i like to move it move it
Origin: Occipital Bone
Insertion: Skin + Muscles around Eye
Action: Raising Your Eyebrows
Origin: Zygomatic Arch
Insertion: Mandible
Action: Closing of Mouth (Elevation of Mandible)
Origin: Maxilla/Mandible
Insertion: Orbicularis Oris
Action: Pull corners of mouth (Smile)
Orbicularis Oris
Origin: Maxilla/Mandible
Insertion: Upper and lower lips
Action: Close and protract lips
Orbicularis oculi
Origin: Frontal Bone
Insertion: Skin around eyelid
Action: Closes eyelids
Origin: Temporal Bone
Insertion: Coronoid process of mandible
Action: Elevate and retract mandible
Origin: Sternum and Clavicle
Insertion: Mastoid Process
Action: Rotation and Flexion of the neck
Zygomaticus Major
Origin: Zygomatic bone
Insertion: Orbicularis Oris
Action: Elevates corner of mouth
Zygomaticus Minor
Origin: Zygomatic bone
Insertion: Upper lip
Action: Draws lip backwards, upwards and outwards
Origin: Lower lip
Insertion: Facsia of clavicle, Upper pecs, deltoid muscles
Origin: Occipital bone and spinous processes of vertebra
Insertion: lateral third of clavicle, acromion, and spine of scapula
Action: Elevation and stabilization of scapula
Rhomboid Major
Origin: Spinous processes of vertebra
Insertion: Medial border of scapula
Action: Holds scapula to ribcage
Rhomboid Minor
Origin: ligamentum nuchae and the spinous processes
Insertion: Medial border of scapula
Action: Retracts scapula
Levator Scapulae
Origin: transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
Insertion: Upper medial scapula
Action: Elevation and downward rotation of scapula
Serratus Anterior
Origin: Lateral aspects of the 1st to 8th or 9th ribs
Insertion: Anterior medial border of scapula
Action: Lifts the ribs, assisting with respiration
Pectoralis Minor
Origin: Anterior surface of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th ribs near the costal cartilages
Insertion: Medial border and coracoid process of the scapula
Actions: Internal and downward rotation of scapula
Teres Major
Origin: Scapula
Insertion: Intertubercular groove of humerus
Action: Pulls humerus towards trunk (medially)
Pectoralis Major
Origin: Medial clavicle, sternum and upper ribs
Insertions: Greater Tubercle of Humerus
Action: Foward flexion/extension of shoulder, Arm adduction,
Origin: Spine of scapula, Acromion process, clavicle
Insertion: Deltoid tuberosity
Action: Extension and Forward flexion of shoulder, Rotate humerus, Abduction
Origin: Subscapular Fossa of Scapula
Insertion: Lesser tubercle of humerus
Action: Internal rotation and adduction of humerus
Latissimus Dorsi
Origin: Spinous Process, Ribs, Scapula, Illiac crest
Insertion: Between pec major and teres major
Action: Arm internal rotation, adduction, extension
Teres Minor
Origin: Lateral border of scapula
Insertion: Greater tubercle of humerus
Action: external rotation and adduction of arm
Biceps Brachii
Long head Origin: Supraglenoid Tubercle of the scapula
Short Head Origin: Coracoid of the scapula
Insertion: Radial tuberosity and fascia of forearm
Action: Flexion of arm at elbow
Origin: Lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
Insertion: Styloid process of radius
Action: Flexes forearm at elbow
Origin: Anterior distal humerus
Insertion: Tuberosity of ulna
Action: Flexes forearm at elbow
Triceps Brachii
Origin: Infraglenoid tubercle of scapula
Insertion: Posterior olecranon process
Action: Extension of arm at elbow
Origin: Lateral epicondyle and supracondylar ridge of humerus
Insertion: Carpals
Actions: Flexion, Abduction, adduction of the forearm and wrist
Origin: Posterior side of forearm
Insertion: Distal end of forearm
Action: Extension of forearm
Biceps Femoris
Origin: Ichial tuberosity and linea aspera
Insertion: Lateral head of fibula
Action: Flexion of legs at knee
Origin: Ichial tuberosity and linea aspera
Insertion: Medial surface of tibia
Action: Flexion of leg at knee
Origin: Anterior Superior Illiac Spine
Insertion: Medial part of tibia
Action: Flexion, Abduction and rotation of leg at hip
Rectus Femoris
Origin: Anterior inferior illiac spine
Insertion: Patella
Action: Extension at the knee
Vastus Medialis
Origin: Upper femoral shaft
Insertion: Upper patella
Action: Extension of leg at knee
Vastus Lateralis
Origin: Greater Trochanter
Insertion: Patella
Action: Extension of leg at knee
Gluteus Maximus
Origin: Illium and Sacrum
Insertion: Femur
Action: Extension and rotation of the hip
Gluteus Minimus
Origin: Lateral illium
Insertion: Greater Trochanter
Action: Pull pelvis to weight bearing side
Gluteus Medius
Origin: Between illiac crest and posterior gluteal line
Insertion: Lateral greater trochanter
Action: Abduction and rotation of hip
Adductor Magnus
Origin: Pubic Ramus
Insertion: Medial Gluteal Tuberosity
Action: Adduction and rotation of the hip
Origin: Anterior Superior illiac spine
Insertion: illotibial tract
Action: Knee stabilization
Origin: Pubis
Insertion: medial tibia
Action: Knee flexion, thigh abduction, rotation at hip
TIbialis Anterior
Origin: Lateral condyle of tibia
Insertion: Medial cuniform and 1st metatarsal
Action: Dorsiflexion and inversion
Extensor Digitorum Longus:
Origin: Anterior fibula
Insertion: Middle Distal Phalanges of foot
Action: Extension of toes and dorsiflexion
Flexor Digitorum Longus
Origin: Posterior tibia
Insertion: Bases of distal phalanges
Action: Curling of toes
Origin: Medial and lateral condyles of femur
Insertion: Calcaneal tuberosity
Action: Plantarflexion and flexion of leg at knee
Origin: Tibia
Insertion: Calcaneal tuberosity
Action: Plantarflexion
Tibialis posterior
Origin: Upper tibial and fibular shafts
Insertion: Navicular, medial cuneiform, metatarsals
Action: Plantarflexion, inversion