modern era
present/recent time
origin story
narrative abt the beginning of the Universe and humanity
degree/extent/lvl of sum
large towns
nation/territory considered as an organized political community under 1 government
country that is ruled by king/queen
territory/st8 ruled by chief
group of nations/ppls joined tg in alliance/league
self gov st8 made of a city and its surrounding territory
assertion/statement that sum is true
claim tester
important analytical process for assessing quality/truthfulness of claims
power of knowing/apprehending sum directly, w/o learning it consciously/submitting it to processes of logic
knowledge on which to base belief & constitutes proof of sum
reasoning/study of reasoning
right/power/ability to give orders/make decisions/demand/compel obedience
to put into a context/provide a context for
particular lense/perspective that sum is perceived through
Indian religion/dharma, religious & universal order/way of life by which followers abide
Abrahamic, monotheistic, ethnic religion of Jewish people
religion founded in 6th century B.C. by Buddha and widespread in Asia, that teaches release from the self and from one's earthly desires
Abrahamic monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus
pilgrimage to Mecca that every Muslim is expected to make at least once, especially during Ramadan
in Islam, a spiritual & political leader in some Muslim countries
st8 ruled by caliph
caliphate that ruled for abt 30 yrs
caliphate that ruled for abt 100 yrs
caliphate that ruled for abt 500 yrs
single political unit w 1 supreme ruler composed of an aggregate of nations/peoples
ruler of Islamic country, 1st gov authority position
area/domain ruled by sultan
grand vizier
gov authority position right below sultan, only person who can talk to/see sultan
imperial council
gov authority position right below grand vizier
a single political unit, with one supreme ruler, composed of an aggregate of nations or peoples
a single political unit, with one supreme ruler, composed of an aggregate of nations or peoples
Byzantine Empire
former Roman empire replaced by Ottoman Empire as major power in Eastern Mediterranean
local tax collector for mogul empire
per capita yearly taxation historically levied in the form of financial charge on dhimmis; permanent non-Muslim subjects of a st8 gov by Islamic law
series of strict laws to encourage equality, new freedoms, and loyalty among their subjects
highly negative term in the USA meaning “conquest in the name of Islam”
those who believed the rightful successor was Muhammad’s father-in-law; Abu Bakr (80% of ppl today)
Shi’ a
those who believed the rightful successor was Muhammad’s blood cousin/son in law; Ali (contraction of shiaat Ali)
community of Orthodox Jews/Orthodox Christians
advocacy/support for the political independence of a particular nation/ppl
group/party within & often at odds with a larger organization
Hinduism origin place
Buddhism origin place
Judaism origin place
Christianity origin place
Islam origin place
Saudi Arabia
Hinduism current majority location
Buddhism current majority location
Judaism current majority location
Christianity current majority location
United States
Islam current majority location
North/Central Africa, the Middle East, & Southeast Asia
Ottoman Empire present day location
Safavid Empire present day location
Mogul Empire present day location
Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India
Mecca location
Arabia/Arabian Peninsula/Saudi Arabia
Constantinople/Istanbul location
Baghdad location
claim testing example 1
There is life in outer space.
Yes: logically bc of lots of stuff likely, evidence - spaceships, gov’t employee 1st hand account authority
No: religious belief, logical Lack of life conditions, lack of evidence
Idk: both sides possible
claim testing example 2
The presidential election was stolen.
Yes: authority, negative view of opposing authority, gut feeling
No: untrustworthy authority claim, gut feeling, parent’s opinion, court says false
Idk: unclear authority respect, lack of info/understanding, don’t know/don’t care
claim testing example 3
The US constitution supports a right to privacy.
Yes: written/implied
No: no relation to today’s privacy
Idk: unaware of constitution
claim testing example 4
There is a Heaven and a Hell (after death).
Yes: religion, gut feeling, authority
No: no evidence
Idk: nb fr knows
four claim testers
intuition, evidence, authority, logic
Judaism key ideas
Hebrews would have only 1 God, therefore they would be awarded the promised land (Palestine)
10 Commandments: (laws given by Yahweh that must be followed)
no other Gods b4 me
dont worship idols
dont use Lord’s name in vain
keep Sabbath holy
honor parents
no murder
no adultery
no stealing
dont lie to neighbor
dont covet
Christianity key ideas
Jesus Christ is the Son of God (Messiah - chosen to spread God’s word)
love God above all other spirits and people
love others as you love yourself
salvation: opportunity to be forgiven for your sins
10 Commandments: (influnced by Judaism)
no other Gods b4 me
dont worship idols
dont use Lord’s name in vain
keep Sabbath holy
honor parents
no murder
no adultery
no stealing
dont lie to neighbor
dont covet
Hinduism key ideas
Brahman: all-powerful spiritual force of Hinduism
Atman: soul; essence of Brahman within every living thing
Reincarnation: soul rebirth
Karma: consequences based on actions; determines society place when reincarnated
Moksha: life goal; to realease the soul from reincarnation cycle and become one with Brahman
Buddhism key ideas
reach Nirvana (understanding Buddha’s teachings)
understand 4 Noble Truths & Eightfold Path
4 Noble Truths:
all human life contains suffering
desire leads to suffering
end suffering by overcoming desire
overcome desire & achieve enlightenment by following Eightfold Path
reincarnation: rebirth results from attachment (karma)
Islam key ideas
5 Pillars of Faith: laws that Muslims must follow
pray 5 times a day toward Mecca
give charity to the poor
fast during Ramadan (religious holiday)
reaffirm your faith
Major idea of the danger of a single story
1 perspective limits understanding
Abraham is the father of ??
Prince Siddhartha Gautama
the Buddha, 563-483 BCE, he gave up his privelege and tried to live a life; Buddhism
religion’s role in gov
can influence policies/laws/governance which impacts social & cultural aspects of a society
geographically biggest empires from biggest to smallest
ottoman, mogul, safavid
2 largest islam sects
sunni (80%) & shi’a (20%)
trade’s role in the muslim empires
crucial for economic growth & cultural exchange, facilitated spread of goods/ideas/tech across vast regions, trade routes like the Silk Road and Indian Ocean connected the Muslim empires to other civilizations, fostering economic prosperity & cultural diversity
empire that followed shi’a islam; everyone had to convert
why was safavid in conflict w ottoman
both leaders claimed caliphal authority; they fought over territory & religious law
which empires were gunpowder empires
all; mogul, safavid, ottoman
1453 major event
ottomans conquered constantinople
how and where Islam united and/or divided empires
united empires through spread of common faith/Arabic language/Islamic law, it divided empires when different sects emerged (ex. Sunni and Shi’a) which lead to conflicts/power struggles
Son of God, the Messiah, 3 BCE to 29 CE, preached of a kingdom of eternal happiness in an after life; Christianity
the Prophet, 570-632 CE, lived in Arabia, heavily influenced by Christian/Jewish ideas; Islam
uniting force that brought Persia tg as one cultural ppl
Shi’a Islam
ruled for abt 30 yrs, Northwest Anatolian peninsula, founder of Empire
Mehmet II
ruled for abt 30 yrs, Capture of Constantinople (1453), rule of the Balkans and the Anatolian Peninsula
Mogul founder, a “military adventurer” who inherited a small empire and advanced to take Kabul and Delhi (ruled 1504-1530), w small forces but excellent artillery
Shah Ismail
founded Safavid empire in 1501
Suleyman I
ruled for abt 40 yrs, Rule of Hungary, part of Austria, Eastern Mediterranean
Babur’s grandson, greatly extended Mogul Empire into India
empire that united an almost entirely Hindu population into Islam in Inda
how did Mogul Empire make money
tax, trade, administrative business system
had his brother & rival put to death, imprisoned his father, named himself Emperor in 1658, forbade suttee/certain taxes/drinking, forced Hindus to convert to Islam, his decrees led to divisions in the Empire & left it vulnerable to attack (1st by Persian Safavids, 2nd by encroachment of French & British merchants)