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a surgical puncture to remove fluid
process of producing a picture or record
a picture or record, machine producing a record
a picture or record
surgical repair
visual examination
instrument for visual examination
to bind; tie together
to crush
-clasis or -clast
break down
breakdown, separation, loosening
surgical fixation
-rrhage and -rrhagia
abnormal excessive fluid discharge
surgical suturing
flow, discharge
disease, suffering
the study of
study of disease
pain, suffering, painful conditions
abnormal softening
tissue death
abnormal hardening
abnormal narrowing
feeling of general discomfort, often first indication of an infection or disease.
fluid that leaks out of an infected wound
localized response to an injury or to the destruction of tissues
invasion of the body by a pathogenic organism
a. local infection
near the point of entry
b. systemic infection
affecting the entire body
List the signs and symptoms of infection=
malaise, chills and fever, redness, heat and swelling, or exudate from a wound.
List the key indicators of inflammation=
erythema (redness), hyperthermia (heat), edema (swelling), and pain
List 14 suffixes that mean “pertaining to“ =
List 5 suffixes used as Noun Endings:
List 7 suffixes that mean “abnormal condition” =