composition of objects of the universe
Determine: size, temp, age of stars
Shorter wavelengths/ higher frequency than visible light
Found naturally in sunlight; causes sunburn & cancer
Scientific use: to study very hot areas of universe like center of galaxies
Newly formed stars emit lots for study of structure/evolution
2nd shortest wavelengths/ high frequencies
Makes images of bodies
Scientific use: to study events that are hotter/more energetic than other stars
Neutron stars emit X-rays
Emitted by supernovas to find blackholes
Structure and evolution of the universe
Gamma Rays
Shortest wavelengths/highest frequencies & energies
Produced: power generations
Radioactive/causes and treats cancer
Solar flares cause gamma rays
Scientific use: to study high energy in universe/the origin and how far it expands
Electromagnetic waves transfer from one place to another.
As frequency increases, wavelength .
As frequency decreases, wavelength .
Shorter Wavelengths = ___________ __________.
Higher energy
Transferse (i don’t think that’s spelled correctly)
Electromagnetic waves & vibrations are at right angles at direction of travel.
All electromagnetic waves travel through space at the _________ ___ _______.
Speed of light
How many m/s is the speed of light?
300,000,000 m/s
The distance the speed of light travels in 1 year (9.5 million km)
The EMS contains types of radiation by…?
Wavelengths, frequency, and energy
The Doppler Effect (Redshift)
Describes wavelengths of energy shift as objects move.
As objects move toward you toward you, waves become _______________.
(Sound: higher; color: blue)
As objects move away, waves become _____________.
(Sound: lower; color: red)
Edwin Hubble
Noticed galaxies we see from Earth experience redshift; therefore, must move away from Earth
If objects move away…
Universe expands
By __________, scientists determine ______ at which star is moving & calculates distances from Earth
Redshift; speed
Why are Gamma Rays so dangerous and damaging?
They generate an overwhelming amount of energy
Short wavelength