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Ad hominem/tu quoque
Attacking someone for who they are, and not the argument
Ad hominem = “To the man”
Your argument can't be right because you're no good.
Tu quoque = “You, too”
Your argument can't be right because you're a hypocrite.
Red Herring
A distraction
If you want proof, I'll give you proof by...changing the subject.
Non sequitur = not in sequence
The conclusion does not seem to follow from the premises.
‘A’ is true; therefore, ‘C’
Connect the dots with some missing explanation/facts.
Bandwagon/ad populum
Ad populum = “To the people”
My opinion is more popular, so it’s correct
Appeal to Authority
I’m right because I have more authority than you.
I am your parent; therefore, I’m right
I am your boss; therefore I’m right
I am the expert; therefore I’m right
Appeal to Tradition
This thing is right because it’s always been this way.
Slippery Slope
Slippery Slope = One misstep will lead to disastrous consequences
If we let A happen, B will happen, the C will happen, and then D will happen... So let’s not do A.
When the argument hinges on hypothetical future events.
“What if”
Post hoc/false cause
Post hoc ergo propter hoc = It happened after; therefore, it happened because
Because something good or bad happened after something, that something caused the good or bad thing to happen.
Hasty Generalization
Hasty Generalization = Stereotyping
Some of that type are a certain way; therefore, in general, all of that type are that way.
Blaming a single person or a single group for the issues or problems being faced.
False dichotomy/black and white
False Dichotomy = Falsely into two
There are only two choices here; choose one.
Anecdotal Evidence
Anecdotes = Brief stories
Using personal stories to prove a point rather than statistical evidence.
Guilt by Association
His argument can’t be right because he’s a member of _________.
That idea can’t be right because it’s affiliated with _________.
Misrepresenting the common meaning of words.
Manipulating the meaning of words to wriggle out of an argument.
Misrepresenting an argument by exaggerating the claim or evidence.
Straw Man
Straw man = A weak or fragile representation of something else.
An argument that sets up the opposing argument in a way that makes it easier to knock down.
Putting words into the mouth of your opponent.
“So what he’s saying is…”
Circular Reasoning
Circular reasoning = A claim where the reasoning is the claim, itself.
The A and the B in ABCDE are the same
You should believe this because it should be believed.
Deliberate Ignorance
I don’t believe your claims, and I don’t really want to hear your argument or evidence.
With this fallacy, an argument can’t take place.
Burden of Proof
Burden of proof: The person who makes the claim has the burden (responsibility) of proving that his/her point is correct.
Appeal to Ignorance: It’s natural to think a double-negative equals a positive, but in arguments, it doesn’t. Appeal to ignorance says that if you can’t prove something wrong, it’s right.