Provides body with essential water, nutrients, and minerals.
Completes mechanical and chemical breakdown of foods for absorption by cell membranes.
Eliminates waste products from body.
Includes accessory organs for digestion and absorption of nutrients.
Ventilation (breathing): exchange of O2 and CO2
CO2 expelled from lungs (exhaling)
O2 brought into lungs (inhaling; alveoli: sacs in the lungs important for O2 exchange)
Assistance by cardiovascular system
Transports O2 and CO2 into the bloodstream
Exchange of gases in the lungs
O2 in the alveoli exchanged for CO2 in blood
irreversible damage
50+ years old
Caused by smoking only
CO2 retention problem (lungs get too big due to inability of being able to get all the CO2 out)
Three types: Emphysema, Chronic Bronchitis, and Asthma