Theme 1D- Sacred Texts

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What does Richard Dawkins say about the Bible?

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What does Richard Dawkins say about the Bible?

The Bible is… a chaotically cobbled- together anthology

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What is the canon?

A standardised list

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Hebrew 4:12

The word of God is living and active… it is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

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2 Timothy 3:16

All scripture is inspired by God

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What is textual criticism?

  • Time gap between the original text and the first copy

  • Considers the number of copies created.

  • The shorter the time gap the greater the credibility.

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Compare one historical text with the new testament text in terms of textual criticism

  • Tacitus had a 1000 year gap with only 20 copies

  • Bible had a 170-450 years gap

    • More than 5300 copies in greek

    • 10000 Latin translations

    • 9300 others

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What does FJA Hort say about textual criticism

The New Testament stands absolutely and unapproachably alone amongst ancient prose writings.

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What does Alister McGrath say about the New Testament?

We can be confident in the:

  • accuracy

  • authenticity

  • integrity

    Of the Bible

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What is the book which contains the Jewish canon?


Torah, Nevi’im and Kethuvim

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Is the Old Testament in chronological order?

  • No!

  • Ruth is after the Song of Solomon even though it was written first.

  • Hebrews is after the Gospels even though it was written first.

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What is the Torah considered as?

The first and most important the ‘canon within the canon‘

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What is after the Torah?

  • The Prophets which describe the ‘highs and lows of covenants‘

  • The writings which give various insights on living faithfully.

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What comes first in the New Testament?

The Gospels- ‘canon within the canon‘

  • most important and fundamental part

  • Contains life, death and resurrection of Jesus

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What comes after the Gospels?

Acts of the apostles, Paul’s Epistles (letters), other letters then the book of revelation

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What do they do in the New Testament in order to organise it?

Similar types of literature are placed together such as the gospels.

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What is the Bible (quality)?

Inspired by God 2 Timothy 3:16

In the New Testament they use the word ‘theopneustos‘ which means God breathed

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What is the criteria for Jewish scriptures to be chosen in the canon?

  1. Books had to survive (Dead sea scrolls)

    • Made of parchment (animal skin)

  2. Must support the Torah- within the canon there are central ideas or themes that strongly influence the basis of writings which were chosen.

  3. Were recognised by Jews as supporting their faith and practice.

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Where and when were the dead sea scrolls discovered?

In 11 caves, 13 miles east from jerusalem and 1300ft below sea between 1947 and 1956

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How many copies were there for the dead scrolls?

  • 19 copies of the book of Isaiah.

  • 25 copies of Deuteronomy.

  • 30 copies of the Psalms.

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What was the relevance of the scrolls?

They were the oldest group of the Old Testament manuscripts to be found.

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What are the different languages of the Bible?

  • The TaNaKh was originally written in Hebrew → later translated to Greek.

  • The second temple writings were written in Greek.

  • The New Testament was originally written in Greek.

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What were the second temple writings?

  • Part of the version of the Tanakh and were called Septuagint (in Greek) or Deuterocanonical Books.

  • Written after the Hebrew canon ‘closed'

  • St Jerome did not accept these writings as canon yet St Augustine did.

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Where are the second temple writings found?

In the Catholic Bible but not in the Protestant Bible.

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Why are the second temple writings accepted sometimes in their Bible?

  • In 2 Maccabees 12:46, Martin Luther disagrees with the scripture as it gives the idea of purgatory.

  • Hence they are Apocrypha (hidden)

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What is the history behind the New Testament canon?

  • They were at first passed orally.

  • St Paul’s letters are the earliest writings- 60 AD onwards

  • Gospels were written between 70 AD- 100 AD.

  • Diatessaron: a harmony of the 4 Gospels written in the 2nd Cent and is popular in Syrian churches.

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What is the Muratorian canon?

The oldest known list of books in the New Testament- approximately 170 AD.

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What does the Muratorian canon contain?

22/27 New Testament books as it also mentions books that should not be included as they were forgeries.

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Give a quote that the Muratorian Canon says about the forgeries?

Which cannot be recieved in to the Catholic Church- for it is not fitting that gall be mixed with honey.

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What is the criteria for books to be accepted into the New Testament?

  1. They have to have a connection with the Apostles.

  2. Have to connect with churches supporting faith and practice by Christians in diverse places.

  3. The books had to conform to the faith of Christianity- Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.

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Where did the Gospels get their accounts from?

  • Mark- St Peter

  • Luke- Mary

  • Matthew- the Apostles

  • John- the Apostles

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What happened in the 2nd Century with the New Testament?

  • Marcion was a church leader who created a Bible with only the Gospel of Luke and Paul’s letters excluding the Birth Narratives.

    • Believed the God of Jesus Christ was different to the God in the Hebrew Bible.

  • The Apostolic fathers and the other church leaders rejected his version of the Bible.

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What were the further considerations in the New testament?

  • Some queries about the books of Hebrews and Revelation because they were uncertain on the authors.

    • Heretical christian groups favoured these books- casted away.

  • Didache (teaching) was included and was written in the 1st Century.

  • Shepherds of Hermas- written in the 1st- 2nd century AD and it was not inclued in the canon because it was written too late after the Apostolic writngs.

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When and who agreed with the New Testament canon?

Agreed at the end of the 4th Century- beginning of the 5 th Centruy by Pope Damscus at the Council of Rome in 382 AD.

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