As interesting as it sounds the DNA in genomes doesn’t direct the protein synthesis on its own. It uses RNA as the middleman to do the job.
As we deep dive into concepts, we will explore how genetic information flows from DNA → RNA → Protein. This is often referred to as the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology.
The 4 different nucleotides in DNA (A, T, G, C) directs the formation of human, fruit fly, or bacteria. It’s crazy what these four letters when compiled can do.
RNA (Ribonucleic Acid)
It is the process in which genetic information is copied from one DNA strand to one RNA strand.
RNA polymerase which is involved in transcription is basically of three types:
RNA Polymerase I: 28 s-rRNA, 18 s-rRNA, 5.8 s-rRNA
RNA Polymerase II: hnRNA → mRNA
RNA Polymerase III: t-RNA, 5 sRNA, and snRNA (small nuclear RNA, helps in RNA splicing and also help in the formation of spliceosomes.
For transcription, the total DNA of a cell does not participate in the process, a part of DNA goes for transcription.
Only one strand goes for transcription which is the template strand.
It also follows the complementarity rule.
formation of m-RNA (5’ → 3’).
Transcription unit:
Promoter: RNA Polymerase binding site
Terminator: Transcription stop site
Structural gene: It is the actual RNA coding region
DNA Template
RNA Polymerase
Ribonucleotides (ATP, CTP, GTP, UTP)
RNA Polymerase:
It cut hydrogen bonds
It also reads the template strand
The formation of new m-RNA in the 5’ → 3’ direction by using appropriate nucleotide.
Structure of RNA Polymerase:
DNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase
Molecular Weight: 465 Dalton
It is made up of six polypeptides (2 alpha, beta, beta dash, omega, and sigma factor)
Core Enzyme + sigma factor = RNA Polymerase
Alpha assists the sigma factor for correct binding.
Beta and Beta dash helps in the unwinding of DNA.
Steps for transcription: