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Napoleon III
Becomes New Emperor of France
Controlled armed forces + police + civil services and could introduce any type of law + legislative service
Modernized France (which was behind the rest of EU)
Not a conservative monarchy, more liberal
Remodeling of Medieval France
Remodeled to reflect Modern Age spacial buildings + public squares + sewage system + public water supply + gas streetlights
Hospitals with free medicine for workers (combat diseases in industrial workplaces)
Legalized trade unions (strike)
Allowed greater campaigning (not necessarily true cause most people did not come into power did allow elections)
Flexibility in the Legislative Corps
Decline of Napoleon III
May of 1870
France accepts new constitution because Napoleon III defeated by Germans in Franco Prussian War → decline of Napoleon III
Napoleon III goes into exile
Mexican Intervention
Downfall: Trying to Takeover & Expand Into Mexico
Wanted to control ports and American Markets to sell French goods
Had support of Spaniards & British who ultimately withdraw troops
Mexico had gained independence w own constitution
Placed Archduke Maximillian of Austria as Ruler of Mexico in 1864
Met with troops
French had to withdraw
Archduke Maximillian was stuck without any defense
Had to surrender to Mexican Liberals in May of 1867 (Cinco de Mayo)
Crimean War
Led by most of Concert of Europe (will break up Concert of Europe)
Russia was interested in seizing Crimea Territory
Took over in 1873
Wanted warm water ports (other ports are cold water ports that freeze) access into Black Sea
Trade interests
Protectorate over Christian Shrines in Palestine
Had to evacuate
French Empire goes in and takes it
Ottoman vs Russia Over Protectorates of Christian Shrines in Palestine
Ottoman does not want to acknowledge that Russia is original protectorate
Russia decides to claim whole territory
Ottoman declares war on Russia (October 4 1853)
To preserve balance of power, Great Britain & France declare war on Russia
Austria decides to remain neutral (not helping Russia who aided them in Hungarian Revolutions before) → tensions
Rise of Nursing
What tsar comes to power ending the Crimean War?
Lose Tsar Nichlas I → changes course of war as Nicholas I wanted to continue to fight → Alexander II comes to power → initially tries to fight but eventually stops
Treaty of Paris
Ends the Crimean War
Russia has to give up Basarabia (one of closest territory to Crimea Region)
Moldavia and Wallachia under control of all five powers
Russia does not trust rest of Great Powers (Great Britain, Prussia, Russia, Austria, France)
Russia withdraws troops and any interactions with European Affairs
Look to ASIA (Manchuria or Korean Territory)
Great Britain also pulls back from European Affairs
Had previously been engaged in wars
Without Concert, free for all for Italy and Germany to get started with unifications
Italians able to get unifications cause support French in War
Nationalists Revolt and Serbia Recognized in
Florence Nightingale
Pushes nursing especially in battlefield but also hospitals
Strict sanitary conditions → saves many lives
Pushes for nursing to become a profession | primarily middle class women
Unification of Italy (Northern)
Constitutional Monarchy
Due to nationalist movements (after failure of revolution of 1848–1849 a growing number of advocates for Italian unification focus on the northern Italian state of Piedmont as best hope to achieve goal)
Sardinia Piedmont
King Charles Albert
Victor Emmanuel II
Count Camillo di Cavour Prime Minister
Italy took sides with France in Crimean War
Sent over 10,000 troops hoping to get French support for unification later
Cavour Provokes Austrians into Invading Piedmont in April 1859
France makes peace with Austria July 11 1859 without informing Italy (war is costly so France did not want to fight)
Napoleon III withdrew cause despite two losses Austrian army not defeated + Prussians mobilizing support Austria
Unification of Italy (Southern)
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Army of Red Shirts thousands of them + young
New Kingdom of Italy
Formed under centralized government control of Piedmont and King Victor Emmanuel II of the House of Savoy on March 17 1861
Prussian Victory in Austro-Prussian War
Left Italians with Venetia
Franco-Prussian War
Resulted in withdrawal of French troops from Rome → Rome new Capital of Italy on September 20 1870
Real Italian Unification
Not until Prussia beat France
Needed Prussia to get Venetia and Rome
Picture of Garabaldi and Victor Emmanuel III
Garibaldi wearing red shirt holds boot meaning lower portion of Italy
Victor Emmanuel II receives the boot aka lower Italy
Unification of Germany
King Frederick William IV died in 1861 → King William I without Frederick
March 1562 King William I appoints Otto von Bismark
Rename from Prussia to Germany
William I becomes Kaiser of Second German Empire
Crowned him in Hall of Mirrors in Versailles royal monarchical Palace of France → humiliated France
Count Camillo di Cavour
Favors constitutional government and unified Italy (rid of foreign control in Italian Peninsula)
Pursued policy of economic expansion
Encouraged building of roads + canals + railroads
Fostered business enterprise by expanding credit and simulating investment in new industries
Agreement with Napoleon III
France ally with Piedmont in driving the Austrians out of Italy
France would receive the Piedmontese Provinces of Nice and Savoy
Create Kingdom of Central Italy papal region for Prince Napoleon (Napoleon III Cousin) who would be married to younger daughter of King Victor Emmanuel
Favorable with French
Garabaldi and Cavour
Meet in battle at Naples
Garibaldi yields to Cavour who feared march on Rome would bring war with France as defender of papal interests → Garabaldi says “take Southern Italy you can have it”
Garabaldi retired to his farm
Otto von Bismark
Landowning aristocracy Junker of Prussia
Practitioner of Realpolitik
Waged war only when all other diplomatic alternatives exhausted
Reasonably sure advantages on his side
Portrayed as ultimate realist
Open about dislike of anyone who opposed him
Collected taxes + reorganized army despite rejection of army appropriations bill
Governed Prussia by largely ignoring Parliament from 1862–1866
Alliance with Prussia + Russia + France
Did not want to fight Russia and France at once
Otto von Bismark not Prime Minister anymore
William II who comes into power lets the treaty lapse
Willing to put aside moral & religious & personal
Focus on practical and real rather than hypotheticals
Believed if said going to do something, had to go do it
Danish War
Over Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein
Nationalists mad about being categorized/included as Danish incorporated duchies which had large German population into Denmark
Bismark persuaded Austrians to join Prussia in declaring war on Denmark February 1 1864
Danes surrender Schleswig and Holstein
Prussia and Austria agree to divide administration of duchies
Prussia took Schleswig
Austria took Holstein
Austrian influence in German States
Want to kick Austria out → Austro–Prussian War
Austro-Prussian War
Bismark goad Austrians to war on June 14 1866
Prussians had superior gun and railroads to transport troops quickly
Austria lost Venetia to Italy and excluded from German Affairs
Will lose Holstein and Schleswig (did not lose any own territory)
Creation of Northern German Confederation
Each German State kept its own local government
King of Prussia Head of Confederation
Chancellor Bismark responsible directly to King
Bundesrat federal council consisting of delegates nominated by states
Reichstag elected by universal male suffrage
Franco-Prussian War
France looking for opportunities to humiliate Prussia so objected Prince Leopold of Hohenzollern Sigmaringen taking throne of Queen Isabella II of Spain
King William I force his relative to withdraw candidacy
Pushed William I to make formal apology to France and promise to never allow Prince Leopold to be candidate again
French declare war on Prussia on July 15 1870
Capture entire French Army in September 1870 → Napoleon III went into exile → Collapse of Second French Empire
Paris capitulated on January 28 1871
Official peace treaty signed in May
France had to
Pay indemnity of 5 billion francs
Support German occupying forces until indemnity paid
Give up Alsace and Lorrain to new German state
Austrian Empire Act of Emancipation September 7 1848
Habsburgs crushed revolution of 1848–1849 → restored centralized autocratic government to the Empire
Act of Emancipation September 7 1848
Freed the serfs
Eliminated all compulsory labor services
Emperor Francis Joseph
Attempted to reestablish imperial parliament Reichsrat with nominated upper house and elected lower house → ensured election of German speaking majority → alienated Hungarians
Began focusing on internal issues
Ausgleich Compromise of 1867
Created Dual Monarchy of Austria–Hungary
Each part of empire had constitution + own bicameral legislature + governmental machinery for domestic affairs + own capital (Vienna for Austria and Buda soon to be united with Pest for Hungary)
Single Monarch Francis Joseph
one leader with two governments
Common army + foreign policy + system of finances
Enabled German speaking Austrias & Hungarian Magyars to dominate minorities Slavic peoples (Poles Croats Czechs Serbs Slovaks Slovenes Little Russians)
Minorities still not represented
Must abide by German Speaking or Hungarian Speaking
Charles Darwin
Middle class family
Studied theology also pursued interest in geology and biology
Expedition to America and other regions On HMS Beagle
Surveys land masses of South America
Finches beak sizes
Animal/Plant Life
Characteristics developed to specific region
Theory of Natural Selection
On the Origin of Species by the Theory of Natural Selection
Adapted to environment
Response to Industrial Age to capture the Age & working class
Happens in many different places as response
Not popular until the 1850s
Every Day Life
Did not have interest in highlighting elite society
Goes against ideology of capturing aristocracy
French become prominent
Realism still had classical styles to it & focused on nationalism
Gustave Courbet
Stone Breakers
Work on factory workers + slums + overcrowded streets + people in poverty
Capture what was really happening
Coins term “realism”
Have never seen so not have interest in painting it
Francois Millet
The Gleaners
Paints with some Romantic style
Focuses on countryside + landscape
Rural farmers
Albert Einstein
Primarily worked in Switzerland
Development of atomic bomb
Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies
Looked at relativity
E = mc2
Many scientist unable to understand total eclipse of the Sun
May 1919
Scientists able to demonstrate when light deflected into gravitational field
Proved what Einstein thought
Age of Physics: 1920
Right after the eclipse
Lectured at Black Universities
Sigmund Freud
Interpretation of Dreams
Focused on human mind and how it develops
Interprets dreams (believes dreams have meaning)
Understanding how mind works when unconscious
Battle Between Id vs Ego vs Super Ego
Lustful drivers + desires + crude appetites + impulses
Seat of reason
Coordinator of inner life
Super Ego
Inhibitions and moral values that society or parents impose on people
Rise of Psychology
People did not try to understand human mind before this
Change in understanding people
Realized not everyone works the same
Originated in France
Artists rejected studios and museums → went to countryside to paint nature directly painted what observed on spot so paintings quicker
Streets and cabarets + rivers + busy boulevards (anywhere people congregated)
Reflected pastimes of new upper middle class bourgeois
Bright colors + dynamic brush strokes + smaller scale
Often criticized as not actual art
First Impressionist Exhibit
Three women
Camille Pissarro
Claude Monet
Interaction of light + water + atmosphere
Impression, Sunrise
Coins term impressionism
Berthe Morisot
One of the women at First Impressionist Auction
Fetched highest price
Broke with practice of women being only amateur artists
Believed women had special vision, delicater than men
Young Girl by the Window
Post Impressionism
Emerged in 1880s
Retained emphasis on light and color but payed further attention to structure and form
Use color and line to express inner feelings rather than imitation of objects (objective → subjective)
Paul Cezanne
Post Impressionist
Mont Sainte Victoire
Express underlying geometric structure and form
Pressed brush onto canvas to form cubes of color
Broke down forms to basic components
Vincent van Gogh
Post Impressionist
Believed color could act as own language
Artist could paint feelings & painting spiritual experience
Starry Night
Painted in insane asylum
Pablo Picasso
Abstract Painter
From Spain but settled in Paris
Geometric designs combined to form a reality
Les Demoiselles d’Avignon five women in a brothel
Wassily Kandinsky
Abstract Painting
Avoids representation altogether
Painting itself does not have figures
Believed art should speak directly to the soul by avoiding any physical reality
Square with White Border
Jewish nationalist movements
Theodor Herzel
The Jewish State
Supported development of settlements in Palestine
From wealthy Jewsih banking families who wanted refuge in Palestine
Difficult as Palestine was part of Ottoman Empire and Ottoman authorities opposed to Jewish Immigration
British Labor Party
Liberals forced to adopt significant social reforms due to pressure of two new working class organizations
Trade Unions
Labor Party (Trade Union + Fabian Socialist)
Abandoned principles of laissez faire & voted for social reforms
Trade Unions advocated radical change of economic system
“Collective Ownership”
Control over production + distribution + exchange
New Unionism
Revolution of 1905
Russia expansion to South and East led to confrontation with Japan
Port Arthur February 8 1904
Japan makes surprise attack on Russian fleet
Russia defeated by new Japanese navy at Tsushima Strait
Admitted defeat and sued for peace in 1905
Peasants suffered from lack of land
Workers had bad working conditions
Food shortages caused by Russo-Japanese War
Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg January 9 1905 “Bloody Sunday”
Workers went to present petition
Troops opened fire killing hundreds launching revolution
Incited workers to call strikes and form unions
Ethnic groups revolt
Peasants burn houses of landowners
Competition → EU States try to acquire colonies with ports and coaling stations
British expanded to keep French + German + Russian from setting up
Colonies were source of international prestige
Patriotic used to arouse Imperialism
Schools used maps of colonial territories
Newspapers and magazines made seem heroic
Plays written
Tied to Social Darwinism and Racism
Religious Motives
Europeans had moral responsibility to civilize ignorant peoples
Economic Motive
Demand for natural resources and products not found in Western Countries rubber oil tin
Advocated direct control of area instead of just trade
Only wanted natural resources saw Africa as wasteland
Berlin Conference
14 European Nations Completely Divided Africa
Labeled as Scramble for Africa trying to get as much territory for ivory + cacao + potentially cheap/free labor
British & French get most territory
The Scramble for Africa
Western presence in Africa limited to trade network and some footholds for trade & missionary activity before 1880
Any peoples who dared to resist (with the exception of the Ethiopians, who defeated the Italians) were simply devastated by the superior military force of the Europeans
Military superiority
Brutal treatment of blacks
Machine Guns
Land Grab
British took control of Cape Town
Encouraged settlers to settle in Cape Colony
Boers Afrikaners
Hostility between British and Boers
Boers revolt
Russo-Japanese War of 1905
Went all the way around just to get defeated
Russians control over Northern Coast of Black Sea and pressed into Central Asia → Russia brought to borders of Persia and Afghanistan
Russians and British Agree to Make Afghanistan Buffer State 1907
Move East into Asia
Occupation of Manchuria + Attempt to Move into Korea → Russo-Japanese War in 1905
Humiliating defeat
Russians agreed to Japanese protectorate in Korea