Which of these are propositions, which are not? Why?
1 + 1 = 2
1 + 1 = 3
x + 2 = 3
Negation or “Not” → ¬p
True when p is False and False when p is True
Conjunction or “AND” → p ^ q
True if both p and q are True, False otherwise
Disjunction or “OR”, → p v q
True if at least any of the propositional variables p or q is True.
Exclusive OR or “XOR” → p ⊕ q
If both propositional variables p and q are True, then the proposition is False. True if and only if its arguments differ
Conditional Statement “if then”, p → q
“If p, then q”. False when p is True and q is False, otherwise True.
Biconditional Statement “if and only if”. p ↔ q
True if p and q are the same (both are True or both False)
¬ (NOT)
^ (AND)
v (OR)
→ (COND)
If should be interpreted as first applying the NOT to p, then taking the result of this operation AND q.
¬ p ^ q = (¬ p) ^ q
AND has higher priority than OR, in this case we would write it as:
p v q ^ r = p v (q ^ r)
Here, OR has higher priority than the conditional.
p → q v r = p → (q v r)
¬(p ^ q) = ¬p v ¬q
¬(p v q) = ¬p ^ ¬q