Addresses factors that influence well-being and illness, as well as measures that can be taken to promote health and prevent illness.
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Multimodal Treatments
Often combine biological measures (e.g., the use of nicotine patches to help smokers quit), with psychological measures
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Transtheoretical Model
Identified six major stages in the change process
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Abstinence VIolation Effect
In which the person becomes upset and self-blaming over the lapse and views it as proof that he or she will never be strong enough to resist temptation
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A pattern of cognitive appraisals, physiological responses, and behavioral tendencies that occurs in response to a perceived imbalance between situational demands and the resources needed to cope with them
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Problem-Focused Coping
Strategies attempt to confront and directly deal with the demands of the situation or to change the situation so that it is no longer stressful
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Emotion-Focused Coping
Strategies attempt to manage the emotional responses that result from it
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Physiologically inert substances that have no medicinal value but are thought by the patient to be helpful
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Downward Comparison
Seeing ourselves as better off than the standard for comparison
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Upward Comparison
When we view ourselves as worse off than the standard for comparison