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8000 BC - 3000 BC
Archaic Period
fishing hooks and nets; farming baskets
What new tools were created during the Archaic Period?
3000 BC, Mezo-America and the upper region of South America
Where and when did the Agricultural revolution begin?
specialize and advance
What did the agricultural revolution allow people to do?
what was the main crop farmed in Mezo America?
The Incas
Largest and most wealthy empire of pre-columbus America
Machu Pichu in the Andes Mts
persuasion, propaganda, and military force
1400s (15 century)
Name the
First Leader of the Incas
First City
Where the first City was located
How the Incas forged their land
what resource made the Incas wealthy
the time period the Incas were in
the Olmec
The first Indian civilization of Mezo America
1000 BC
when was the Olmec formed?
the Mayans
The most advanced civilization of pre-columbus America
numerical system
engineering (pyramids)
most accurate calendar (astronomy)
written language
long distance commerce
advanced agricultural practices
Name all the advancements the Mayans made
What European invention did the civilizations in America not have access to?
The Aztec (1300 AD)
The most aggressive and powerful civilization in pre-columbus America + when it was created
California → Central Mexico
Where were the Aztec originally from and where did they end up?
Gods demanded them to move south until they found an eagle on a cactus eating a snake
Why did the Aztec relocate?
What city did the Aztec build that became a hub for arts and technology?
tyrannical, warlike, militant
What words can describe the way the Aztec ruled?
tribute & human sacrifices
What two things did the Aztec impose on other tribes?
those that paid the tax could avoid attack and violence; those that did not would have to suffer the attack
How did tribute work in the Aztec empire?
What religion were the Aztecs?
virgins (mostly children) to the fertility God
What type of people did the Aztec people sacrifice? Who did they sacrifice to?
Midnight of the Spring Equinox
When was the Aztec sacrifices held?
smaller in size, less advanced, more scattered
North American tribes were __________, __________, and ___________ than the Mezo-American tribes.
physical environment
What majorly affected the culture of the tribes in North America?
Name a tribe from the Arctic circle.
hunting seals + fishing + sleds
How did the people from the Arctic circle survive?
Chinook + Tillamook Tribe
Name two tribes from the Pacific Northwest.
salmon fishing + fighting with other tribes for resources
How did people from the Pacific Northwest survive?
Name a tribe from the Great Plains
sedentary farmers that grew grain
How did people from the Great Plains survive?
adopted horses and became nomadic hunters of buffalo
How did people from the Great Plains adapt after the Colombian Exchange?
The Pueblos + Anasazi
Name two tribes from the Southwest.
Irrigation systems
What did the Southwest tribes create in order to plant corn?
Adobe homes that were good for insulation and keeping heat out
What houses did the Southwest make and why?
on cliffs for protection from attacks
Where did the Anasazi build their homes and why?
Name a tribe from the Northeast.
rivers and game (animals)
What was in abundance in the northeastern tribes?
hunters and gatherers
What jobs did the northeastern people do to get food?
slash and burn
What form of agricultural practice did the north eastern people practice?
the northeastern people were ______; meaning they were not permanent settlers
eastern woodlands
what is another name for the people living in the northeastern region of America
Name a tribe from the Southeast.
earthen mounds
what was used to make burial grounds in the south east?
What is the major city that was developed in the Southeast by the Mississippians?
present day St Louis MO
Where was Cahokia located near?
squash, corn, beans
three sister farming included ____, ____, and _____
three sister farming helped support the growing _____
cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, creek, seminole
5 civilized tribes:
Algonquian, Iroquois, Muskogean
three main languages in the North American tribes
cultural practices, religion, language
The tribes were united by ______, ____, and ______
meal preparer and childcare
What place did women have in North American tribes?
What religious practices did almost all North American tribes have?
totem poles, polytheistic, animism
What number represents where the Aztec lived?
What number represents where the Olmec lived?
What number represents where the Mayans lived?
What number represents where the Incas lived?