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Increase in advertising targeting consumers, especially women.
Stock Market
Rapid rise in stock prices during 1920s prosperity.
Buying on Credit
Purchasing items without immediate cash, using borrowed funds.
Mass Media
Radio as the first unifying communication medium in households.
Jazz Singer
First sound movie released in 1927, revolutionizing cinema.
Leisure Time
Increased free time due to rising incomes and prosperity.
Charles Lindbergh
Famous aviator known for transatlantic flight achievements.
Lindbergh Law
Federal offense for kidnapping across state lines.
Amelia Earhart
First female aviator to fly solo across Atlantic.
Model T
First affordable automobile mass-produced by Ford.
Post-WWI Auto Culture
Increased car ownership and suburban commuting.
Baseball's Golden Age
1920s era of heightened baseball popularity.
Rebellious women embracing new social freedoms.
Women's Suffrage
Legal voting rights for women post-WWI.
Great Migration
Movement of African Americans to northern cities.
Sacco and Vanzetti
Immigrants executed amid ethnic prejudice.
Eugenics Movement
Discredited science promoting hereditary superiority.
National Origins Act
1924 law restricting immigration by ethnicity.
Palmer Raids
Mass arrests due to fear of communism.
Anti-immigrant sentiment fueled by economic recession.
Race Riots of 1919
Violence against African Americans post-WWI.
Group targeting minorities and immigrants in America.
Emergency Quota Act
Temporary immigration limit set at 3%.
Women's Workforce Participation
Increased independence for women in society.
Cork-filled Baseballs
Enhanced performance of baseballs in the 1920s.
Miss America Pageant
First held in 1921, showcasing women's beauty.
Suburban Living
Rise in commuting and suburban lifestyle post-WWI.
Red Scare
Fear of communist influence in American society.
Chicago Race Riot
Violence in 1919 resulting in 38 deaths.
Mitchell Palmer
U.S. Attorney General during the bombings.
General Intelligence Division
Precursor to the FBI, created by Palmer.
J. Edgar Hoover
First director of the FBI, led the Division.
Palmer Raids
Mass arrests of suspected radicals in 1919-1920.
Butler Act
1925 law prohibiting teaching evolution in Tennessee.
Movement advocating literal Bible interpretation.
Scopes Trial
1925 trial challenging Butler Act's constitutionality.
Individuals deemed dangerous by Palmer, often immigrants.
Political extremists involved in the bombings.
Scopes Trial
Legal case testing teaching evolution in schools.
Butler Act
Law prohibiting teaching evolution in Tennessee.
Modernist movement emphasizing color and expressiveness.
Art movement using geometric shapes for abstraction.
Art inspired by dreams and the unconscious mind.
Art Deco
Style emphasizing symmetry and geometric simplicity.
1919 law banning alcohol in the U.S.
Secret bars selling alcohol during Prohibition.
Smugglers of illegal alcohol during Prohibition.
Al Capone
Infamous gangster controlling Chicago's liquor trade.
21st Amendment
Repealed Prohibition, allowing alcohol sales again.
Harlem Renaissance
Cultural movement celebrating African American art and identity.
Deprivation of voting rights and legal privileges.
Claude McKay
Jamaican poet addressing racism in America.
Langston Hughes
Prominent writer highlighting African American experiences.
Zora Neale Hurston
Author of 'Their Eyes Were Watching God'.
Improvisational music style popularized by Louis Armstrong.
Duke Ellington
Jazz musician known for ragtime influence.
Music genre expressing themes of love and oppression.
Bessie Smith
Famous blues singer, highest paid in U.S.
Marcus Garvey
Leader promoting Black nationalism and self-reliance.
Organization fighting against racial discrimination.
Back to Africa Movement
Garvey's initiative for African American repatriation.