________- a group of chemicals that includes acetone, acetoacetate acid, and betahydroxy butyric acid; they are produced in excess when carbohydrate metabolism is low and fat is being metabolized for energy.
________- a substance that changes the rate of a chemical but is not itself used up in the reaction The use of platinum in hydrogenating unsaturated fats is an example.
________- an enzyme that acts on urea to produce carbon dioxide and ammonia; it is present in numerous microorganisms in the rumen.
________- having the fluorine content reduced to a level that is nontoxic under normal feed use.
________- any of several enzymes that can hydrolyze starch to maltose or glucose.
________- the fourth compartment of a ruminants stomach, which has functions similar to that of the glandular stomach of non- ruminants.
________- a polymer of glucose molecules that is resistant to hydrolysis by most digestive enzymes (except some produced by microorganisms)
________ acid- a family of steroids comprising the bile acids; they are derived from metabolism of cholesterol by the liver.
________- a substance that interferes with the synthesis or metabolism of a vitamin.
________- the organs of the great cavities of the body, which are removed at slaughter.
________- the slightly yellow transparent fluid occupying the lymphatic channels of the body.
________- a polysaccharide that yields glucose on hydrolysis; found in high concentrations in most seed grains.
________- a yellow organic compound that is the precursor of vitamin A.
________- capable of being mixed easily with another substance.
Biological value
________- the efficiency with which a protein furnishes the required amounts of essential amino acids; usually expressed as a percentage.
________- usually a mixture of pure fats that is liquid at room temperature.
________- an enzyme present in the intestinal juice that acts on lactose to produce glucose and galactose.
________- a five- carbon sugar such as arabinose, xylose, or ribose.
________- a toxic accumulation of urinary constituents in the blood due to faulty kidney excretion.
________- the chemical addition of hydrogen to any unsaturated compound (double bond), often to fatty acids.
________ acid- an 18- carbon unsaturated fatty acid; one of the essential fatty acids; it occurs widely in plant glycerides.
________- any chemical substance that provides nourishment to the body.
________- conversion of a chemical compound to one that is less complex.
________ (Total Digestible Nutrients)- a value that indicates the relative energy value for a feed for an animal.
________- acid detergent fiber; the fraction of a feedstuff not soluble by acid detergent; roughly comparable to crude fiber plus lignin.
________- an abnormal passage from some part of the body to another part or the exterior, sometimes surgically inserted.
________- a substance produced by one microorganism that has an inhibitory effect on another organism.
________- the passageway (tube) from the mouth to the stomach.
________- to disperse small drops of liquid into another liquid.
________- pertaining to the stomach and intestine.
________- removal of the amino group from an amino acid.
________- having to do with feed or water.
________- a deficiency (acute) of thiamine, one of the B- complex vitamins.
________ groove- a muscular structure at the lower end of the esophagus that, when closed, forms a tube allowing milk to go directly into the abomasum; sometimes referred to as the esophageal groove.
________- the products of excretion, primarily feces and urine.
________- the membranes that line the passages and cavities of the body.
________ acid- a saturated fatty acid with 16 carbon atoms.
________- any of several dimers (contains two simple sugars); for example, sucrose (common table sugar) yields glucose and fructose.
________- an ingredient or combination of ingredients added in small quantities to a basic feed mix for the purpose of fortifying the basic mix with trace nutrients, medicines, or drugs.
________ fat- the portion of feed (or other material) that is soluble in ether; also referred to as ether extracts.
________- the major minerals (in terms of the amounts required in the diet or found in body tissues): calcium (Ca), chlorine (Cl), magnesium (Mg), phosphorous (P), potassium (K), sodium (Na), and sulfur (S)
________- the union of a substance with oxygen; the increase of positive charges on an atom or loss of negative charges.
________- an iodine- containing hormone that is produced by the thyroid gland.
________- an enzyme that splits maltose to produce two molecules of glucose.
________- an alcohol of high molecular weight, such as cholesterol; a basic compound used to synthesize many vital chemicals for both plants and animals.
________ (fat)- an ester composed of glycerol and three fatty acids.
________- a biologically unavailable polymer that is a major structural component of the cell wall of plants.
________- a substance that inhibits the oxidation of other compounds.
________ acid- a nitrogenous end product of purine metabolism; it is the principal nitrogen- containing component in urine of birds.
animal incidental
Heat increment- the heat that is unavoidably produced by a(n) ________ with nutrient digestion and utilization.
- Abomasum
the fourth compartment of a ruminants stomach, which has functions similar to that of the glandular stomach of non-ruminants
- Antioxidant
a substance that inhibits the oxidation of other compounds
- Chymotrypsin
a proteolytic digestive enzyme secreted by the pancreas
- Coenzyme
an organic molecule required by some enzymes to produce enzymatic activity; vitamin coenzymes include niacin, pyridoxine, thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and folic acid
- Digestion
the process involved in preparing food for absorption
- Gastrointestinal
pertaining to the stomach and intestine
- Glucose
a six-carbon monosaccharide found in the blood and as a component of sucrose and maltose and other sugars
- Macrominerals - the major minerals (in terms of the amounts required in the diet or found in body tissues)
calcium (Ca), chlorine (Cl), magnesium (Mg), phosphorous (P), potassium (K), sodium (Na), and sulfur (S)
- Microminerals - the trace elements required by animal tissues that must be in the diet
cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), fluorine (F), iodine (I), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), nickel (Ni), selenium (Se), silicon (Si), vanadium (V), and zinc (Zn)
- Minerals
as applied to animal nutrition, elements that are essential to the plant or animal and that are found in its tissues
- Monosaccharide
any one of several simple sugars
- Oxidation
the union of a substance with oxygen; the increase of positive charges on an atom or loss of negative charges
- Palmitic acid
a saturated fatty acid with 16 carbon atoms
- Pentosan
a polysaccharide made up primarily of five-carbon sugars; araban and xylan are examples
- Proximate analysis
a combination of analytical procedures used to describe feeds, excreta, and other agricultural products
- Villi - small threadlike projections attached to the interior of the wall of the small intestine to increase its absorptive surface area (singular
This group includes ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and the B complex
biotin, choline, cobalamin or cyanocobalamin, folacin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, riboflavin, and thiamine