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Hay Fever
associated with allergies and chaaracterized by symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy/watery eyes
sinus infection, which can be bacterial or viral. assoicted wtih stuffiness, postnasal drainage, sore thorat, feeling of pressure, headache, tendernes
widespread airway narrwoing, dyspnea, SOB, wheezing, cough, tachycardia, tachypnea, diaphoresis, “air hunger”
bacterial or viral; cough with productive yellow green sputum, chills, chest pain, SOB, fever, audible breath sounds and lethargy
respiratory alkolsis due to inadequate CO2; increased respiratry rate and anxiety
viral infection with headache, cough, chills, sinus congestion, muscle pain, sore thorat, malaise, fatigue, fever, and post nasal drip
viral or bacterial with cough, chills, SOB, fatigue, anorexia, chest pain, fever, respiratory distress, elevated respiratory rate, elevated pulse, chills, dullness to percussion and bronchial breath sounds on auscultation
cold; viral infection with nasal stuffiness, sore thorat, inflammation of nasal mucosa, nasal dischrage, postnasal drip and fever
migraine headache
This condition can be attributed to many factors, including vascular, nutritional and/or stress. It has a variety of symptoms including hemianopia, seeing flashes of light, severe headache, paresthesia, nausea, vomiting and photophobia.
This is a disorder of glucose metabolism and is characterized by the following symptoms: polyuria, polydipsia, lethargy and weight gain or loss.
The following condition is often associated with increased metabolism, hyperphagia, weight loss and psychological disturbances
The following condition is associated with diminished BMR, intolerance of cold, fatigue, mental apathy, sluggishness, constipation, muscle aches, dry skin and hair and coarsening of features.
If a patient has the following symptoms, what condition would you suspect? Severe peritonitis, epigastric pain, LUQ pain & rigidity, L shoulder pain and possibly shock.
This condition is from the Epstein-Barr virus and has the following symptoms: headache, malaise, sore throat, fatigue, fever, pharyngitis, cervical adenopathy, lymphadenopathy and spleen enlargement.
A viral condition with uni-bilateral swelling of parotid glands, chills, headache, pain below ears, fever and painful jaw movement.
Also known as the rubeola virus and has the following symptoms: fever, myalgia, malaise, numerous red skin eruptions and high fever (>104).
What is the condition called that is associated with hard physical training, low body fat, emotional stress and absence of menses for 6 months?
What is the name of the condition associated with the following: blood flow to pelvic organs, hormonal painful menstruation, cramps, headache, nausea and abdominal tenderness
When a female has 3-6 menstrual cycles per year, what is this called?
Pelvic inflammatory disease
A bacterial infection associated with abdominal pain, high-grade fever, nausea and vaginal discharge is known as...
testicular contusion
When a male receives a direct blow that is associated with pain (usually <10min) and brief nausea, this condition is called?
A bacterial bladder infection with dysuria, frequency, urgency, flank pain, fever, supraoptic tenderness and hematuria is...
Kidney Stones
A painful condition with chills, fever and hematuria can be associated with which of the following?
This bacterial condition can either be oral or vaginal. If it is oral, it is recognized by its raised, white patches on mucosa and tongue. If it is vaginal, it is recognized by the thick, cheesy discharge and itching. What is this condition?
An infection caused by irritative agents with burning and discomfort on urination and urethral discharge is known as...
What is an accumulation of fluid in testis which is most commonly seen between 2-5 years old?
Varicose veins in scrotum with sensation of heaviness, tenderness and feels like "bag of worms" is known as...
Viral infections
rhinovirus, influenza, infectious monouncleosis, rubeela, rubeola, mumps, varicella
Respirtaory infections
sinusits, pharyngitis, tonsilits, seasonal atopic rhinits, acute bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, EI bornchial obsturction, cystic fibrosis
common cold
infectious mono
epstein-barr virus-EBV
german measles
chicken pox
sore thorat
Seasonal atopic rhinits
allergic, hay fevera
acute bronchitis
infeciton of respitry tract
infection of alveoli and brhoncioels
bronchial asthma
many triggers- viral infeciton, emotional stress, changes in weather, exercise, etc
Exercise induced broncial obsutrciton
asthma, exacerbated by exercise
cystic fiberosis
genetic disorder, COPD, pancreatic deficiency, urogential dysfunction, increase electrolytes in sweat
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
hereditary disease- degeneration of skeletal muscle
mysathenia gravis
autoimmune disease where antibodies attack synaptic junction
acetylcholine deficiency- abnormality produces early fatigue in skeletal muscle
inflammation of meninges surrounding spinal cord and brain
multiple scleorosis
autoimmune inflammatory disease of CNS
deterioration and permannet damage to mylein sheath surrounding nerve cell axon
amyotrophic latearl sclerois
lou gehrigs disease
scleoriss of lateral region of spinal cord and degernation of motor neurons
atrophy of musclse
reflex sympathetic dystrophy
abnormal and excessive response of sympathetic portion of autoimmune nervous system
iron defiency anemai
small erythocyes, hemoglobin decrease, ferritin concentartion flow
runners anmeia
hemolysys, impact of foot strike leads to destruction of normal erythocytes
sickle cell anemia
chronic hereditary hemolytic disase
heredtiary disease, dificeny in clotting of blood, prolonged coagulation time, blood can’t clot and abnormal bleeding
inflammaitno of lympathic channels
bacterial infeciton in blood
dibates mellitus
type 1- insulin dependent
type 2- noninsulin depending (overweight)
diabetic coma
genetic, alterd brain metabolsim, or hisotry or injury
high BP
chlymaidy trachomatis
gential herpes
gential candidais
condyloma acuminata (venereal warts)
etopic pregnacy
fertilized egg implants outside uterine cavity, inflammation of fallopian tubes
amenorrhea, tenderness, soress/apan, refered pain to shoulders, pallor, shcok, hemorrhage
pink eye, bacterial irritation, burning, photophobia, inflammation of conjuctiva, bloodshot eyes, sticky discharge
corneal abrasion
potentail foregin object, pain, granular feeling, photophobia, sesnation of foreign object, decreased focusing, watering
corneal laceration
sharp object, pain, distorted vision, laceration of cornea, tear shaped pupil
sebaceous gland pain visual impairment erythema swelling tenderness boil-like lesion at base of the lashes
direct blow causing impaired vision, increased pain with pressure and blood pooling in the anterior chamber of eye
detached retina
blunt trauma causing blurred vision, flashes of light, floathes, curtain/vein acrros field of vision
infection recognized by swelling, tenderness, erythema, edema
mollusucm contagiosum
pox virus characterized by its raised lesions, often near skin abrasion or laceration
inflammatory rash irritant characterized by its itchiness and redness and could be due to many factors including dryness, sun and uv light
usually bacterial and loacized collection of pus surrounded by a membrane often recognized by its heat, swelling, redness and throbbing pain
herpes simples
viral condition characteried by its painful blisters with clear vesicles. can be oral or gential
simplex 1
simplex 2
Herpes Zosters
AKA shingles
viral reactivation of inlfmmation of posteior root ganglia of a few segmetns of spinal or cranial nerves, leading to painful vesicular eruption along root pathways, often persisting for months
acne vulgaris
inflammation of sebaceious glands pain also recongized by its itching, balckheads, cysts and pustules
itchy, red rash that weeps or oozes serum. Can be caused by many factors and may become crusted, thickened or scaly. allergies, irritating chemicals, drugs, scratching skin or sun exposure
formed from the HIV virus. sypomtos include secondar infection cough, malaise, ehadache, skin rashes, fever, abnomral lugn sounds and noticeably ill appearhces
bacterial STD. first 2 montsh symptoms include painless epitherlial lesions, skin rash, low grade fever, fatigue, headache, LOA, and myalgia (muscle pain)
AKA clap, bacterial STD associated with dysuria, dyspareunia, pelvic pain, and colored discharge
another bacterial STD associated with dysuria, dyspareunia and colored discharger
genital warts
viral STD that are characterized by external wart eruption 1-6 months after infection
on own is not and STD it can be associated. yeast, bacterial or trichomonas and is recongized by itching, pain, colored sdischarge, painful sexual intercourse and/or inflammation of vaginal mucosa
inflammation and infection of appendix, include N/V, RLQ pain, anorexia, positve rebound test and fever
infection/hornic bowl disease associted with diarhesa, increase flatus, ill appearance, abdomen tender to palation and fever
decrease fluid content of feces, hard stool, straining during bowel movement, bloadting feeing, decrased appetite, and headache
may be viral or bacterial in nautre and loose watery stools which might be blood and associated with fever
esophageal reflux
heartburn and chest pain
epigastirc pain with n/v, viral or bacterial
usually viral and can be recongized by n/v, diarrhea, anorexia, cramping, fever, abdomen and dehydartion
indigestion recongized by pain, nauea/v, heartburn, acid regurgitation, accumulation of gas and belching
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
enlargement of the heart and is likely associated with a family history of sudden death under the age of 50 as well as personal history of unexplained episodes of syncope, angina, dyspnea, murmur, increase with Valsalva maneuver.
Decreased blood pressure, rapid, weak pulse, confusion, agitation, syncope, increased respiration, tachycardia and cool, clammy skin is a condition known as
is low blood pressure with decreased systolic and/or diastolic pressure.
disorder of brain aura preceding seizure. These seizures range from brief breaks in consciousness to tonic-clonic.
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy
when the CNS is producing continuous sympathetic stimulation to a limb severe localized pain (disproportionate to injury) and is characterized by skin hypersensitivity, history of injury with immobilization, edema, decreased ROM, skin/nail changes and increased skin temp.
can be bacterial or viral. Symptoms present with an intolerable headache, very rigid neck, violent vomiting, rapidly rising fever (all worsening over a few hours), altered cognition, syncope and seizures.