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US Isolationism
Policy of avoiding involvement in foreign conflicts.
Prohibition Era
Period banning alcohol, led to speakeasies and bootlegging.
Fiscal Conservatism
Economic policy focused on reducing government spending.
Cycle of Prosperity
Increased spending leads to higher wages and production.
18th Amendment banning alcohol sales and consumption.
17th Amendment
Established direct election of U.S. senators in 1913.
Stock Market Crash
1929 collapse leading to widespread economic failure.
Prohibition Repeal
21st Amendment in 1933 ended alcohol prohibition.
Business structures controlling multiple companies under one management.
Jim Crow Laws
Legislation enforcing racial segregation in the South.
19th Amendment
Granted women the right to vote in 1920.
Women who embraced new fashions and social freedoms.
Jazz Age
Cultural period characterized by jazz music and dance.
Shift from rural to urban living in the 1920s.
Gilded Age
Period marked by economic disparity and industrial growth.
Cultural trend emphasizing the acquisition of goods.
Progressive Era
Period (1900-1920s) focused on social and political reform.
Journalists exposing societal issues and injustices.
Sherman Antitrust Act
1890 law regulating monopolistic business practices.
Clayton Antitrust Act
1914 law strengthening regulations against monopolies.
16th Amendment
Introduced graduated income tax in 1913.
Roaring Twenties
Period of economic prosperity and cultural change.
Smoot-Hawley Tariff
1930 tariff aimed to protect American farmers.
Farmers' Struggles
Low wages and debts led to widespread bankruptcies.
Federal Reserve Bank
Raised interest rates to combat stock market speculation.
Social movement aimed at reforming government and economy.
Warren Harding
President known for conservative policies and scandals.
Woodrow Wilson
Progressive president during WWI, advocated for reforms.
Calvin Coolidge
Fiscal conservative, reduced government intervention in economy.
Herbert Hoover
President during Great Depression, maintained laissez-faire policies.
Harlem Renaissance
Cultural movement celebrating African American art and identity.
Organization advocating for civil rights of African Americans.
Ku Klux Klan
White supremacist group with millions of members in 1920s.
Munroe Doctrine
US policy opposing European colonialism in Americas.
Zimmerman Telegram
Secret message proposing German-Mexican alliance against US.
Scopes Monkey Trial
1925 trial over teaching evolution in schools.
Economic Boom
Post-WWI growth in production and consumerism.
Economic policy of minimal government intervention.
Social Darwinism
Belief in racial superiority and natural selection.
Trust Busting
Regulating monopolies to promote economic competition.
Great Depression
Economic downturn from 1929 to late 1930s.
Unemployment Rate
Reached 25% by 1933 during the Great Depression.
Dust Bowl
Severe drought affecting agriculture in the 1930s.
Shantytowns for homeless during the Great Depression.
Income Inequality
Disparity where 15% held 60% of wealth.
New Deal
Series of programs to recover from the Great Depression.