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Who was Albert Fall and what was his crime

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Who was Albert Fall and what was his crime

He was Secretary of the Interior. His crime was the Teapot Dome Scandal. He was selling national oil reserve rights from the teapot dome reserve in Wyoming to the Mammoth Oil Company.

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Why did President Hoover support the U.S. cause, but oppose W.W. II and the Korean War?

He supported the U.S. causes because of his patriotism but since he was a Quaker and a pacifist he opposed the wars.

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Where did the Scopes Trial occur and what was its purpose?

It took place in Dayton, TN and the purpose was to allow the teaching of evolution within classrooms. The real reason was to create a precedent in society to change the leading force of society to be science instead of religion.

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What was Black Thursday and what historical event did it precede?-

October 24, 1929 was the first day of the stock market crash and it led to the Great Depression in the United States.

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What part of the Versailles Treaty did President Harding support?

Harding supported the World Court which gave the ability for countries to have a day in court to resolve their disputes.

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Who was John L. Lewis and what organizations did he lead and found?

Lewis was a key figure in the labor movement having a role in the coal miners strike. He was president of United Mine Workers of America and founding president of Congress of Industrial Organizations.

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What was the purpose of the Hawley-Smoot Tariff?

     It was enacted to protect US farmers and businesses from foreign competition by raising the import tariffs on many goods.

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Who created the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) and for what purpose?

It was created by Hoover and was a means to provide loans to businesses that were losing money.

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Who was Harry Hopkins and what was his position in the Roosevelt administration?

He established the Works Progress Administration. FDR personal supporter and eventually Secretary of Commerce.

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Who was Huey Long and what were his political ideals to end the depression?

A progressive senator from Louisiana whose motto was “a chicken in every pot.” Sharing wealth and increasing income were his ideals to end the depression.

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What was the Dust Bowl and what part of the U.S. did it affect?

It was a major drought in the 1930s that affected the Midwest.

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What was “Court-Packing” and why did Roosevelt want it created?

 FDR wanted to increase the amount of court justices from 9 to 15 so that he could pass more New Deal legislation, it would ultimately fail and hurt his reputation.

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What was the Neutrality Act?

Restricted the sale of military hardware that was traded with other nations and  required cash for materials that could be used to make weapons for nations that were considered belligerent and restricted US citizens from traveling to those nations.

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What was Lend-Lease?

allowed the US to send military equipment to any nation that was opposing the aggressive nations. The president had discretion to provide the weapons, they were required to repay it.

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What was the Japanese Internment order and why did it occur?

It was created by Executive Order #9066 which was made to take the Japanese population of the US and imprison them in camps. It was made in an effort to curb potential Japanese espionage.

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Who was Dwight D. Eisenhower and what was his importance to the U.S.?

He commanded the U.S. European theater and the Allied Forces landing in North Africa in 1942.

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Who was Douglas MacArthur and why was it important to the U.S.?

Was an American General who commanded in the Pacific during WW2.

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As Secretary of Commerce, which regulatory agency did Hoover establish?

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

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Who was Henry A. Wallace and why did he lose his governmental position?

 He was an American politician who served as 33rd vice president. He lost his position because he was thought to be too liberal and socialist.

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Who was John Maynard Keynes and what was his theory?

British economist whose ideas would influence the New Deal. During economic downturns, the government needs to practice deficit spending in order to stimulate the economy, paying back the debt after this is done.

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What was the 21st Amendment?

Repealed prohibition

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What was the 20th Amendment?

 Lame duck. Presidential and VP terms end at noon on 20 January.

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What was the National Recovery Administration (NRA)?

A prime agency established by U.S. president Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933. The goal of the administration was to eliminate competition  by bringing industry, labor, and government together to create codes of fair practices and set prices.

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What was the Wagner Act?

Established the right of unions to collective bargaining. It also created the National Labor Relations Board.

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Which states saw the KKK influence increase the most On the U.S.?

Indiana,Texas, Oregon, Oklahoma

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What was the 18th Amendment?

Prohibited the sale and manufacturing of alcohol.

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What were the speakeasies?

Hidden bars that hosted social gatherings during Prohibition in the 1920’s.

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What were the primary causes of the Great Depression?

 Falling prices of farm products and the Dust Bowl caused farms to close. Borrowed margins on loans in order to play the stock market. High tariffs caused trade to decline and created a surplus, which caused factories to lay off workers. Corporations kept prices high while reducing wages, reducing consumer power.

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What was Nativism and what organization did it restore in the U.S.?

Nativism is a policy of favoring native citizens in countries rather than immigrants. It would bring back the KKK within the U.S.

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List the radical progressives who claimed that the New Deal did not go far enough.

Huey P. Long, Francis Townsend, and Henry Wallace

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Where and what resulted when the U.S. entered the European Theater during W.W. II?

First encounter was in North Africa and resulted in a loss against the Germans.

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What resulted from FDR’s monetary reforms and ending the U.S. gold standard?

Executive Order #6102. After going off of the gold standard, they begin to print large amounts of US currency. To bolster this currency, they would purchase gold so that they could then offset. The F.D.I.C. was established and limited banks on investing and risky ventures like stock and bonds.

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Who was Eugene V. Debs and why was he in prison?

Founder of the Socialist Party who was arrested for speaking out against WWI, violating the Sedition Act.

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What was the Teapot Dome Scandal?

Harding’s Secretary of the Interior Albert Fall sold oil from the nation’s Teapot Dome reserve in Wyoming to the Mammoth Oil Company.

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What was the Immigration Act of 1924 and what was its impact on the U.S.?

Included the Asian Exclusion Act and it limited the number of immigrants that were allowed into the United States by established quotas.

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What was the Banking Crisis and the reforms used to resolve it?

Quarter of the banks have faltered and many of the others were not in the best of shape. In order to affirm the public's complex within the banks FDR declared Bank Holiday and they all shut down and the reforms to resolve this were the Banking Acts of 1933 and 1935.

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What term was used to disparage Herbert Hoover in the U.S. cities?


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What was Black Tuesday?

October 29, 1929, the stock market would decline from 381 to 41 by 1932. This would start the 10 year period of the Great Depression.

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What was Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s historic pedigree?

Member of the old Dutch Families that had been established since New Netherlands.

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What was the War Production Board and who managed it?

The War Production Board shifted peacetime to wartime. Donald M. Nelson managed it.

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Who was D.C. Stephenson and where did he live?

 He was a leading Klansman who was convicted of murder and rape. He lived in Seymour, Indiana.

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Who was Harold Ickes and what was his position in the Roosevelt administration?

He was the U.S Secretary of the Interior under FDR’s Administration and Ickes was responsible for implementing much of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's "New Deal".

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What was the “Good Neighbor Policy”?

Stopped U.S. interference in international relations and to improve foreign relations focusing on South America.

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What was the United Nations?

was created after WWII to maintain international peace and security and headquartered in San Francisco.

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Who was Andrew Melon and how did he stop the post W.W.I recession?

Sec. of Treasury under Harding. He would cut taxes and cut government spending using supply side economics.

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What was the National Industrial Recovery Act**?**

A US labor and consumer law passed to authorize the president to regulate industry for fair wages and prices that would stimulate economic recovery.

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What  was the Truth in Securities Act?

It requires all companies that are trading their stocks in the market to register with the Federal Trade Commission to provide accurate truthful information and prohibit deceit, misinterpretations, and other fraud in the sale of securities.

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What was the Norris-LaGuardia Act?

 Major piece of reform legislation. Republicans attempted to gain good will from labor, but it didn’t help them. It restricted labor injunctions which companies used to accuse the strikes as safety issues and stopped yellow dog contracts that said they wouldn’t join unions.

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What was Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States about and why was it important?

Schechter Poultry Corp took the government to court for forcing companies to regulate industries instead of the market. They won the case, showing that the New Deal’s practices were unconstitutional causing FDR to desire adding more supreme court justices.


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