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It prevents clotting in the specimen by binding (chelating) calcium required for fibrin clot formation.
Levy chamber with improved Neubauer ruling
What is the most common hemacytometer
The typical dilution of blood for the WBC count is?
They adhere to foreign objects and to each other, which makes them difficult to count
Manual RBC count
Rarely performed because of the inaccuracy of the count and questionable necessity
540 nm
The reference method for hemoglobin determination is based on the absorbance of cyanmethemoglobin at?
It can cause turbidity and a falsely high result
It takes 1 hour to convert to cyanmethemoglobin and theoretically could cause erroneous results in specimens from heavy smokers
Hematocrit (HCT)
The volume of packed RBCs that occupies a given volume of whole blood
Buffy coat
This part of the specimen should not be included in the hematocrit reading because this falsely elevates the result
Normocytic, normochromic
The Rule of Three applies only to specimens that have these types of RBCs.
Mean Cell Volume (MCV)
It is the average volume of the RBC, expressed in femtoliters (fL)
Mean Cell Hemoglobin (MCH)
It is the average weight of hemoglobin in a RBC, expressed in picograms (pg)
Mean Cell Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)
It is the average concentration of hemoglobin in each individual RBC. The units used are g/dL
It is the last immature RBC stage
2 days
Normally, a reticulocyte spends how many day(s) in the bone marrow?
1 day
A reticulocyte spends how many day(s) in the peripheral blood before developing into a mature RBC?
Reticulocyte count
It is used to assess the erythropoietic activity of the bone marrow
New Methylene Blue
Whole blood, anticoagulated with EDTA, is stained with a supravital stain, such as?
Any nonnucleated RBC that contains two or more particles of blue-stained granulofilamentous material after new methylene blue staining is defined as a?
Heinz bodies
They are precipitated hemoglobin that usually appear round or oval, and tend to adhere to the cell membrane
Pappenheimer bodies
They are iron in the mitochondria whose presence can be confirmed with an iron stain, such as Prussian blue
Miller Disc
It was designed to reduce the labor-intensive process of reticulocyte counting
A minimum of ____ cells should be counted in the small square
The College of American Pathologists (CAP) hematology standard for a manual reticulocyte count is based on at least ______ red cells
Shift reticulocytes
Reticulocytes that are released from the marrow prematurely are called?
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
This test is ordered with other tests to detect and monitor the course of inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, infections, or certain malignancies.
C-reactive protein level
It may be a more predictable and reliable alternative to monitor inflammation
Rouleaux formation
It is the stacking of RBCs
Modified Westergren Method
The most commonly used method of ESR
It is also the method recommended by the International Council for Standardization in Hematology and the CLSI
Wintrobe Method
This method in ESR used double oxalate as anticoagulant
Point-of-care testing (POC)
It offers the ability to produce rapid and accurate results that facilitate faster treatment, which can decrease hospital length of stay.
It is defined as diagnostic testing at or near the site of patient care.
A 1:20 dilution of blood is made with 3% glacial acetic acid as the diluent. The four large corner squares on both sides of the hemacytometer are counted, for a total of 100 cells. What is the total WBC count (3109 /L)?
The total WBC count is 20 3 109 /L. Twenty-five NRBCs per 100 WBCs are observed on the peripheral blood film. What is the corrected WBC count (3109 /L)?
If potassium cyanide and potassium ferricyanide are used in the manual method for hemoglobin determination, the final product is:
Fetal hemoglobin
Which of the following would NOT interfere with the result when hemoglobin determination is performed by the cyanmethemoglobin method?
21% to 27%
A patient has a hemoglobin level of 8.0 g/dL. According to the rule of three, what is the expected range for the hematocrit?
Erythropoietic activity of the bone marrow
What does the reticulocyte count assess?
For a patient with the following test results, which measure of bone marrow red blood cell production provides the most accurate information?
Observed reticulocyte count = 5.3%
HCT = 35%
Morphology = moderate polychromasia
Which of the following would be associated with an elevated ESR value?
Given the following values, calculate the RPI:
Observed reticulocyte count = 6%
HCT = 30%