AP Euro U7 Review

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  • italian nationalist movement led by Camilo di Cavoir

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camilo di cavoir

  • PM of Piedmont-Sardinia

  • wanted initially to unite N. and Cen. Italy

    • modernized P-S

    • forms secret alliance w/farnce and Nap. III

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  • created econ. profits and unity

  • poverty and unemp. = DOWN

  • cities and factories = UP

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Prussian interest in unification

  • Prussia is interested in unification b/c their influence is down

  • Reichstag making it diff to do anything

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  • begins as prussian nationalist and suspicious of modern ideas

  • flexible opportunist (real politik)

  • GOALS: build up prussia’s strength and influence in Europe

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Bismarck’s plan to unite austira

  • use german nationalism to remove austria from German affairs and take the lead in unification under prussia

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The Constitutional Struggle

  • Bismarck knew the army needed to be beefed up

    • liberals protest, but bismarck says its necessary

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Prussia VS Denmark (1/3)

  • stirs up german nationalism and boosts prussian morale

  • Bismarck gets the austrians to get w/Prussia in joint administration (building tensions)

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Austria VS Prussia (2/3)

  • Bismarck wants a quick, localized defeat

    • Prussia wins shortly

    • RESULT: all german states NORTH of Mayan River = consolidated in the Northern German Confederation under wilhelm I as pres.


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Franco-Prussian War

  • Bismarck realizes he needs to beat france to get S. Ger. states

  • prussians crush france w/fairly short war

    • Treaty of Frankfurt

      • southern german states agreed to join the new German empire

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2 distinct approaches to Russia in late 19th/early 20th cen

  1. Westernizers - want russia to adopt Western ways

  2. slaviphiles - russia has its own special desitny as the leading Slavic power

    1. RESULT OF 2 Conflicts = tension within the russian govt

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Czar Alexander II

  • liberalish fan of reform to a DEGREE

  • knows serfdom must go and that russia is poor and needs industrializing

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  • educated indiv. w/ideas that criticized the gov’t and debated in russia

  • over-exaggerated sense of self

  • believed intellectuals should have a large role in soxiety and exag. the impact groups like them had

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The Crimean War

  • Alexander II comes to power during this war

  • huge wake up call for the gov’t and military

    • suffered huge defeats

      • russia gov’t sees the need to westernize for the sake of military power

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Serfdom under Alexander II

  • wanted to abolish serfdom w/o creating a class of landless peasants

    • result: est. a plan w/the Boyars (1/2 land on estates = purchased by newly freed serfs)

      • peasants can’t afford

  • way of life for peasants doesn’t change that much but serfdom is gone

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local gov’t reforms under Alexander II

  • alexander est. local gov’t units w/diff districts being overseen by councils (Zemstvos)

    • elected by townspeopel and dealt w/local issues

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legal reforms under alexander II

  • independent judicial system and created official set of courts; est. due process provisions but intelligencia = unsatisfied

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Where do marxist theories not apply?

  • russia b/c it is not industrialized

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peasant socialism

  • derivation of socialism

  • alexander Herzen - leading proponent that believed revolution would come from Rus. Peasantry

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Reactionary crackdown following Alexander II assassination

  • brutal repression of all reformers/liberals in russia, but existing reforms are maintained

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  • the forcible assimilation of non-russians

  • spearheaded by the church

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1890 industrialization in Russia

  • Ct. Sergei Witte (knew russia needed to modernize)

    • gov’t built large amt of railroads

    • protective tariffs and put russia on gold standard

    • western investment

      • working class conditions = atrocious

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Russia VS Japan in late 19th/early 20th cen

  • japan = on the rise as a power in East asia that was westernizing

    • japanese destroy the russians

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The Revolution of 1905 (russia)

  • b/c of industrialization/modernization in Russia, intelligencia wanted a say (a constitutional monarchy)

  • workers (societs) - want workers councils; marxist; organized illegally

  • army is fighting the Japanese, so there’s no battle initially until Bloody Sunday

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bloody sunday

  • workers march to Czar’s winter palace and are killed by troops

  • result: Czar grants October Manifest

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what did every nation operate under in late 19th/early 20th century?

  • nation state

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2 themes of euro nations in late 19th/early 20th cen

  • mass politics (getting more ppl. involved; univ male suffrage; women want vote)

  • growing mass loyalty to the nation (pol. parties compete for the votes of ordinary ppl)

    • gov’ts seem more worthy of respect, but politicians can now utilize this to distract from domestic problems

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Cultural Struggle (germany)

  • bismarck going after the Catholic Church b/c they made concerning declarations against him

  • largely a failure → 1878 bismarck gives up

    • Result: bismarck + church work together and enact high tariffs

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Bismarck’s social reforms

  • 1st comprehensive social welfare program

  • 1st social security laws

  • nat’l sickness and accident insurance laws

  • system of retirement benefits


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Dropping of the Pilot

  • William II becomes Kaiser and fires Bismarck

    • Result: Bismarck’s complex BOP system falls apart

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paris commune

  • working classes in Paris want to rule Paris w/o the rule of the Third Rep after the Franco-Prussian War

    • nat’l assembly + prussia help to crush the Paris Commune

      • Result: national unity = UP

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what political system does france adopt post franco-prussian war? (in third rep)

  • multiparty system

    • no one party can win

      • Result: must form coalitions btwn parties

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crises faced by the third republic

  • boulangere crisis (boulangere tries to stage a coup)

  • panama sandal (corruption and bribery at the canal construction attempt in panama)

  • DREYFUS AFFAIR (first jewish man appointed to aid French Gen Staff

    • convicted of treason and monarchists, church, and anti-semetics use against france

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Reform bill of 1867

  • re-appointment and broadening of suffrage (all mid. class + the upper working class)

  • great britain

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Reform bill of 1884

  • univ adult male suffrage in GB

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gladstone’s liberal reforms as lib. party leader in GB

  • The Ballot Act of 1872 (secret ballot)

  • The Civil Services Reform Act (competitive exams for gov’t jobs)

  • The Education Act (public schools)

  • The Land Act (tried to help ireland but failed)

  • The University Act (no more religious tests for education)

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the parliament act of 1911

  • strips house of lords of their power in GB b/c they tried to reassert themselves and block reforms

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The People’s Budget

  • David Lloyd George’s proposal for lots of social welfare laws

    • raised taxes on the rich to pay

    • makes a deal w/Irish nationalists in the House of Commons if they support the ppl’s budge

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the dual monarchy

  • term for the new Austria-Hungary after Prussia defeats austria in war and Hungarians rise up

  • Hungary gets indep. (virtually) and the Magyars can deal w/other ethnic groups

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the language ordinances

  • est. legal equality btwn german language and local languages

    • Result: ethnic germans backlash + anti-semitism

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the 2nd internationale

  • loose association of socialist parties

  • psychologically unifying

  • met every 3 yrs to discuss Marx’s doctrine

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  • what more parties in euro were shifting towards

  • combine militant rhetoric w/moderate action

  • b/c of growth of unions and revisionist marxism

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why was there a decline of radical socialism?

  • workers were less inclined to follow radical programs

    • wanted tangible benefits

    • there was not a united pol./soc. group

    • living conditions had improved

    • purchasing power was UP

    • growth of labor unions

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new model unions

  • avoided radicalism and strikes

  • only involved skilled workers

  • focused on increasing wages, decreasing hours, and increasing working conditions

    • more practical approach

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revisionist marxism

  • response to the moderate-trend

  • socialists adopted tactics and combined w/other groups to make gradual evolutionary gains through legislation and collective bargaining

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new imperialism

  • change in the imperialistic behavior in euro. countries from 1880-1914

  • characterized by the founding of vast political empires and est. colonies

  • colonies = new emphasis

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causes of new imperialism

  • economic

    • need new markets and raw materials

    • needed place to invest

      • short run: colones = NOT profitable

  • political/diplomatic

    • strategic points

    • nationalism - colonies = essential to great nations

    • social darwinism - racist competitions

  • social tensions/conflicts in Euro

    • conservative powers say colonial issues = divert attention from dom. issues

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the white man’s burden

  • coined by Kipling

    • it is the white man’s duty to save the non-white ppl of the world and civilize them

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consequences of new imperialism

  1. increased tensions btwn european states

  2. wars w/non-europeans (esp. in africa and asia)

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boer wars

  • GB conquered dutch settlers in south africa

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the berlin conference

  • est. that euro. claims in africa had to rest on effective occupation

    • made belgium ruler of neutral congo free-state

    • agreed to end slavery

    • coincides w/germany’s emergence as an imperial power

      • result: german imperial holdings are scattered

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J. A. Hobbson

  • says imperialism = a result of unregulated capitalism and thus only paid off for by specific groups and not the euro. country as a whole

    • said it took attention away from domestic needs

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Joseph Conrad and “Heart of Darkness”

  • portrayed the selfishness and hypocracy of Euro enslaving and conquering other/african ppls

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the eastern question

  • “what will happen to the eastern region as the ottoman empire falls?”

    • russia and aus-hun want most

      • could lead to conflict

      • Result: series of balkan crises (starting 1870s)

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  • russia = the protector of all slavic ppls

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the treaty of san-stefano

  • russia forces ottoman empire to agree and if implemented, the russians would = dom. power in the balkans

  • bismarck intervenes w/congress of berlin

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Treaty of Berlin

  • stops the san-stefano treaty

    • romania, montenego, serbia = independent

    • bulgaria → autonomy wihtin Ott. empire

    • Aus-hun acquires bosnia herzegovina

    • russia = greatest loser and blames bismarck

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causes of ww1: 2 hostile alliance blocks

  • GB, france, russia VS germany, aus hun, and italy

  • b/c of the dropping of the pilot and the disrupted BOP

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causes of ww1: militarism

  • euro. powers see force as a desirable method of problem solving

  • arms race w/navies btwn GB and Germany

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causes of ww1: imperialism

  • conflict over colonies in asia and africa

  • moroccan crisis - William II of germany says he will back moroccan independence even though tech. mor. = part of ottoman empire w/french sphere of influence

  • agadir crisis - series of outbreaks in morocco that lead france to send troops

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causes of ww1: nationalism

  • especially in the balkans

    • bosnia herz. has a large serbian population that want to join serbia and leave aus-hun

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serbian terrorist groups causing ww1

  • bosnian serbs that wanted to join serbia engage in terror campaign against aus hun in bosnia

    • franz ferdinand is killed by terrorist group w/connections to serbian gov’t

    • aus-hun gives serbia ultimatum

      • aus hun declares war on serbia

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schlieffen plan

  • germany’s plan for a 2-front war

    • with war on east starting, germany goes and attacks neutral belgium

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allied powers

  • russia, france, gb

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central powers

  • aus-hun, germany, and ottoman empire (initially)

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1st battle of the Marne

  • the french fight back against the germans and war on the western front bogs down in to trench warfare and stalemate

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how did the eastern front differ from the western front in ww1?

  • while western front = stalemate, the eastern front never bogs down and has many new entries

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planned economies

  • economy in shambles b/c of war

  • countries adopt total war policy (have to enter emergency economic mode)

  • skilled workers are exempt from the draft

  • unions get increased prestige and co-op with the gov’t for both sides

  • unemployment goes down and wages go up

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women during ww1

  • women entered the workforce or shifted to war related jobs

  • changed perspectives on women’s capabilities

  • women get equal pay DURING THE WAR

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the march revolution

  • violent street demonstrations broke out in Petrograd

  • Czar is down w/army, but army turns to the ppl

  • duma returns to declare a provisional gov’t

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why did the duma fail to get a hold of russia following czarist failures?

  • critical mistake: failed to take russia out of the war

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petrigrad soviet

  • council of workers and soldiers’ deputies modeled on the societ councils from 1905

  • made up of workers, educated, socialists, and soldiers

  • saw itself as a product of revolutionary democracy

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Army Order #1

  • petrigrad soviet stripped officers of their authority in the army and placed power in the hands of elected committees of ordinary soldiers

    • result: complete collapse of dsicipline in the army

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marxist ideology on the rise in Russia (late 19th cen)

  • 1890s - marxism becomes relevant in russia

  • younger revolutionaries begin to shift to marxism (such as lenin, trotsky, and stalin)

    • form the social democrats group

      • believe that revolution will be international in origin and begin in Western Eur. b/c the russians must fully adopt capitalism first

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  • dominated by lenin

  • strong authority at the top with sole authority

    • any co-operation w/other liberal/radical groups is only temporary

    • revolution will not start as an uprising of the MASSES, but will instead be brought on by a small group of PROFESSIONAL revolutionaries

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  • dominated by spontaneous mass uprising of the workers

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lenin’s three central concepts

  1. only a violent revolution will overthrow capitalism

  2. a communist revolution was possible in highly agricultural countries

  3. possibility of a revolution determined by human leadership

    1. called for a highly disciplined workers’ party controlled by a small elite group of intellectuals

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bolshevik seizure of power

  • initiated by lenin’s right hand man → trotsky

    • propogandized and said there were counter-rev. plots so the petregard soviet insititute him as the leader of a special military rev. committee

      • result: soviet military power = in bolshevik’s hands

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3 reasons the bolsheviks were able to come to power

  1. democracy had dissolved into anarchy by 1917

  2. lenin and trotsky = completely ruthless; determined; effective leadership

  3. bolshevik policies appeal to regular russians (peace, land, and bread)

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treaty of brestlituvsk (?? spelling)

  • russia gives up 1/3 of population to germany by losing ukraine, latvia, lithuania, estonia, E. poland, and finland

    • result: russia = out of war and Lenin can pursue absolute bolshevik power

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russian civil war

  • two sides = the whites (non bolsheviks) and the reds (bolsheviks)

  • the whites’ problem: no unity b/c the whites = united by hatred for the reds and nothing else

  • comes to end in early 1920s - 1-party dictatorship being established

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lenin’s war communism

  • bolshevik control of the economy to mobilize the econ. for civil war

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red terror

  • lenin est. a secret police organization to execute anyone not in support of the bolsheviks

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weimer republic

  • moderate socialists in the German parliament declare a republic after the Kaiser abdicated in 1918

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how did the reasons for fighting ww1 shift throughout the war?

  • initially a war abt national interests, but had shifted to be abt idealistic principles

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wilson’s peace aims at versailles

  • tried to shift discussion of war aims to the higher level w/wilson’s 14 points

    • believed his deals justified the war

    • proposals = open diplomacy, arms reduction, and the self determination of people

    • general association of nations that would guarantee pol. indep. to all states (The league of nations)

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david lloyd george’s aims at versailles

  • had promised GB that he would get back at germany if he won but wasn’t passionate about it

  • wants germany to pay, but not nearly as much as france

  • wants a moderate peace and to avoid another war

    • british PUBLIC want a harsh peace

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Clemenceau’s aims at versailles

  • wants security for france against germany

  • wants a rhineland buffer state

  • wants reparations from germany

    • HUGE requests in reparations

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the treaty of versailles

  • NOTE: Not a negotiated treaty w/germany; imposed onto them

  • main provisions of the treaty

    • germany’s military is reduced

    • germany is blamed for the war w/ the War Guilt Clause

      • reparations set at $33 bill. USD

    • rhineland is demilitarized but stays ger. territory

    • aus-hun dismantled

    • new nations are created (eastern)

    • leadue of nations’ mandates established

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2 major issues w/peace settlement after ww1

  1. weimar republic doesn’t have the widespread support of the german public

  2. USA - senate doesn’t approve of wilson’s compromises

    1. Wilson emphasizes the league of nations but doesn’t join b/c senate doesn’t approve

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