In the Link Reaction of glucose metabolism, two carbon acetyl coenzyme A enters the circular circuit.
Fatty acids, which are the byproduct of the breakdown of lipids, are used to make acetyl coenzyme A. Additionally, it is created from amino acids that come from other metabolic pathways and enter the Krebs Cycle directly.
In order to create six carbon citrate, four carbon oxaloacetate accepts a two carbon acetyl fragment from acetyl coenzyme A.
During this process, coenzyme A is released.
Following that, a sequence of oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions transforms citrate back into oxaloacetate.
Oxaloacetate regeneration.
A series of redox reactions in the Krebs Cycle regenerate oxaloacetate.
Citrate is decarboxylated, resulting in the waste gas of two molecules of carbon dioxide.
Nitrogen atoms are released when nitrate is oxidised or dehydrated, reducing the coenzymes NAD and FAD.
3 NAD and 1 FAD —>3NADH+ H(+) + 1 FADH2
Substrate - linked phosphorylation.
One ATP is created when a phosphate is transferred from one of the intermediates to ADP.