Action potential
All mental activity
nervous sys consists of neurons which carry info
neuro info is carried as electrical currents
between neurons info is carried as NTs
To start action potential
when threshold is reached at axon hillock voltage dependent gates Na+ gates (ion channels) open at massive amounts
voltage dependent: ion channel that opens or closes according to the value of the membrane potential
strong influx (inward flow) of Na+
electrostatic and concentration gradient drive Na+ inside of neuron
influx is so strong that a reversal in polarity occurs
inside becomes +40, outside becomes negative (different from postsynaptic potential)
Peak of action potential
electrical gradients are reversed; now both gradients are now in the same direction
K pushed out by electrical gradient b/c outside is more negative than inside and concentration gradient b/c actual concentration grad doesn’t change much
At this point – NA+ channels are closed
Rapid efflux (outward flow of K+ )
So much rushes out, that there is an overshoot of the original
polarity (-80mv inside)
Overshoot period is called the relative refractory period
(Afterpotentials )
Hard to get cell to re-fire at this time
Resting potential restored by natural diffusion and NA+/K+ pump (transporter)
Pumps NA+ out, and K+ into the neuron
Protein found in the membrane that extrudes sodium ions from and transports potassium ions into the cell
for myelinated neurons process re-occurs at each node of Ranvier (saltatory conduction)
Saltatory conduction: conduction of action potential by
myelinated axons.
The action potential appears to jump from
one node of Ranvier to the next
When AP reaches axon terminal/terminal buttons, Ca 2+ channels open (voltage-dependent)
AP activates heteroreceptors (found in axon terminals) which open Ca 2+ channels
b/c of gradients, Ca2+ enters the cell
activates enzymes that propel vesicles along microtubules running down TB (even removes blocking proteins!)
Vesicles merge with presynaptic membrane , drop NT into synapse, and diffuse across to activate receptors on next locations
if neuron = produces IPSP/EPSP, if muscle/gland = inhibit/excite
this process = exocytosis
several specialized long-chain proteins called SNARES mediate exocytosis
serve as tethers: those attached to vesicles are called v-SNARES, while those attached to the presynaptic membrane = t-SNARES (t for target)
when v-SNARES on the vesicle attach to t-SNARES the vesicle is said to be docked ready to be released
another protein attached to the vesicle called synaptotagmin, serves as Ca 2+ sensors
when the AP arrives at axon terminal, incoming Ca ion binds and activates synaptotagmin which then triggers the final fusion (t and v connect.
Final stage --- clearing out synapse
Reuptake: the entry of NTs just liberated by a terminal button back through its membrane, thus terminating the postsynaptic potential
NT is packaged and brought back into th pre-synaptic neuron
Enzymatic breakdown: the destruction of a neurotransmitter by an enzyme after its release
ex. the destruction of acetylcholine by acetylcholinesterase
NTs reduced to inactive molecules; they diffuse away
Autoreceptors: receptors on the axon terminal that become active when large number of NT present
inhibits release of additional neurotransmitters
nothing to do w/ AP
Most drugs (medical/recreational) influence what happens in the synapse
Drugs can have 2 effects
agonist - increases activity of an NT
antagonist - decrease the lvl of a NT
many most substances can both act as an agonist for one neurotransmitter and an antagonist for another