Besides the high death count, World War One weakened Western European powers, allowing nationalism and self rule ideas to grow within their colonies in Africa and Asia.
The immediate cause of the Great War was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne.
Gavrilo Princip: The killer of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and member of the black hand terrorist group.
The Black Hand: Nationalist and terrorist organization devoted to ending Austro-Hungarian presence in the Balkans.
After Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s assignation,
Austria-Hungary demanded an end to anti-Austrian agitation in Serbia.
Serbia declined the ultimatum, leading Austria-Hungary to declare war on Serbia on July 28th 1914.
Serbia gained assistance from Russia, Austria-Hungary gained assistance from Germany.
Germany declared war on Russia on August 1st 1914, and on France on August 3rd.
Britain declared war on Germany and Austria declared war on Russia.
Japan joined the Allies (Austria) by the end of August, making the war truly global.
Tensions in Europe had been heating up for decades prior to WW1, MAIN
Militarism: European countries were spending lots of money on military, weapons, recruitment. Competition grew between them over who was strongest.
Alliances: Tensions with a common country caused some to join together as allies, promising to protect an ally if they were attacked. This made the initial war between Serbia and Austria-Hungary go global quick.
Imperialism: Once all avaliable land to colonize was claimed, European powers began to fight each other over land, making bitter rivals join alliances with shared rival countries.
Nationalism: Multinational empires had multiple nationalist movements within their subjects, creating ethnic tensions.
Self-Determination: Idea that people of the same ethnicity, culture, language, ideals, should be united and form their own independent nation-state.
World War One Alliances
Allied Powers | Central Powers | Neutral States |
France, Great Britain, Russia, Japan, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Greece | Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria | Spain, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Switzerland, Albania |
WW1 led to the downfall of monarchies in Russia, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, and Germany.
Territories of Europe redrawn due to redistribution on Austria-Hungarian and Ottoman land.
Beginning of the end of colonialism.
Disrupted European economies led to rise of Communism and fascism, colonial revolts, and genocide.
Global power shifted from Europe to the United States.
Germany was forced to take blame for the war and made reparations, gave rise to authoritarian regimes causing tensions for a future war (WW2).