up down charm strange top bottom
what are the six quarks
subatomic particle which makes up protons and neutrons, among others
electron muon tauon electron neutrino muon neutrino tauon neutrino
what are the six leptons
category of subatomic particle which includes electron
photon fluon graviton W+ W- Z0
what are the six force exchange particles
something made of THREE quarks
something made of quarks
down down up
quark composition of a neutron
up up down
quark composition of a proton
something with one quark and one antiquark
made of quarks and leptons, non-integer spin
make of force exchange particles and quarks, integer spin
antiparticles charge spin
all particles have associated _________ which possess the opposite ________ and ________
charge baryon lepton strangeness
the ______, ________ number, ________ number, and _____________ must be conserved
mass defect
The difference between the mass of an atom and its constituent partsā mass
binding energy
the amount of work required to separate the nucleons inside the nucleus
happens within unstable nuclei (are too big or the neutron/proton ratio is too large/small)
spontaneous random
radioactivity is both _______ and _________
it [can/canāt] be predicted when a specific nucleus will decay
time it takes for half of a substance to decay
the same element with varying neutrons
alpha beta- beta-+ gamma
the four types of radioactivity
this type of decay occurs with large nuclei >82 protons
alpha particle element
for alpha decay, release an _______ __________ and change the _________
beta- decay
occurs when the neutron/proton ratio is too high
same proton antineutrino
for beta- decay, the mass number stays the _______, the ________ number increases, and add an _______________
subatomic particle associated with beta- decay
same neutron electron neutrino
for beta+ decay, the mass number stays the _______, the ________ number increases, and add an _______________
beta +
occurs when neutron/proton ratio is too low
subatomic particle associated with beta+ decay
occurs in conjunction with other types when excess energy exists
conducted the gold foil experiment
alpha positively nucleus
gold foil experiment - hit gold foil with _______ particles to see if any would bounce back, discovered the small _________-charged ________
who discovered the electron energy levels
forward backward
for feynman diagrams, matter has arrows [forward/backward] in time, antimatter has arrows [forward/backward] in time