Sarah Reed
Jane’s aunt, her injustice oppresses Jane
John Reed
14 year old cousin of Jane, bullies Jane
Eliza Reed
money-hungry, sells chickens and eggs, hoards money
Georgiana Reed
beautiful cousin of Jane, never gets in trouble because of her attractiveness
Bessie Lee Leaven
married to Robert (the coachmen), has two children (one of which she names Jane after J.E.)
Martha Abbot
maid who dislikes Jane because she’s not pretty, says John Reed is her master and that she is less than a servant
beautiful mansion where Jane is mistreated by the Reeds
Mr. Lloyd
apothecary hired by Mrs. Reed (by doing this she was treating Jane like a servant who didn’t deserve a real doctor)
Mr. Brocklehurst
treasurer and manager of Lowood, resembles the Big Bad Wolf
Maria Temple
superintendent of Lowood, truly cares for the girls and advocates for them, has dark hair
Ms. Scatcherd
history and grammar teacher at Lowood, treats Helen hrashly
Helen Burns
Jane’s friend at Lowood, claims to have many faults, dies of consumption, leaves a lasting impression on Jane who later makes a tombstone with the word “Resurgam” ingraved in it for her
Lowood Institution
charity school where Jane lives for 8 years, girls there have a low quality of life,
Charlotte Bronte’s pseudonym
Emily Bronte’s pseudonym
Acton Bell
Anne Bronte’s pseudonym
Intrusive Narrator
when the narrator speaks directly to the reader
a novel dealing with one person's formative years or spiritual education.
when “Jane Eyre” was published
Jane Eyre
narrator of “Jane Eyre”
Novel Elements
Strange Settings
the Supernatural
Gothic Elements
Patrick Bronte
Jane’s strict clergyman father
somber and dreary
the mood of the novel as the story opens
to escape from reality
why Jane enjoys reading
Jane’s “picture of passion”
‘“Wicked and cruel boy [John Reed]!” I [Jane] said. “You are like a murderer—you are like a slave-driver—you are like the Roman emperors!”’
1.) Jane is an outcast
2.) Jane is lonely and w/o parents
3.) Jane is mistreated by members of her family
4.) Jane’s ‘stepmother', Mrs. Reed, acts indifferent and harsh towards her
ways Jane’s life mirrors Cinderella
Mr. Reed is Jane’s mother’s brother
Janes relationship to the Reeds
to ‘rear and maintain’ Jane
what Mr. Reed made is wife promise on his deathbed
because Jane is ugly, poor, and has a melancholic personality
why Jane thinks the Reeds do not like her
‘sheltered and befriended"‘
what Jane feels as Mr. Lloyd (the apothecary) cares for her
Jane does not think she is tough enough and she doesn’t want to become harsh, degraded, or unkind
why Jane doesn’t want to be poor
the info about her background Jane overhears from the servants
father caught typhus while serving the poor, mother caught it and they died within a month of each other
“human beings must love something”
why Jane feels such strong affection for her doll and Bessie
the Big Bad Wolf
the fairytale character Mr. Brocklehurst reminds Jane of
what Mrs. Red accuses Jane of being
‘turn the other cheek’
how Helen Burns views ill treatment
‘eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth’
how Jane views ill treatmnet
Charlotte didn’t have a mother and was probably lonely
Charlotte had a strict clergyman for a father (Lowood had strict religious observances)
Charlotte was tiny
ways “Jane Eyre” is autobiographical
by smiling at her
how Helen helps Jane endure her abuse from Mr. Brocklehurst
after this event Jane begins to work diligently in her studies and improves quickly
Miss Temple publicly affirms Jane’s honesty in front of the whole school
the girls at Lowood begin contracting typhus from the “fog-bred pestilence”
what begins happening during the spring of Jane’s first year at Lowood
Helen Burns
Jane friend who dies of consumption
“a kind fairy”
supplies Jane with the idea to advertise for a job
7 years prior, Jane’s uncle had come to the Reed’s household and inquired about her
what Bessie reveals about Jane’s family before she leaves Lowood
The Clergy Daughters’ School at Cowan Bridge
where Charlotte Bronte attended school during her early years
when the title of a book is the name of the main character
Mary Ann Wilson
Jane’s friend at Lowood while Helen is sick