Historical romances written by Christians from a Muslim point of view
Media Res
Beginning in the middle/immediately after the action takes place
(Después de la batalla de Alahma) (required)
Dialogue (optional)
Narration of a Dramatic Moment
The fourth característica temáticas de un romance (required)
La Musicalidad
A melody, flow, or rhythm
Can’t tell in a fragment (required)
Los cinco sentidos
The five senses and lots of description (required)
Libre extensión
The poem can be any length (Can’t tell in fragment)
Arte Menor
Versos Octosílabos (required)
Rima asonante en los versos pares
Even lines must have vowels rhyming (required)
“Ay de mi Alahma” (optional)
Los Abencerrajes
A powerful family in Granada in the 15th century
Who was the rey moro?
What did Boabdil do to the Abencerrajes?
Killed a bunch of the Abencerrajes because he thought they were disloyal.
A town in Granada that was taken by the Christians prior to the events of the poem
El Zacatín
A street of vendors in Granada
The final Arabic palace to fall to the Christians
Repetition of words/ phrases
“¿Para qué nos llamas, rey, / para qué es esta llamada?”
Using a description to represent something else
“Un hombre de barba crecida y cana” is an old man, even though it doesn’t say that.
Addressing a person who isn’t necessarily there with passion
“Bien se te emplea, buen rey”
A repeated line
“Ay, de mi Alahma”
Alliteration; repeating first letters of a series of words/lines
“Mataste los Abencerrajes / que eran la flor de Granada”
Parallelism; repeating words to create structural similarity
Repetition of one or a few words at the end of one line and the beginning of another
“Bien se te emplea, buen rey,
buen rey, bien se te empleara.”
Using the same word with different forms
“No me mires, que miran
que nos miramos;
miremos la manera
de no mirarnos.
No nos miremos
y, cuando no nos miren,
nos miraremos.”
Story is told from multiple perspectives in a single poem
Un Verso
A line in a poem
Una Estrofa
A stanza in a poem
Verso Llano
A line that stresses the second to last syllable; ends in a vowel, n, or s
Verso Agudo
A line that stresses the final syllable/ ends in a one syllable word; ends in a consonant that’s not n or s
Verso Esdrújulo
A line that stresses any syllable thats not the last or second to last
When a strong vowel (a, e, o) is combined with a weak value, they are pronounced as one syllable.
(puerta, aire)
Can be pronounced as 2 syllables if the weak syllable has an accent.
(veía, continúa)
The end of one word has the same sound as the beginning of the next
“el Alhambra estuvo” would be pronounced
Los tornadizos
Muslims who pretended to be Christian to avoid persecution; often continued to secretly practice their own religion