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AP Euro Unit 7 Study Guide. Age of Nationalism. 19th-Century Perspectives and Political Developments (1815-1914)

7.2 Nationalism

  • Idea of Nation-State: a new way of organizing. 

    • Nation the people with the culture and language -

    • State the land which is ruled over

    • loyalty to the state not the king

  • Nationalism is a strong feeling of identification with ones own people, cultural, history, language not nessecarrily the reigon

    • Led to people wanting their own state with their own people

    • this was weakening liberalism bc some sacrificed libreal ideals tof unification

  • Romantic Idealism: artists and writers glorified peoples past and made the people have an emotional connection

    • The Grimm Brothers in Germany wrote stories of the German people

    • Victor Hugo - wrote about french 

  • Political Unifciation

    • Mazzini - Italy started Young Italy and set the stage

  • Racialism - idea that one race was supiror to another

    • Pan Salvic Movement - positive, salvic people were under Austro-Hugarian and Ottomans but longed for ownstate. Russia supported them because they had a lot of salivics. 

    • Antisemitism - racial beleifs against the Jewish. Many states did include them but later people went against

      • Dreyfus affair - Jewish French Captain in 1894 was accused of treason for leaking info to Germany. This increased antisemitism evne though he was found not guilty later. 

        • it shows how the third republic is inefficient

        • these eleifs are related to Protocols of the Elders of Zion which talked about the beliefs that jews would dominate the world

        • Emile ZOla - naturalist, said that he was not guilty

      • Porgrums - jews were kicked out and attacked in the East

      • Zionism - Theodore Herzel said that the jewish should have their own land in their ancient place, Palestine

  • Liberal Reforms - 

    • Napoleon III opened way for better trade for french and allowed universal male suffrage. New Paris

  • Neoconservatism

    • Metternich - did the concert of europe and rose conservatism

    • Neoconvservative leaders will use nationalism to control

      • Napoleon III

      • Ottoman Bismark

        • Prussias foreign minister. Used Natioanlism to unite Germany and intentionally provoked wars. 

        • He was a realist

      • Dual Monarchy Austria- Hungary

        • 1848 Austrians tried to oppress the hungarian nationalism but failed. Compromise was a common monarch (Francis Joseph) but different rules.

        • Compromise of 1867

        • problems in the balkans

  • Socialists were not nationalist

7.3 National Unifications and Diplomatic Tensions

  • Setting Up World War I 1914

  • Crimean War (1853- 56

    • The weakness of Ottoman encouraged Russians to fight, but France and British did not like this

    • Russia Wanted Black Sea reigons

    • War that started over religious tension in the Ottoman Empire.

    • Russia vs Ottomans, Briain, France. Russia lost

    • Results

      • Crimean War broke up the concert of Europe because everyone was against russia 

      • Britain and Russia Withdraw from affairs and set up favorable conditions for unification of other nations. Because the concert of europe was against nationalism and wanted to keep balance, but woth the break, italy and germany could do it. 

  • Italian unification (1848 – 1871) Risorgimento. Diplomatic

    • Before, was made up of many smaller states

    • Count Cavour - North, Piedmont (stratigic Alliances)

      • Prime minister of Piedmont 1852 under King Victor Emanuell II

      • Infrastructure movements led to good economy for massive army for unificatoion. Also did good alliances 

      • The only problem was that Austria and France ruled land around them, so Cavour promised Napoleon land

        • also joined the Crimean War to gain Favor of Britian and France

        • France was a natural enemy of Austria

        • France left Under Napolon III because they were threatened by Prussia in Rhine

        • Used war to unify like bismark

      • Northern italy unified because of nationalistic movements

    • Garibaldi - South (key figure) Millitary. Populist

      • Led his Red Shirt Army to unify the south

      • Gave The south to Victor Emanuell II to unify North and South exept rome (france)

      • Franco Prussian War - Napoleon had to withdraw his troops from Rome and then Emanuel took rome

      • was more romantic

    • in 1886 - Austria was beat by Prussia and Italisns took the chance

    • When Prussia Beat France, Italisn took Rome

German Unification

  • 1848 - germans wanted unification “frankfurt assembly” but failed bc the King Fredick William did not want it

  • . Esablished the Zollverein (ecnomic unity) 

  • They became super powerful and challenged britain in Industry

  • Prussia Became indistrually powerful, While Austria was weak

  • Otto Von Bismark Chancellor Prussia - Under William I

    • “Real politik” sought the best option. Used war and diplomacy when needed

    • Introduced reforms for better economy for army Iron and Blod

    • Materialist and reaslist

    • Set high taxes to pay for the army

  • Wars of Unification

    • Prussian Danish War (1864)

      • Denmark ruled some northern states and Bismark asked Austria to help them fight and split the land (provinces) Schleswig and Holstein. 

    • Austro-Prussian War (1866) 

      • Before this war, Bismark Negotiated non-interference treaties with France  

      • He then provoked some fighting in the provinces and Austria and Germany went in the war. 

      • Priovinces chose german sides and not Austria. 

      • Austria lost and they were forced not to interpehre with german unification

    • Northern confedation Created

    • Franco- Prussian War (1870)

      • Bismark Falsifed a document offneding the french which caused Napoleon to start a war

      • He did this to get south and northern france to unify against France, and it worked. 

      • Wilhem I was then crowned the king of all of Germany in Palace of Versailles (napoleon III was captured)

      • shows real politik

  • Diplomatic Tensions 

    • French now were enemies of Germany

    • Germany now Became a colonial, industrial power

    • Bismark created alliances with states to protect themselves against france

    • 3 emperors Leauge (Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungrary). Controlled the Eastern Europe and Balkans

    • Reinsurrace treaty (Russia and Germany)

    • Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria- Hungary, Italy) Alliance in WWI

    • By  the 1900s, Europe was a collection of Mutural Antagonisic Alliances

  • Policies: of Germany

    • universal male suffrage for parlimenty, Riestreg

    • consitutional monarchy (president wilhem) at first for the northern, but later called emperor 

    • Bismark tried to undermine the catholic church and socialists because it can threat the unification Kulturekampf

    • as a former junker, he didn’t really silence them

Tension in Balkans

  • Growing nationalism

  • Congress of Berlin - by Bismark

    • Increased oppression to balkans

  • Nations took sides in the first and second balkan wars which set up WWI

  • The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the catalyst that triggered World War I.

  • the unity led to fear of surrounding countries in Europe

7.4 Darwinism and Social Darwinism

  • science more normalized

  • Before: strictly bneleived in creation of earth and no change or evolution

  • Charles Dawrin 

    • Volenteered for a scientific expedition for the British and he studied untouched lands

    • He came up with Theory of Natural Selection “On the Order of Species” which said that species change over time when organisimed better adapted to environment would have a greater ability to survive and reproduce and this was described as evolution and natural selection

      • accumulation of traits → new species

      • “Survival of the fittest”

    • This idea was applied to justify human exploitation, oppression, imperialism, racism

    • His ideas challanged divine power

    • 1871- The decent of Man applied the theory to humans, not just plants and animals Written by Dawrin

    • New speiceis emerge from a series of modifivations

  • Social Darwinism - 

    • Social Darwinism claimed that certain races were suprior and that social and economic initiatives were a result of that. 

    • This was used to justify colonialism, imperialism, exploitation, oppression. It also supported the idea that White Race was to take over 

    • Rudyard Kipling. White Mans Burden. Poem Idea that the Europoeans, being suprior, smarter, had to take care of the natives and civilize them and christianize them

    • Herbert Spencer - strong societies thrived, and weaker ones would disappear. Britain would conquer, the smaller ones conquered were weaker and not fit. Used to moralize imperialism. 

    • german and argued that germans were pure and they had to eliminate those who werent (jews) to achieve german prosperity

7.5 The Age of Progress and Modernity

  • Develop in Science made people question everything and unsure

  • Dawrin Evolution changed religious views

  • Rise of Positivism - truth is whats verified with math or sciecne

    • Each rational conclusion must be scienticically verified or provable with math

    • This challenged faith because it was not scientific 

  • Relativsm - truth is relative

    • Postivism took away the ideathat there was one overarching truth, so it meant that truth was relative

    • Different perspectives have different truths, different conclusions

    • Religion said one truth was right, but positivism, no one knows the full truth

  • Modernism 

    • The more science being discovered, the more people became unsure

    • People began to emphasize the irrational “irrationalism”

      • Human thinking cannot be rationalized 

      • Challenged Enlightenment

    • Nietshcze: Break Free from Traditional Molarity” “God is dead”, condemned democracy, social reforms etc. Hated Bismark

    • Georges Sorel: recommended use of general strike against capitalism and that socialist society is to be ruled by a small elite

    • Bergson - science is good for practical knowledge. Like germs, But science cant fully explain everything.

    • Sigmund Freud - psychologist. Argued that humans were governed by the unconscious which was built by childhood traumas. Developed Psychoanalysis and led ground work

    • Einstein - disproved newotenion

  • Natural Sciences

    • Challenged newtonian physics  “rational”

    • Everything is chaos and unpredictable

    • Planck - found that atoms are not predictable and not solid (quantum). Marie Curie found that atoms radiated heat in quantas. Quantum Mechanics are unpredictable. 

    • Albert Einstein: theory of reliability 

  • La Belle Epoque - “the golden age of progress”. “Beautiful age” started 1870s after franco prussian war ended with outbreak of world war I

  • 2nd Industrial rev: Germany thrived in the second industrial revolution

    • Samuel Morse: telegraph, long distance communication

    • Henry Ford: the production line, efficient car factory in the U.S

    • Wright Brothers: first working airplane. Eduard Bernstein: airplane

    • Introduction of electcticty

    • Better ways of making iron

    • Joseph Swan and Edison: light bulb

    • Dialmer - internal combustion engine

    • Science was used for thinking 

  • British Reforms and Gov:

    • William Gladstone: british liberal party leader

      •  education act of 1870 Education population= educated voters

    • Disaralei  - public health acts, drug acts, conservative

    • Did not grant home rule to irish

  • Women Rights

    • Cult of Domesticity - wanted women in her traditional roles - most common in wealthier classes because they could afford it

    • 1870- women could own property in Britain, 1900 in Germany, 1907 in france

    • Britain legalized divorce, france limited, spain and italy no divorce

    • Queen Victora did not support suffrage

    • British Movement was most active

      • Fawcett - women had to demonstrate that they were responsible

      • Emmeline Pankhurst was radical, and used public stunts

  • Women Professions

    • at first jobs were more like teachers and nurses and librarians but paid little

    • They begane to want to go into university. 

    • Nursing became big bc of wars “nightingale”

    • New women- wanted reduced feminine roles

7.6 New Imperialism

  • Old Imperiaslism. Occurred in the 1500s to the west and india. 

  • New Wave towards africa and asia. The more industrialized countries dominated

Motivations and Factors

  • Imperalism - when a country shows politlcal dominance over another country 

    • Economic : in the industrial revolution, people needed raw materials and markets, people to sell to. Cheap labor too

      • India “jewel in the crown”

        • Sepoy Rebellion, the british government took over indians not just the company and Victroia even became queen

        • they exploited Indians for cotton and forced them to buy their good (market)

        • had dominated because of the 7 years war

      • British took over places in the west, Egypt (suez canal- connecting india), and south africa and took coal, oil, copper. 

      • British in China

        • for inports. British was importing a lot of tea but china didnt buy much from them.

        • So British imported opium and the chinese became addicted and started to buy a lot. Led to Opium War. British won the war and opened up trading rights.

        • This was referred to as “informal” because it wasn’t direct, it was just influence

      • Boxer rebellion to maintain influence

    • Political and Nationalism

      • Dutch, British, Belgiun, Frace. All scrambled for africa

      • French believed that it was to become strong

    • Racial Supiroirity

      • Western Strong nations (wealthy) took over weak nations. Social Darwinism

      • They “civilized” those who neded it by sharing culture

      • White Man Burdens “described the natives as devilish”

      • Religion

  • Methods

    • Many of the people resisted

    • Advanced Weaponary

      • New guns with more accuracy, and new bullets, faster reloading, and machine guns

      • Europoean had the upperhand

    • New Communication and Transporation Tech

      • Telehgraphs and cables : was useful for coordination and long range communication

      • Railroads: useful for transporting raw materials

      • SteamShips could go against the wind

      • Medicine; 

        • Prior to medicine, people would not go to Africa because of Malaria

        • Quinine was found to prevent death from Malaria

        • Louis Pasteur - french chemist and found the Germ theory because of small microorganisms. This improved hospitals and antiseptics and cleanliness. For imperailism this meant that soldiers would live longer.

    • Boer War - dutch vs english in the south africa next to cape of good hope?

Zulu natives. 

Imperialism global effects

  • Diplomatic tensions: 

    • Scramble for Africa

      • Countries wanted the most land to make themselves powerful

      • Berlin Conference: initated by Bismark to separate Africa peacefuly 

    • Fashoda Crisis - britain and france wanted to connect their empires with a rail road but Sudan was in the way. Britain took it and Entente Cordiale established a freidnly relationship between France and Britain

    • Moroccan Crisis - France controlled North Africa but Germans werent happy. Germans supported Moroccan Revolts. They stopped bc they feared.  This shows the increasing bond of Britain and France but against Germany. 

  • Objection to Imperialism

    • Joseph Conrad- went to the Congo and saw the cruelness imposed by King Leopold II of Belgium. He wrote about it. Congo Reform Association addressed and showed awareness and Leopold was criticized

    • Hobson - said imperalism was a drag on capitalism and Lenin said it supported

  • Natioanalistic resistance 

    • As those under colonial rule went to school, they learned western values and admired it but hated the oprresion. 

      • Zulus - were forced to mine diamonds by british but they revolted and then crushed

      • Ethiopia - Menelik II bought European weapons and used them against Italy to resist

      • British India- British East india Company opressed them. As new values were imposed and old ones remoed. The indians wanted to protect themselves. Sepoy Mutinty revolt spread across india. They were crushed by Britain but after that, the possestion went from British East India to the actural Government. 

    • Algerian War of Independence: against French

Arts and Culture

  • Romantisim - 1st half 18th cen

    •  rejected enlightenment “rational” and rejected super precision of neoclassical

    • Emphaiszed emotion and subjectivity

    • Emphasized: Emotion, Nature (landscape), Individuality, intuition (ability to understand something immediately), supernatural, National histories (nationalism)

    • “franktenstin”was a story that showed that too much reason and not enough feelings can create things

    • music was more emotional “betooven” -

    • art was blurry, less detailed but mysterious. Lots of emotion and dramatic

    • nature was almost worshipped

    • romanitc heroes - died for a heroric cause

    • Romatic → emotion → nationalism

  • Realism - 2nd half

    • Portrayed the world as it was, ordinary people. 

    • Started by Courbet.

    • Would paint people working

    • Balzac - writter, modern novel

    • Liteature: showed actual conditions of people in their social order.

  • Modern Art

    • With photography, painters stoped painting relaistic and started to paint abstract

    • More expressive art 

    • Impressionism- focused on light and colors 

      • Manet

        captured the light

      • modern scenes of life

    • Post Impressionism - used more of a symbolic use of colors and light

      • Cezzane, Van Gogh. 

    • Cubism - 3-d, shapes

      • Picasso1

  • Subjectism- emphasized artists innerstate in late 19th centurry

  • Modern music: 

    • Grieg, debussy, 

Unit 7 Timeline

  • 1851: Napoleon III’s coup d’etat (sent troops to National Assembly; anyone who opposed was sent to Algeria), French Melun Act (made changes for health such as sewage system)

  • 1854-1856: Crimean War (Russia Vs Otto, France, UK, Piedmont)

  • 1855: Cavour leads Piedmont into war on same side as France and England, also Alex. II rules Russia

  • 1856: Treaty of Paris (ends Crimean War), Bessemer process (process for steel) 

  • 1857: Sepoy rebellion (Indian Vs British)   

  • 1858: secret conference between Napoleon III and Cavour

  • 1859: War of Pied. and France Vs Austria, France won, Italian independence gained

  • 1860: Garibaldi invades southern Italy, Cavour stops him

  • 1861: Cavour dead, Russian serfdom abolished, Kingdom of Italy proclaimed

  • 1862: Bismark becomes Prime minister

  • 1863: Polish rebellion stopped by Russia

  • 1864: Danish War (Austria and Prussia Vs Denmark), first international worker union, acts to check prostitutes for std

  • 1865: Emancipation Proc. in US

  • 1866: Italians take over Venetia from Austria, Austro-Prussian War

  • 1867: compromise of 1867 (gave Magyars and German-speaking Austrians authority), North German Confederation formed, Austria-Hungary formed

  • 1869: Suez Canal complete

  • 1870: Crisis over Hohenzollern candidacy for the Spanish throne, leads to Franco-Prussian War, Prussia wins

  • 1871: Paris Commune (Paris tries to govern itself separately from the rest of France; National Assembly lays seige to Paris and wins), treaty of Frankfurt (between Germany and France), French 3rd republic begins, Proclamation of the German Empire at Versailles, unification of Germany complete  

  • 1873: German troops leave France, Three Emperors league begins (Prus., Aust., Rus.)

  • 1874: Disraeli serves as prime minister (eventually forms modern conservative party)

  • 1875: Public Health Act, Brits get Suez, German Social Democratic Party founded, Britain gets control of Suez Canal

  • 1876: telephone, Serbia independence

  • 1877: Russo-Turkish War, Queen Victoria=Empress of India

  • 1878: Treaty of San-Stefano (for RT war), Congress of Berlin (led by Bismarck, gave Russia short end of stick, Three Emperor alliance gone)

  • 1879: Dual alliance forms, Leopold II begins brutal rule in Congo

  • 1881: People’s Will kills Alex. II, Alex III reversed reforms & suppressed revos

  • 1882: Triple Alliance formed (Germany., Aust., Italy), Brits seize Egypt, France take Algeria and Tunisia

  • 1884: Berlin Conference (splitting up africa between european powers), 

AP Euro Unit 7 Study Guide. Age of Nationalism. 19th-Century Perspectives and Political Developments (1815-1914)

7.2 Nationalism

  • Idea of Nation-State: a new way of organizing. 

    • Nation the people with the culture and language -

    • State the land which is ruled over

    • loyalty to the state not the king

  • Nationalism is a strong feeling of identification with ones own people, cultural, history, language not nessecarrily the reigon

    • Led to people wanting their own state with their own people

    • this was weakening liberalism bc some sacrificed libreal ideals tof unification

  • Romantic Idealism: artists and writers glorified peoples past and made the people have an emotional connection

    • The Grimm Brothers in Germany wrote stories of the German people

    • Victor Hugo - wrote about french 

  • Political Unifciation

    • Mazzini - Italy started Young Italy and set the stage

  • Racialism - idea that one race was supiror to another

    • Pan Salvic Movement - positive, salvic people were under Austro-Hugarian and Ottomans but longed for ownstate. Russia supported them because they had a lot of salivics. 

    • Antisemitism - racial beleifs against the Jewish. Many states did include them but later people went against

      • Dreyfus affair - Jewish French Captain in 1894 was accused of treason for leaking info to Germany. This increased antisemitism evne though he was found not guilty later. 

        • it shows how the third republic is inefficient

        • these eleifs are related to Protocols of the Elders of Zion which talked about the beliefs that jews would dominate the world

        • Emile ZOla - naturalist, said that he was not guilty

      • Porgrums - jews were kicked out and attacked in the East

      • Zionism - Theodore Herzel said that the jewish should have their own land in their ancient place, Palestine

  • Liberal Reforms - 

    • Napoleon III opened way for better trade for french and allowed universal male suffrage. New Paris

  • Neoconservatism

    • Metternich - did the concert of europe and rose conservatism

    • Neoconvservative leaders will use nationalism to control

      • Napoleon III

      • Ottoman Bismark

        • Prussias foreign minister. Used Natioanlism to unite Germany and intentionally provoked wars. 

        • He was a realist

      • Dual Monarchy Austria- Hungary

        • 1848 Austrians tried to oppress the hungarian nationalism but failed. Compromise was a common monarch (Francis Joseph) but different rules.

        • Compromise of 1867

        • problems in the balkans

  • Socialists were not nationalist

7.3 National Unifications and Diplomatic Tensions

  • Setting Up World War I 1914

  • Crimean War (1853- 56

    • The weakness of Ottoman encouraged Russians to fight, but France and British did not like this

    • Russia Wanted Black Sea reigons

    • War that started over religious tension in the Ottoman Empire.

    • Russia vs Ottomans, Briain, France. Russia lost

    • Results

      • Crimean War broke up the concert of Europe because everyone was against russia 

      • Britain and Russia Withdraw from affairs and set up favorable conditions for unification of other nations. Because the concert of europe was against nationalism and wanted to keep balance, but woth the break, italy and germany could do it. 

  • Italian unification (1848 – 1871) Risorgimento. Diplomatic

    • Before, was made up of many smaller states

    • Count Cavour - North, Piedmont (stratigic Alliances)

      • Prime minister of Piedmont 1852 under King Victor Emanuell II

      • Infrastructure movements led to good economy for massive army for unificatoion. Also did good alliances 

      • The only problem was that Austria and France ruled land around them, so Cavour promised Napoleon land

        • also joined the Crimean War to gain Favor of Britian and France

        • France was a natural enemy of Austria

        • France left Under Napolon III because they were threatened by Prussia in Rhine

        • Used war to unify like bismark

      • Northern italy unified because of nationalistic movements

    • Garibaldi - South (key figure) Millitary. Populist

      • Led his Red Shirt Army to unify the south

      • Gave The south to Victor Emanuell II to unify North and South exept rome (france)

      • Franco Prussian War - Napoleon had to withdraw his troops from Rome and then Emanuel took rome

      • was more romantic

    • in 1886 - Austria was beat by Prussia and Italisns took the chance

    • When Prussia Beat France, Italisn took Rome

German Unification

  • 1848 - germans wanted unification “frankfurt assembly” but failed bc the King Fredick William did not want it

  • . Esablished the Zollverein (ecnomic unity) 

  • They became super powerful and challenged britain in Industry

  • Prussia Became indistrually powerful, While Austria was weak

  • Otto Von Bismark Chancellor Prussia - Under William I

    • “Real politik” sought the best option. Used war and diplomacy when needed

    • Introduced reforms for better economy for army Iron and Blod

    • Materialist and reaslist

    • Set high taxes to pay for the army

  • Wars of Unification

    • Prussian Danish War (1864)

      • Denmark ruled some northern states and Bismark asked Austria to help them fight and split the land (provinces) Schleswig and Holstein. 

    • Austro-Prussian War (1866) 

      • Before this war, Bismark Negotiated non-interference treaties with France  

      • He then provoked some fighting in the provinces and Austria and Germany went in the war. 

      • Priovinces chose german sides and not Austria. 

      • Austria lost and they were forced not to interpehre with german unification

    • Northern confedation Created

    • Franco- Prussian War (1870)

      • Bismark Falsifed a document offneding the french which caused Napoleon to start a war

      • He did this to get south and northern france to unify against France, and it worked. 

      • Wilhem I was then crowned the king of all of Germany in Palace of Versailles (napoleon III was captured)

      • shows real politik

  • Diplomatic Tensions 

    • French now were enemies of Germany

    • Germany now Became a colonial, industrial power

    • Bismark created alliances with states to protect themselves against france

    • 3 emperors Leauge (Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungrary). Controlled the Eastern Europe and Balkans

    • Reinsurrace treaty (Russia and Germany)

    • Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria- Hungary, Italy) Alliance in WWI

    • By  the 1900s, Europe was a collection of Mutural Antagonisic Alliances

  • Policies: of Germany

    • universal male suffrage for parlimenty, Riestreg

    • consitutional monarchy (president wilhem) at first for the northern, but later called emperor 

    • Bismark tried to undermine the catholic church and socialists because it can threat the unification Kulturekampf

    • as a former junker, he didn’t really silence them

Tension in Balkans

  • Growing nationalism

  • Congress of Berlin - by Bismark

    • Increased oppression to balkans

  • Nations took sides in the first and second balkan wars which set up WWI

  • The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the catalyst that triggered World War I.

  • the unity led to fear of surrounding countries in Europe

7.4 Darwinism and Social Darwinism

  • science more normalized

  • Before: strictly bneleived in creation of earth and no change or evolution

  • Charles Dawrin 

    • Volenteered for a scientific expedition for the British and he studied untouched lands

    • He came up with Theory of Natural Selection “On the Order of Species” which said that species change over time when organisimed better adapted to environment would have a greater ability to survive and reproduce and this was described as evolution and natural selection

      • accumulation of traits → new species

      • “Survival of the fittest”

    • This idea was applied to justify human exploitation, oppression, imperialism, racism

    • His ideas challanged divine power

    • 1871- The decent of Man applied the theory to humans, not just plants and animals Written by Dawrin

    • New speiceis emerge from a series of modifivations

  • Social Darwinism - 

    • Social Darwinism claimed that certain races were suprior and that social and economic initiatives were a result of that. 

    • This was used to justify colonialism, imperialism, exploitation, oppression. It also supported the idea that White Race was to take over 

    • Rudyard Kipling. White Mans Burden. Poem Idea that the Europoeans, being suprior, smarter, had to take care of the natives and civilize them and christianize them

    • Herbert Spencer - strong societies thrived, and weaker ones would disappear. Britain would conquer, the smaller ones conquered were weaker and not fit. Used to moralize imperialism. 

    • german and argued that germans were pure and they had to eliminate those who werent (jews) to achieve german prosperity

7.5 The Age of Progress and Modernity

  • Develop in Science made people question everything and unsure

  • Dawrin Evolution changed religious views

  • Rise of Positivism - truth is whats verified with math or sciecne

    • Each rational conclusion must be scienticically verified or provable with math

    • This challenged faith because it was not scientific 

  • Relativsm - truth is relative

    • Postivism took away the ideathat there was one overarching truth, so it meant that truth was relative

    • Different perspectives have different truths, different conclusions

    • Religion said one truth was right, but positivism, no one knows the full truth

  • Modernism 

    • The more science being discovered, the more people became unsure

    • People began to emphasize the irrational “irrationalism”

      • Human thinking cannot be rationalized 

      • Challenged Enlightenment

    • Nietshcze: Break Free from Traditional Molarity” “God is dead”, condemned democracy, social reforms etc. Hated Bismark

    • Georges Sorel: recommended use of general strike against capitalism and that socialist society is to be ruled by a small elite

    • Bergson - science is good for practical knowledge. Like germs, But science cant fully explain everything.

    • Sigmund Freud - psychologist. Argued that humans were governed by the unconscious which was built by childhood traumas. Developed Psychoanalysis and led ground work

    • Einstein - disproved newotenion

  • Natural Sciences

    • Challenged newtonian physics  “rational”

    • Everything is chaos and unpredictable

    • Planck - found that atoms are not predictable and not solid (quantum). Marie Curie found that atoms radiated heat in quantas. Quantum Mechanics are unpredictable. 

    • Albert Einstein: theory of reliability 

  • La Belle Epoque - “the golden age of progress”. “Beautiful age” started 1870s after franco prussian war ended with outbreak of world war I

  • 2nd Industrial rev: Germany thrived in the second industrial revolution

    • Samuel Morse: telegraph, long distance communication

    • Henry Ford: the production line, efficient car factory in the U.S

    • Wright Brothers: first working airplane. Eduard Bernstein: airplane

    • Introduction of electcticty

    • Better ways of making iron

    • Joseph Swan and Edison: light bulb

    • Dialmer - internal combustion engine

    • Science was used for thinking 

  • British Reforms and Gov:

    • William Gladstone: british liberal party leader

      •  education act of 1870 Education population= educated voters

    • Disaralei  - public health acts, drug acts, conservative

    • Did not grant home rule to irish

  • Women Rights

    • Cult of Domesticity - wanted women in her traditional roles - most common in wealthier classes because they could afford it

    • 1870- women could own property in Britain, 1900 in Germany, 1907 in france

    • Britain legalized divorce, france limited, spain and italy no divorce

    • Queen Victora did not support suffrage

    • British Movement was most active

      • Fawcett - women had to demonstrate that they were responsible

      • Emmeline Pankhurst was radical, and used public stunts

  • Women Professions

    • at first jobs were more like teachers and nurses and librarians but paid little

    • They begane to want to go into university. 

    • Nursing became big bc of wars “nightingale”

    • New women- wanted reduced feminine roles

7.6 New Imperialism

  • Old Imperiaslism. Occurred in the 1500s to the west and india. 

  • New Wave towards africa and asia. The more industrialized countries dominated

Motivations and Factors

  • Imperalism - when a country shows politlcal dominance over another country 

    • Economic : in the industrial revolution, people needed raw materials and markets, people to sell to. Cheap labor too

      • India “jewel in the crown”

        • Sepoy Rebellion, the british government took over indians not just the company and Victroia even became queen

        • they exploited Indians for cotton and forced them to buy their good (market)

        • had dominated because of the 7 years war

      • British took over places in the west, Egypt (suez canal- connecting india), and south africa and took coal, oil, copper. 

      • British in China

        • for inports. British was importing a lot of tea but china didnt buy much from them.

        • So British imported opium and the chinese became addicted and started to buy a lot. Led to Opium War. British won the war and opened up trading rights.

        • This was referred to as “informal” because it wasn’t direct, it was just influence

      • Boxer rebellion to maintain influence

    • Political and Nationalism

      • Dutch, British, Belgiun, Frace. All scrambled for africa

      • French believed that it was to become strong

    • Racial Supiroirity

      • Western Strong nations (wealthy) took over weak nations. Social Darwinism

      • They “civilized” those who neded it by sharing culture

      • White Man Burdens “described the natives as devilish”

      • Religion

  • Methods

    • Many of the people resisted

    • Advanced Weaponary

      • New guns with more accuracy, and new bullets, faster reloading, and machine guns

      • Europoean had the upperhand

    • New Communication and Transporation Tech

      • Telehgraphs and cables : was useful for coordination and long range communication

      • Railroads: useful for transporting raw materials

      • SteamShips could go against the wind

      • Medicine; 

        • Prior to medicine, people would not go to Africa because of Malaria

        • Quinine was found to prevent death from Malaria

        • Louis Pasteur - french chemist and found the Germ theory because of small microorganisms. This improved hospitals and antiseptics and cleanliness. For imperailism this meant that soldiers would live longer.

    • Boer War - dutch vs english in the south africa next to cape of good hope?

Zulu natives. 

Imperialism global effects

  • Diplomatic tensions: 

    • Scramble for Africa

      • Countries wanted the most land to make themselves powerful

      • Berlin Conference: initated by Bismark to separate Africa peacefuly 

    • Fashoda Crisis - britain and france wanted to connect their empires with a rail road but Sudan was in the way. Britain took it and Entente Cordiale established a freidnly relationship between France and Britain

    • Moroccan Crisis - France controlled North Africa but Germans werent happy. Germans supported Moroccan Revolts. They stopped bc they feared.  This shows the increasing bond of Britain and France but against Germany. 

  • Objection to Imperialism

    • Joseph Conrad- went to the Congo and saw the cruelness imposed by King Leopold II of Belgium. He wrote about it. Congo Reform Association addressed and showed awareness and Leopold was criticized

    • Hobson - said imperalism was a drag on capitalism and Lenin said it supported

  • Natioanalistic resistance 

    • As those under colonial rule went to school, they learned western values and admired it but hated the oprresion. 

      • Zulus - were forced to mine diamonds by british but they revolted and then crushed

      • Ethiopia - Menelik II bought European weapons and used them against Italy to resist

      • British India- British East india Company opressed them. As new values were imposed and old ones remoed. The indians wanted to protect themselves. Sepoy Mutinty revolt spread across india. They were crushed by Britain but after that, the possestion went from British East India to the actural Government. 

    • Algerian War of Independence: against French

Arts and Culture

  • Romantisim - 1st half 18th cen

    •  rejected enlightenment “rational” and rejected super precision of neoclassical

    • Emphaiszed emotion and subjectivity

    • Emphasized: Emotion, Nature (landscape), Individuality, intuition (ability to understand something immediately), supernatural, National histories (nationalism)

    • “franktenstin”was a story that showed that too much reason and not enough feelings can create things

    • music was more emotional “betooven” -

    • art was blurry, less detailed but mysterious. Lots of emotion and dramatic

    • nature was almost worshipped

    • romanitc heroes - died for a heroric cause

    • Romatic → emotion → nationalism

  • Realism - 2nd half

    • Portrayed the world as it was, ordinary people. 

    • Started by Courbet.

    • Would paint people working

    • Balzac - writter, modern novel

    • Liteature: showed actual conditions of people in their social order.

  • Modern Art

    • With photography, painters stoped painting relaistic and started to paint abstract

    • More expressive art 

    • Impressionism- focused on light and colors 

      • Manet

        captured the light

      • modern scenes of life

    • Post Impressionism - used more of a symbolic use of colors and light

      • Cezzane, Van Gogh. 

    • Cubism - 3-d, shapes

      • Picasso1

  • Subjectism- emphasized artists innerstate in late 19th centurry

  • Modern music: 

    • Grieg, debussy, 

Unit 7 Timeline

  • 1851: Napoleon III’s coup d’etat (sent troops to National Assembly; anyone who opposed was sent to Algeria), French Melun Act (made changes for health such as sewage system)

  • 1854-1856: Crimean War (Russia Vs Otto, France, UK, Piedmont)

  • 1855: Cavour leads Piedmont into war on same side as France and England, also Alex. II rules Russia

  • 1856: Treaty of Paris (ends Crimean War), Bessemer process (process for steel) 

  • 1857: Sepoy rebellion (Indian Vs British)   

  • 1858: secret conference between Napoleon III and Cavour

  • 1859: War of Pied. and France Vs Austria, France won, Italian independence gained

  • 1860: Garibaldi invades southern Italy, Cavour stops him

  • 1861: Cavour dead, Russian serfdom abolished, Kingdom of Italy proclaimed

  • 1862: Bismark becomes Prime minister

  • 1863: Polish rebellion stopped by Russia

  • 1864: Danish War (Austria and Prussia Vs Denmark), first international worker union, acts to check prostitutes for std

  • 1865: Emancipation Proc. in US

  • 1866: Italians take over Venetia from Austria, Austro-Prussian War

  • 1867: compromise of 1867 (gave Magyars and German-speaking Austrians authority), North German Confederation formed, Austria-Hungary formed

  • 1869: Suez Canal complete

  • 1870: Crisis over Hohenzollern candidacy for the Spanish throne, leads to Franco-Prussian War, Prussia wins

  • 1871: Paris Commune (Paris tries to govern itself separately from the rest of France; National Assembly lays seige to Paris and wins), treaty of Frankfurt (between Germany and France), French 3rd republic begins, Proclamation of the German Empire at Versailles, unification of Germany complete  

  • 1873: German troops leave France, Three Emperors league begins (Prus., Aust., Rus.)

  • 1874: Disraeli serves as prime minister (eventually forms modern conservative party)

  • 1875: Public Health Act, Brits get Suez, German Social Democratic Party founded, Britain gets control of Suez Canal

  • 1876: telephone, Serbia independence

  • 1877: Russo-Turkish War, Queen Victoria=Empress of India

  • 1878: Treaty of San-Stefano (for RT war), Congress of Berlin (led by Bismarck, gave Russia short end of stick, Three Emperor alliance gone)

  • 1879: Dual alliance forms, Leopold II begins brutal rule in Congo

  • 1881: People’s Will kills Alex. II, Alex III reversed reforms & suppressed revos

  • 1882: Triple Alliance formed (Germany., Aust., Italy), Brits seize Egypt, France take Algeria and Tunisia

  • 1884: Berlin Conference (splitting up africa between european powers),